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PostgreSQL to Neo4j ETL Project

This project is built for migrating PostgreSQL db to Neo4j database. Given below is the neo4j graph db creation process. Here I use Neo4j community edition.


This is the db structure of PostgreSQL and Neo4j versions.

DB Structure

With the help of this docker images, you can migrate your rdbms to graph database. All you have to do is;

  • create your rdbms' create script and initial sql insert scripts.
  • put them under /docker/postgres/sqls folder
  • update /docker/migration/headers/ txt files (these files are map of the extracted data from postgresql to graph db)
  • update /docker/migration/sqls txt files (these files are for exporting data from postgresql)


Given below is the folder definitions. These will give you a hint of what are these folders for.


Contains documents for docker image migration. This image is responsible for extracting data from postgresql in csv format. aftrer extration, script deletes the header of each file and change the header with the texts in the header folder. This headers are used to import data to graph db.


Contains all of the headers for graph db migration. These headers are added the first line of the extracted csv data from test-db. With the help of the headers the data could be created in graph under each node and edges.

Ex: Given below Catalog, SalesCategory and Catalog-SalesCategory headers

catalog Header


here; catalog_id: property name inside Catalog node ID: catalog_id is the id of the Catalog (CATALOG-ID): refers the namespace of this id. so we can use this id in other related csvs as a reference-id. name: property name inside Catalog node

sales_category-catalog Header


here; as this is a edge (relation) it contains START_ID, END_ID With ID spaces like here START_ID id space is CATALOG-ID, this is defined in catalog header file. And END_ID id space is CATEGORY-ID which is defined in sales_category header. :END_ID(SALES-CATEGORY-ID): refers end node of the relation and connected to the id space of sales_category.SALES-CATEGORY-ID :START_ID(CATALOG-ID): refers start node of the relation and connected to the id space of catalog.CATALOG-ID

sales_category Header


here; this file has almost same properties in catalog header. with its id property with id space of (SALES-CATEGORY-ID), and one more property is_deleted with boolean type.


there are 4 scripts

  • controller of all scripts.
  • check if postgres docker is available or not
  • extract data from postgres in csv format with copy command.
  • change the header of each extracted csv data with the given headers in header folder.


contains the sql scripts to extract data from postgres database.


contains neo4j docker image related files, most important folder here for our application is import folder, cause this folder is mapped with migration docker image so extracted header-changed cvs files will be mapped to neo4j docker image by volume, so when the neo4j is started, the extracted header-changed csv files will be imported to graph db by neo4j-admin tool.


  • controller script for neo4j docker image. first load neo4j with related csvs and at the background starts neo4j graph
  • check if all of the csvs are extracted to import folder with checking if completed.txt file is created if yes, than with neo4j-admin import command, import all of the nodes and edges.
  • after neo4j graph has been started, change password and create related indexes.


initially nothing in this folder, but after neo4j is started, neo4j conf file will be reached in this folder


initially nothing in this folder, but after neo4j is started, neo4j graph db will be reached in this folder


initially nothing in this folder, but after neo4j is started, extracted csvs and completed.txt files will be reached in this folder


initially nothing in this folder, but after neo4j is started, log files will be reached in this folder


This folder is for postgres docker image, only create-db and initial load scripts are under /postgres/sqls/local folder.

Setting up the application

Local Configuration

  • test database is created under /docker/postgres/sqls folder (if you want to change the db update these files)
  • run the image docker-compose --build --force-recreate migration postgres neo4j

After your local run, if you want to run it again, than you have to clean the graph db data, better to run the script to delete the previously created configuration for graph data.

If everything is fine than given below output will be displayed NEO4J-IMAGE-OUTPUT please wait till the indexes are created.

Afterwards you can reach the graph given link, when you click the link you will display the graph in a browser. GRAPH-DB

This is the result of imported csvs to graph db. IMPORT-OUTPUT

###Caveat node and edge names have been defined in the bash scripts in an array called NODES, so if you want to import specific node or edge, please update these arrays. Arrays are inside these bash script files.

  • /docker/migration/ : NODES array for changing headers of the csv files
  • /docker/migration/ : NODES array for copy command on postgresql to extract data to csv file

Also if you changed the nodes to be imported to the Graph DB, than you have to update the neo4j-admin import command parameters too. this script is for importing csv files to graph db.

  • /docker/neo4j/scripts/

  • sql script has to be inside the /docker/migration/sql folder and has to be one line, so save it in txt format.

  • sql script txt file name and header txt file name has to be same.


ETL tool for postgres rdbms to neo4j graph db






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