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Front end common method collection | 前端常用方法集合

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Front end common method collection

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  1. Front-end commonly used methods collection collection , to facilitate the usual development ( part of the method from the Internet )
  2. Modular development, easy to reference
  3. support tree shaking, in order to reduce the size of the package


Translated with (free version)


  • use the npm method
npm i fecmjs
// 1. Use all modules
import * as Fecmjs from 'fecmjs';
const flag = Fecmjs.isEmail('[email protected]');
console.log(flag); // true
// 2. When you only need to use some functions, you can import some modules (recommended)
import {isEmail} from 'fecmjs';
const flag = isEmail('[email protected]');
console.log(flag); // true
  • Use <script></script> to import
<script src="https://cdn.xxxx/fecmjs.min.js"></script>
    var flag = fecmjs.checkEmail('[email protected]');
    console.log(flag); // true
  • getCurrentTimestamp

    Get current timestamp


    import {getCurrentTimestamp} from 'femcjs';
    console.log(getCurrentTimestamp()) // 1730129184412
  • getDateByFewdays

    Depending on the time of day, get the date a few days before or a few days after that time

    parameter name description default value
    fewdays The number of days to the target day to be acquired 0
    time target time new Date().getTime()
    1. When fewdays is a positive integer, get the next few days of the target date
    2. When fewdays is a negative integer, get the first few days of the target date


    // Get the first 30 days of 2024-10-28
    import {getCurrentTimestamp} from 'femcjs';
    console.log(-30, '2024-10-28'); // 2024-09-28
    // Get the last 30 days of 2024-10-28
    console.log(30, '2024-10-28'); // 2024-11-27
  • getDateByTimestamp

    Get the time based on the incoming timestamp

    parameter name description default value
    timestamp timestamp
    needHMS Whether you need to return hours, minutes and seconds false


    import {getDateByTimestamp} from 'femcjs';
    console.log(getDateByTimestamp('1730129184412')); // 2024-10-28
    console.log(getDateByTimestamp('1730129184412', true)); // 2024-10-28 23:26:24
  • getTimestampByDate

    Get timestamps based on specific dates

    parameter name description default value
    time Specific date. The format is the same as that passed in by new Date() new Date().getTime()


    1. Returns the timestamp of the current time by default
    2. The form of the input parameter is the same as the new Date() method.


    import {getTimestampByDate} from 'femcjs';
    console.log(getTimestampByDate()); // 1730131646512
    console.log(getTimestampByDate('2024-10-29')); // 1730160000000
    console.log(getTimestampByDate('2024-10-29 01:30')); // 1730136600000
  • isAndroid

    Is it currently Android

  • isIos

    Is the current system ios

  • isIpad

    Currently is not an ipad device

  • isIphone

    Currently not an iphone device

  • isMoblie

    Is it currently mobile

  • isPc

    Is it currently a pc

  • isWechat

    Whether the current environment is WeChat

  • $

    Returns the Dom object

    parameter name description default value
    selectName css selector
    1. if there is more than one Dom, then return an array
    2. if there is only one Dom, return a single Dom.
  • addClass

    Adds a class name to a Dom object.

    parameter name description default value
    selectName css selector or dom object
    nameList The name of the class to be added
    1. nameList can be passed as an array when you want to add multiple class names.
    2. nameList can be passed as a string if you want to add a single class name.


    import {addClass} from 'femcjs';
    addClass('#dom', ['name1', 'name2', 'nam3']);
  • getClass

    Get the class name of a Dom object

    parameter name description default value
    selectName css selector or dom object

    Returns an array of the object's class names

  • removeClass

    Remove one or more class names from a Dom object.

    parameter name description default value
    selectName css selector or dom object
    nameList Class name to be deleted
    1. nameList can be passed as an array if you want to delete multiple class names.
    2. nameList can be passed as a string if you want to delete a single class name.
  • setStyle

    Setting the style of a Dom object

    parameter name description default value
    selectName css selector or dom object
    style The style to be set
    1. style can be passed as an object when you want to set multiple styles.
    2. style can be passed as a string when you want to set a single style.


    import {setStyle} from 'femcjs';
    setStyle('#dom', {color: 'red', backgroundColor: '#000'}); // set multiple styles
    setStyle('#dom', 'color: red'); // set a single style
  • getDomInfo

    Get information about a dom, or a NodeList.

    parameter name description default value
    selectName A css selector or a dom object, or a set of NodeLists.
    1. If selectName is a set of NodeLists, return an array of information consisting of the NodeLists.


    import {setStyle} from 'femcjs';
    console.log(getDomInfo($('li'))); // [DOMRect, DOMRect]
  • isExceedParentHeight

    Determine if a child element exceeds the height of the parent element

    parameter name description default value
    parentSelectName Parent element class name selector or dom object
    childSelectName Child element class name selector or dom object

    The parent element has to set the height

  • isShowOnVisualArea

    Determine if an element appears in the visual area

    parameter name description default value
    selectName Element class name selector or dom object
  • setPageNoScroll

    Setting the page not to scroll

  • restorePageScroll

    Resume page scrolling

  • formatFileSize

    Formatting File Size

    parameter name description default value
    file file object {}


    import {formatFileSize} from 'femcjs';
    console.log(formatFileSize(file)); // 1.37KB
  • formatVideoDuration

    Formatted Video Duration

    parameter name description default value
    totalSeconds video duration 0


    import {formatVideoDuration} from 'femcjs';
    console.log(formatVideoDuration(3600)); // 01:00:00
  • getFileName

    Get the name of the file uploaded

    parameter name description default value
    file file objects
  • getFileSuffix

    Get the suffix of the uploaded file file

    parameter name description default value
    file file objects
  • getFilePreviewSrc

    Get the address of the uploaded file preview

    parameter name description default value
    file file objects
    1. Mainly used for previewing uploaded images
    2. Note the use of the revokeObjectURL method to reclaim memory.


    import {getFilePreviewSrc, $} from 'femcjs';
    const previewSrc = getFilePreviewSrc(file);
    $('#preview_img').src = previewSrc;
  • isFileAudioType

    Is the uploaded file an audio type

    parameter name description default value
    file file objects
  • isFilePicType

    Is the uploaded file an image type

    parameter name description default value
    file file objects
  • isFileVideoType

    Is the uploaded file an video type

    parameter name description default value
    file file objects
  • isContentSrtFormat

    Is the content format an srt file format

    parameter name description default value
    textStr Contents text
  • emptyObj

    Whether the current object has no value

  • isArr

    Whether the current type is array or not

  • isDate

    Whether the current type is Date or not

  • isFn

    Whether the current type is function or not

  • isNull

    Whether the current is null or not

  • isNum

    Whether the current type is number or not

  • isObj

    Whether the current type is Object or not

  • isStr

    Whether the current type is String or not

  • isUndefined

    Whether the current type is Undefined or not

  • isHtmlObj

    Whether the current object is an htmlDom object.

  • isNodeList

    Whether the current object is NodeList or not.

  • chunkArrBySize

    Returns an array grouped according to a specified size.

    parameter name description default value
    array array being manipulated
    size Size to specify


    import {chunkArrBySize} from 'femcjs';
    const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];
    const SIZE = 3;
    console.log(chunkArrBySize(arr, SIZE)); // [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8]]
  • removeArrayItem

    Deleting an item in an array

    parameter name description default value
    array array being manipulated
    item Items to be deleted
    newone Whether to return a new array without changing the size of the original array false
    1. item can only be of type string or numeric.
    2. if newone = false; changes the size of the original array
    3. if newone = true; does not change the size of the original array, returns a new target array


    import {removeArrayItem} from 'femcjs';
    const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 'hello', 'lee', 7, 8];
    console.log(removeArrayItem(arr, 'hello', true)); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 'lee', 7, 8];
    console.log(arr); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 'hello', 'lee', 7, 8];
  • getLocalStorage

    Getting a value from local storage

    parameter name description default value
    key The key value to get
    1. if the key value is an object, return the object corresponding to the key value directly
    2. otherwise, return the string corresponding to the key value.


    // If localStorage stores info: {“name”: “lee”, “age”:29}, name: test
    import {getLocalStorage} from 'femcjs';
    console.log(getLocalStorage(info)); // {name: lee, age} objects
    console.log(getLocalStorage(name)); // test string
  • setLocalStorage

    Setting a LocalStorage value

    parameter name description default value
    key The value of the key to be set
    val The value corresponding to the key to be set

    val can be an object or a string


    import {setLocalStorage} from 'femcjs';
    setLocalStorage('info', {name: 'lee', age: 29}); // info ->  {"name":"lee","age":29}
  • removeLocalStorage

    Delete one or more locally stored values

    parameter name description default value
    key value of key to be deleted
    1. if key is an array, multiple corresponding key values can be removed
    2. if key is a string, then a single value is removed


    import {removeLocalStorage} from 'femcjs';
    console.log(removeLocalStorage(['info', 'test'])); // The values of info,test will be deleted.
  • clearLocalStorage

    Clear Local Storage


    import {clearLocalStorage} from 'femcjs';
  • containCN

    Does it contain Chinese

    parameter name description default value
    textStr Contents text

    Returns true whenever there is a Chinese character.

  • containEN

    Does it contain English

    parameter name description default value
    textStr Contents text

    Returns true whenever there is English.

    • containCNSpecialChar

    Whether to include Chinese special characters

    parameter name description default value
    textStr Contents text

    Returns true whenever there are Chinese special characters.

  • containENSpecialChar

    Whether to include English special characters

    parameter name description default value
    textStr Contents text

    Returns true whenever there is an English special character.

  • isAllCN

    Is it all in Chinese?

    parameter name description default value
    textStr Contents text

    Is it in pure Chinese (Contains Chinese special characters and numbers; Excluding English and special English characters)

  • isAllEN

    Is it all in English?

    parameter name description default value
    textStr Contents text

    Is it in pure English (Contains English special characters and numbers; Excluding English and special English characters)

  • isEmail

    Is it a mail format?

    parameter name description default value
    email email
  • isPhoneNum

    Is it a cell phone number format

    parameter name description default value
    phoneNumber mobile telephone number

    Verify Mainland China Cell Phone Number

  • isIntlPhone

    Is it an international cell phone number format

    parameter name description default value
    phoneNumber international cell phone number
  • getUrlValue

    Get the value of the url parameter

    parameter name description default value
    key The key of the value to get ''
    url The url link to get window.location.href
    1. When key is empty, an object consisting of the values of all the arguments of url is returned.
    2. When key is a value, the value of url as key is returned.


    import {getUrlValue} from 'femcjs';
    const url = 'http://localhost:5501/test/?name=lee&age=29'
    console.log(getUrlValue('', url)); // {name: 'lmc', age: 29}
    console.log(getUrlValue('name', url)); // 'lmc'
  • setUrlWithNorefresh

    Setting the url and not refreshing the page

    parameter name description default value
    key Value to be set {}


    import {setUrlWithNorefresh} from 'femcjs';
    console.log(setUrlWithNorefresh({name: 'lmc', age: 29}); // http://localhost:5501/test/?name=lmc&age=29
  • vue animation

    Supported animations are

    • fade-in: fade-in
    • fade-right-to-left: fade in from right to left
    • fade-top-to-bottom: fade in from top to bottom
    • fade-zoom-in: zoom in


    <Transition name="fade-right-to-left">
        <components v-if="show" />
  • css animation


    See dist/styles/css-ani.css for details.


    <!-- The element will be delayed 500ms to 750ms for a cyclic blinking animation -->
    <div class="shine time750 delay500"></div>