bdn2csv is a Python parser that converts SAS Business Data Network (BDN) XML Export file to CSV Import file
As the SAS BDN can be:
- imported from XML or CSV file but
- exported only to XML file,
bdn2csv transforms an XML Export file into an equivalent CSV Import file:
for a user to edit it manually as a spreadsheet,
for a developer to process it programmatically as a table
and to import the result CSV file into SAS BDN.
import bdn2csv
bdn2csv.convert(xml_path="./Export.xml", csv_path="./Import.csv")
cd bdn2csv
python "./Export.xml" "./Import.csv"
git clone
cd bdn2csv
python -m pip install bdn2csv
The path2id feature:
- parses SAS BDN REST API GET /terms response JSON and
- computes the one-to-one mapping between term paths and ids
to construct a CSV file with term path and id as columns, each row corresponding to a term.
Example of usage as a CLI:
cd bdn2csv
python --path2id "./Response.json" "./path-id.csv"