Kubescape is an E2E Kubernetes cluster security platform
What's Changed
- fix operator network policy for admission controller port by @amirmalka in #642
- use a noop exporter for logs instead of disabling by @matthyx in #644
- include more resources to ignoreDifferences ArgoCD App by @StefanCenusa in #646
- kubescape/kubescape@v3.0.30...v3.0.31
- fix score calculation for framework with all controls in status irrelevant by @amirmalka in kubescape/kubescape#1802
- Bump github.com/go-jose/go-jose/v3 from 3.0.3 to 3.0.4 by https://github.com/dependabot in kubescape/kubescape#1803
- kubescape/operator@v0.2.74...v0.2.77
- fix exporter alert data by @afek854 in kubescape/operator#297
- add pullsecrets from pod for scanAP by @matthyx in kubescape/operator#298
- kubescape/kubevuln@v0.3.65...v0.3.66
- discard vulnerabilitymanifest created from old sbom by @matthyx in kubescape/kubevuln#280
- kubescape/storage@v0.0.161...v0.0.166
- unregister applicationactivity and networkneighbors by @matthyx in kubescape/storage#200
- remove goroutine from lock acquisition by @matthyx in kubescape/storage#201
- prune metadata if gob file not found by @matthyx in kubescape/storage#202
- kubescape/node-agent@v0.2.263...v0.2.269
- Added fallback by @afek854 in kubescape/node-agent#496
- Adding backoff on runc originated processes by @amitschendel in kubescape/node-agent#497
- Removing path from malicious paths by @amitschendel in kubescape/node-agent#498
- Removing container specification from message as this comes in the me… by @amitschendel in kubescape/node-agent#500
- kubescape/synchronizer@v0.0.99...v0.0.100
- fix pulsar reader loop by @amirmalka in kubescape/synchronizer#106
New Contributors
- @StefanCenusa made their first contribution in #646
Full Changelog: kubescape-operator-1.26.3...kubescape-operator-1.26.4