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[calyx-to-hw] calyx.instance bug. #5828



I'm trying to use calyx for multi-component design, but I seem to be running into bugs when I use -lower-calyx-to-hw.After a period of exploration I have located the problem.I think there are two reasons.

# Here's the example I wrote.
# You can run circt-opt calyx-multi-component.mlir -lower-calyx-to-fsm -materialize-calyx-to-fsm -calyx-remove-groups-fsm -lower-calyx-to-hw to reproduce.
module attributes {calyx.entrypoint = "main"} { 
calyx.component @identity(%in: i32, %go: i1 {go}, %clk: i1 {clk}, %reset: i1 {reset}) -> (%out: i32, %done: i1 {done}) {, %r.write_en, %r.clk, %r.reset, %r.out, %r.done = calyx.register @r : i32, i1, i1, i1, i32, i1
  %c1_1 = hw.constant 1 : i1
  %true = hw.constant true
  calyx.wires { @save {
      calyx.assign = %in : i32 
      calyx.assign %r.write_en = %c1_1 : i1 
      calyx.group_done %r.done : i1
    calyx.assign %out = %r.out :i32

  calyx.control {
    calyx.seq {
      calyx.enable @save

calyx.component @main(%go: i1 {go}, %clk: i1 {clk}, %reset: i1 {reset}) -> (%done: i1 {done}) {, %id.go, %id.clk, %id.reset, %id.out, %id.done = calyx.instance @id of @identity : i32, i1, i1, i1, i32, i1, %r.write_en, %r.clk, %r.reset, %r.out, %r.done = calyx.register @r : i32, i1, i1, i1, i32, i1 
  %c1_1 = hw.constant 1 : i1
  %c1_10 = hw.constant 10 : i32

  calyx.wires { @run_id {
      calyx.assign = %c1_10 : i32
      calyx.assign %id.go = %c1_1 : i1
      calyx.group_done %id.done : i1
    } @use_id {
      calyx.assign = %id.out : i32
      calyx.assign %r.write_en = %c1_1: i1
      calyx.group_done %r.done: i1

  calyx.control {
    calyx.seq {
      calyx.invoke @id( = %c1_10) -> (i32)
      calyx.invoke @id( = %c1_10) -> (i32) 
      calyx.enable @run_id
      calyx.enable @use_id

Here cell will call getPortInfo, but cell could be calyx.instance, calyx.instance will look up the referenced component through the symbol table, look up calyx.component and then convert to ComponentInterface to get some port information,you can see here, but by this time calyx.component has already been lowered to hw.module, so the conversion is doomed to fail and will return a nullptr.

convertPrimitiveOp I don't think calyx.instance is included, I think the calyx.instance lower to hw is not implemented.

It actually took some time to locate this bug, I was actually heading towards fixing it, but I don't seem to have too many good ideas right now.



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