15 commits
to master
since this release
CI Report:
LinuxServer Changes:
Rebase to Alpine 3.21.
Remote Changes:
- 107ee50099498f6545e0c22318ec080bf168abd0 aither: bump engine tag
- f5cba8b4cdc95fb3c8cb97e972a868c71d2d7620 torrenttip: bump domain
- d9112ad1160f71f145b6ab3b917eb31fd7a00201 torrentsome: bump domain
- 3089d8aab955bceccf1df94e385cdfd81c177e4d torrentfunk: add sort, update cats, add verified, 100 results
- 430eb209a870bcb0dbbef3d33c6f3929a9f3ee55 dontorrent: new domain
- 7db4e278f60c79d328a6ce2667296135f084852d vsttorrents: new selectors
- fcbaf2e245ab0a5d54d4e077a0839dd99dceb132 tribalmixes: expired CA
- efce39853822616ebdec87484cf96c1343b0ab3b Update rudub.yml
- 395ec9b0c05ce2369513dabe0e20a5531b4e33c7 panda: new cat
- 2fca54a767b67e2ca9f8a4f1a6abc9cff313a74a bitporn: bump engine tag
See More
- 967e924669d1f246a79d8f44fe6dc87bda78c5ab abtorrents: new selectors
- 1195c71cf922c9b4dec168901a43c7d7e0247349 torrentfunk: update date format
This list of changes was auto generated.