- Overview
- Installation
- Initialization
- Profile Identification
- Event tracking
- Push Notifications
- In-App Forms
- Additional Details
The Klaviyo Swift SDK allows developers to incorporate Klaviyo's analytics and push notification functionality into their iOS applications. The SDK assists in identifying users and tracking events via Klaviyo Client APIs. To reduce performance overhead, API requests are queued and sent in batches. The queue is persisted to local storage so that data is not lost if the device is offline or the app is terminated.
Once integrated, your marketing team will be able to better understand your app users' needs and send them timely messages via APNs.
Enable push notification capabilities in your Xcode project. The section "Enable the push notification capability" in this Apple developer guide provides detailed instructions.
If you intend to use rich push notifications or custom badge counts add a Notification Service Extension to your Xcode project. A Notification Service Extension ships as a separate bundle inside your iOS app. To add this extension to your app:
- Select File > New > Target in Xcode.
- Select the Notification Service Extension target from the iOS > Application extension section.
- Click Next.
- Specify a name and other configuration details for your app extension.
- Click Finish.
⚠️ The deployment target of your notification service extension defaults to the latest iOS version. If this exceeds your app's minimum supported iOS version, push notifications may not display attached media on older devices. To avoid this, ensure the extension's minimum deployment target matches that of your app.⚠️ Set up an App Group between your main app target and your Notification Service Extension.
- Select your main app target > Signing & Capabilities
- Select + Capability (make sure it is set to All not Debug or Release) > App Groups
- Create a new App Group based on the recommended naming scheme
- In your app's
, add a new entry forklaviyo_app_group
as a String with the App Group name - Select your Notification Service Extension target > Signing & Capabilities
- Add an App Group with the same name as the main target's App Group
- In your Notification Service Extension's
, add a new entry forklaviyo_app_group
as a String with the App Group name
Based on which dependency manager you use, follow the instructions below to install the Klaviyo's dependencies.
Swift Package Manager [Recommended]
KlaviyoSwift and KlaviyoForms are available via Swift Package Manager. Follow the steps below to install.
- Open your project and navigate to your project’s settings.
- Select the Package Dependencies tab and click on the add button below the packages list.
- Enter the URL of the Swift SDK repository
in the text field. This should bring up the package on the screen. - For the dependency rule dropdown select - Up to Next Major Version and leave the pre-filled versions as is.
- Click Add Package.
- On the next prompt, assign the package product
to your app target andKlaviyoSwiftExtension
to the notification service extension target (if one was created) and click Add Package.
KlaviyoSwift is available through CocoaPods.
- To install, add the following lines to your Podfile. Be sure to replace
with the names of your app and notification service extension targets respectively.
target 'YourAppTarget' do pod 'KlaviyoSwift' end target 'YourAppTarget' do pod 'KlaviyoForms' end target 'YourAppNotificationServiceExtenionTarget' do pod 'KlaviyoSwiftExtension' end
- Run
pod install
to complete the integration. The library can be kept up-to-date viapod update KlaviyoSwift
andpod update KlaviyoSwiftExtension
Finally, in the
file add the code for the two required delegates from this file. This sample covers calling into Klaviyo so that we can download and attach the media to the push notification as well as handle custom badge counts.
The SDK must be initialized with the short alphanumeric public API key for your Klaviyo account, also known as your Site ID.
// AppDelegate
import KlaviyoSwift
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
KlaviyoSDK().initialize(with: "YOUR_KLAVIYO_PUBLIC_API_KEY")
return true
The SDK should be initialized before any other Klaviyo SDK methods are called.
The SDK provides methods to identify your users as Klaviyo profiles via the Create Client Profile API. A profile can be identified by any combination of the following:
- External ID: A unique identifier used by customers to associate Klaviyo profiles with profiles in an external system, such as a point-of-sale system. Format varies based on the external system.
- Individual's email address
- Individual's phone number in E.164 format
These above identifiers are persisted to local storage so that the SDK can keep track of the current user/profile for you when you make event requests or want to set a push token etc.
Profile identifiers can be set all at once or individually. Either way, the SDK will group and batch API calls to improve performance.
The following code demonstrates how to set profile identifiers:
// organization, title, image, location and additional properties (dictionary) can also be set using the below constructor
let profile = Profile(email: "[email protected]", firstName: "Blob", lastName: "Jr.")
KlaviyoSDK().set(profile: profile)
// or setting individual properties
KlaviyoSDK().set(profileAttribute: .firstName, value: "Blob")
KlaviyoSDK().set(profileAttribute: .lastName, value: "Jr.")
To start a new profile altogether (e.g. if a user logs out) either call KlaviyoSDK().resetProfile()
to clear the currently tracked profile identifiers,
or use KlaviyoSDK().set(profile: profile)
to overwrite it with a new profile object.
// start a profile for Blob Jr.
let profile = Profile(email: "[email protected]", firstName: "Blob", lastName: "Jr.")
KlaviyoSDK().set(profile: profile)
// stop tracking Blob Jr.
// start a profile for Robin Hood
let profile = Profile(email: "[email protected]", firstName: "Robin", lastName: "Hood")
KlaviyoSDK().set(profile: profile)
Klaviyo will track unidentified users with an autogenerated ID whenever a push token is set or an event is created. That way, you can collect push tokens and track events prior to collecting profile identifiers such as email or phone number. When an identifier is provided, Klaviyo will merge the anonymous user with an identified user.
The SDK provides tools for tracking events that users perform on your app via the Create Client Event API. Below is an example of how to track an event:
// using a predefined event name
let event = Event(name: .StartedCheckoutMetric,
properties: [
"name": "cool t-shirt",
"color": "blue",
"size": "medium",
value: 166 )
KlaviyoSDK().create(event: event)
// using a custom event name
let customEvent = Event(name: .CustomEvent("Checkout Completed"),
properties: [
"name": "cool t-shirt",
"color": "blue",
"size": "medium",
value: 166)
KlaviyoSDK().create(event: customEvent)
The create
method takes an event object as an argument. The event can be constructed with the following arguments:
- [required]
: The name of the event you want to track, as aEventName
enum. A list of common Klaviyo defined event metrics can be found inEvent.EventName
. You can also create custom events by using theCustomEvent
enum case ofEvent.EventName
: A dictionary of properties that are specific to the event. This argument is optional.value
: A numeric value (Double
) to associate with this event. For example, the dollar amount of a purchase.
- An apple developer account.
- Configure iOS push notifications in Klaviyo account settings.
In order to send push notifications to your users, you must collect their push tokens and register them with Klaviyo.
This is done via the KlaviyoSDK().set(pushToken:)
method, which registers a push token and current authorization state
via the Create Client Push Token API.
- Call
to request a push token from APNs. This is typically done in theapplication:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
method of your app delegate. - Implement the delegate method
in your application delegate to receive the push token from APNs and register it with Klaviyo.
Below is the code to do both of the above steps:
import KlaviyoSwift
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
KlaviyoSDK().initialize(with: "YOUR_KLAVIYO_PUBLIC_API_KEY")
return true
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: Data) {
KlaviyoSDK().set(pushToken: deviceToken)
Once the push token is obtained, the next step is to request permission from your users to send them push notifications.
You can add the permission request code anywhere in your application where it makes sense to prompt users for this permission.
Apple provides some guidelines
on the best practices for when and how to ask for this permission. The following example demonstrates how to request push permissions
within the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
method in the application delegate file. However, it's worth noting that this may not be the ideal location as it could interrupt the app's startup experience.
After setting a push token, the Klaviyo SDK will automatically track changes to the user's notification permission whenever the application is opened or resumed from the background.
Below is example code to request push notification permission:
import UserNotifications
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
KlaviyoSDK().initialize(with: "YOUR_KLAVIYO_PUBLIC_API_KEY")
let center = UNUserNotificationCenter.current()
center.delegate = self as? UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate // the type casting can be removed once the delegate has been implemented
let options: UNAuthorizationOptions = [.alert, .sound, .badge]
// use the below options if you are interested in using provisional push notifications. Note that using this will not
// show the push notifications prompt to the user.
// let options: UNAuthorizationOptions = [.alert, .sound, .badge, .provisional]
center.requestAuthorization(options: options) { granted, error in
if let error = error {
// Handle the error here.
print("error = ", error)
// Irrespective of the authorization status call `registerForRemoteNotifications` here so that
// the `didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken` delegate is called. Doing this
// will make sure that Klaviyo always has the latest push authorization status.
DispatchQueue.main.async {
return true
When a user taps on a push notification, Implement userNotificationCenter:didReceive:withCompletionHandler
and userNotificationCenter:willPresent:withCompletionHandler
in your application delegate to handle receiving push notifications
when the app is in the background and foreground respectively.
Below is an example of how to handle push notifications in your app delegate:
// be sure to set the UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate to self in the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method (refer the requesting push notification permission section above for more details on this)
extension AppDelegate: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
// below method will be called when the user interacts with the push notification
func userNotificationCenter(
_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter,
didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse,
withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
// If this notification is Klaviyo's notification we'll handle it
// else pass it on to the next push notification service to which it may belong
let handled = KlaviyoSDK().handle(notificationResponse: response, withCompletionHandler: completionHandler)
if !handled {
// below method is called when the app receives push notifications when the app is the foreground
func userNotificationCenter(
_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter,
willPresent notification: UNNotification,
withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
if #available(iOS 14.0, *) {
completionHandler([.list, .banner])
} else {
Once your first push notifications are sent and opened, you should start to see Opened Push metrics within your Klaviyo dashboard.
ℹ️ Your app needs to use version 1.7.2 at a minimum in order for the below steps to work.
Deep Links allow you to navigate to a particular page within your app in response to the user opening a push notification.
You need to configure deep links in your app for them to work. The configuration process for Klaviyo is no different from what is required for handling deep linking in general, so you can follow the Apple documentation for deep linking in conjunction with the steps outlined here.
You have two options for implementing deep links: URL schemes and Universal Links.
URL schemes are the traditional and simpler way of deep linking from a push notification to your app. However, these links will only work if your mobile app is installed on a device and will not be understood by a web browser if, for example, you want to link from an email to your app.
In order for Apple to route a deep link to your application you need to register a URL scheme in your application's Info.plist file. This can be done using the editor that xcode provides from the Info tab of your project settings or by editing the Info.plist directly.
The required fields are as following:
- Identifier - The identifier you supply with your scheme distinguishes your app from others that declare support for the same scheme. To ensure uniqueness, specify a reverse DNS string that incorporates your company’s domain and app name. Although using a reverse DNS string is a best practice, it doesn’t prevent other apps from registering the same scheme and handling the associated links.
- URL schemes - In the URL Schemes box, specify the prefix you use for your URLs.
- Role - Since your app will be editing the role select the role as editor.
In order to edit the Info.plist directly, just fill in your app specific details and paste this in your plist.
Since iOS 9 Apple has mandated that the URL schemes that your app can open need to also be listed in the Info.plist. This is in addition to Step 1 above. Even if your app isn't opening any other apps, you still need to list your app's URL scheme in order for deep linking to work.
This needs to be done in the Info.plist directly:
<string>{your custom URL scheme}</string>
Steps 1 and 2 enable your app to receive deep links, but you also need to handle these links within your app.
This is done by implementing the application:openURL:options:
method in your app delegate.
func application(
_ app: UIApplication,
open url: URL,
options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]
) -> Bool {
guard let components = NSURLComponents(url: url, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: true)
else {
print("Invalid deep linking URL")
return false
print("components: \(components.debugDescription)")
return true
If you are using SwiftUI, then you can implement onOpenURL(perform:)
as a view modifier in the view you intent to handle deep links. This may or may not be the root of your scene.
struct MyApplication: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
.onOpenURL { url in
// handle the URL that must be opened
Finally, we have an example app (Examples/KlaviyoSwiftExamples
) in the SDK repo that you can reference to get an example of how to implement deep links in your app.
Once the above steps are complete, you can send push notifications from the Klaviyo Push editor within the Klaviyo website. Here you can build and send a push notification through Klaviyo to make sure that the URL shows up in the handler you implemented in Step 3.
Additionally, you can also locally trigger a deep link to make sure your code is working using the below command in the terminal.
xcrun simctl openurl booted {your_URL_here}
Universal links are a more modern way of handling deep links and are recommended by Apple. They are more secure and provide a better user experience. However, unlike URL schemes they require a bit more setup that is highlighted in these Apple docs.
Once you have the setup from the Apple docs in place you will need to modify the push open tracking as described below:
extension AppDelegate: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
let handled = KlaviyoSDK().handle(notificationResponse: response, withCompletionHandler: completionHandler) { url in
print("deep link is ", url)
if !handled {
// not a klaviyo notification should be handled by other app code
Note that the deep link handler will be called back on the main thread. If you want to handle URL schemes in addition to universal links you implement them as described in Option 1: URL Schemes.
ℹ️ Rich push notifications are supported in SDK version 2.2.0 and higher
Rich Push is the ability to add images to push notification messages. Once the steps
in the Installation section are complete, you should have a notification service extension in your
project setup with the code from the KlaviyoSwiftExtension
. Below are instructions on how to test rich push notifications.
- To test rich push notifications, you will need three things:
- Any push notifications tester like Apple's official push notification console or a third party software such as this.
- A push notification payload that resembles what Klaviyo would send to you. The below payload should work as long as the image is valid:
"aps": {
"alert": {
"title": "Free apple vision pro",
"body": "Free Apple vision pro when you buy a Klaviyo subscription."
"mutable-content": 1
"rich-media": "https://www.apple.com/v/apple-vision-pro/a/images/overview/hero/portrait_base__bwsgtdddcl7m_large.jpg",
"rich-media-type": "jpg"
- A real device's push notification token. This can be printed out to the console from the
method inAppDelegate
Once you have these three things, you can then use the push notifications tester and send a local push notification to make sure that everything was set up correctly.
ℹ️ Setting or incrementing the badge count is available in SDK version 4.1.0 and higher
Klaviyo supports setting or incrementing the badge count when you send a push notification. For this functionality to work, you must set up the Notification Service Extension and an App Group as outlined under the Installation section.
By default, the Klaviyo SDK automatically clears the badge count on app open. If you want to disable this behavior, add a new entry for klaviyo_badge_autoclearing
as a Boolean set to NO
in your app's Info.plist
. You can re-enable automatically clearing badges by setting this value to YES
Klaviyo SDK will automatically handle the badge count associated with Klaviyo pushes. If you need to manually update the badge count to account for other notification sources, use the KlaviyoSDK().setBadgeCount(:)
method, which will update the badge count and keep it in sync with the Klaviyo SDK. This method should be used instead of (rather than in addition to) setting the badge count using UNUserNotificationCenter
and/or UIApplication
ℹ️ In-app forms support is available in SDK version 4.2.0 and higher
In-app forms are messages displayed to mobile app users while they are actively using an app. You can create new in-app forms in a drag-and-drop editor in the Sign-Up Forms tab in Klaviyo. Follow the instructions in this section to integrate forms with your app. The SDK will display forms according to their targeting and behavior settings and collect delivery and engagement analytics automatically.
- Using Klaviyo SDK version 4.2.0 and higher
- Imported
SDK modules and adding it to the app target.
To display in-app forms, add the following code to your application.
import KlaviyoSwift
import KlaviyoForms
// Refer the behavior section for where to place this code.
.initialize(with: "YOUR_KLAVIYO_PUBLIC_API_KEY")
// if registering else where after `KlaviyoSDK` is initialized
Once registerForInAppForms()
is called, the SDK will load form data for your account and display no more than one form within 15 seconds, based on form targeting and behavior settings.
You can call registerForInAppForms()
any time after initializing with your public API key to control when and where in your app's UI a form can appear. It is safe to register multiple times per application session. The SDK will internally prevent multiple forms appearing at once.
Consider how often you want to register for forms. Below are some ideas on when forms can potentially be shown,
App State | Lifecycle Method | Example Implementation |
App Launched (Cold Start) | application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) |
See here |
App Became Active | applicationDidBecomeActive(_:) |
See here |
Any App View Controller | viewDidLoad() |
See here |
Registering from applicationDidBecomeActive(_:)
is advisable as it increases the chance of your user seeing the form. However, be advised that this will be shown as soon as the form is ready in the SDK, so you may still need to condition this based on the user's context within your application. Future versions of this product will provide more control in this regard.
Note: At this time, when device orientation changes any currently visible form is closed and will not be re-displayed automatically.
Deep linking to a particular screen based on user action from an IAF is similar to handling deep links originating from push notifications. Step 3 of the deep linking section outlines exactly how this can be achieved. For further information on how the deep link is handled, see Apple's documentation.
ℹ️ Sandbox support is available in SDK version 2.2.0 and higher
Apple has two environments with push notification support - Production and Sandbox. The Production environment supports sending push notifications to real users when an app is published in the App Store or TestFlight. In contrast, Sandbox applications that support push notifications are those signed with iOS Development Certificates, instead of iOS Distribution Certificates. Sandbox acts as a staging environment, allowing you to test your applications in a environment similar to but distinct from Production without having to worry about sending messages to real users.
Our SDK supports the use of Sandbox for push as well. Klaviyo's SDK will determine and store the environment that your push token belongs to and communicate that to our backend, allowing your tokens to route sends to the correct environments. There is no additional setup needed. As long as you have deployed your application to Sandbox with our SDK employed to transmit push tokens to our backend, the ability to send and receive push on these Sandbox applications should work out-of-the-box.
Starting with version 1.7.0, the SDK will cache incoming data and flush it back to the Klaviyo API on an interval. The interval is based on the network link currently in use by the app. The table below shows the flush interval used for each type of connection:
Network | Interval |
WWAN/Wifi | 10 seconds |
Cellular | 30 seconds |
Connection determination is based on notifications from our reachability service. When there is no network available, the SDK will cache data until the network becomes available again. All data sent by the SDK should be available shortly after it is flushed by the SDK.
The SDK will retry API requests that fail under certain conditions. For example, if a network timeout occurs, the request will be retried on the next flush interval.
In addition, if the SDK receives a rate limiting error 429
from the Klaviyo API, it will use exponential backoff with jitter to retry the next request.
See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the Klaviyo Swift SDK. We welcome your feedback in the issues section of our public GitHub repository.
KlaviyoSwift is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.