Some lint tools are unhappy if there are any names which conflict ignoring case. See STARC- (page 14 of While this rule is clearly, clearly intended for human-written Verilog and not compiler-generated Verilog, it is on by default in some lint tools.
Add an emission option for ExportVerilog
that will unique names within a module ignoring case. This should include the module name in the check.
E.g., in the following, everything conflicts when ignoring case:
module {
hw.module @Foo(%Foo: i1) -> (foo: i1) {
%FOO = sv.wire : !hw.inout<i1>
%0 = sv.read_inout %FOO : !hw.inout<i1>
sv.assign %FOO, %Foo : i1
hw.output %0 : i1
Currently this produces:
module Foo(
input Foo,
output foo);
wire FOO = Foo;
assign foo = FOO;
Instead, this should produce something like:
module Foo(
input Foo_0,
output foo_1);
wire FOO_2 = Foo_0;
assign foo_1 = FOO_2;