Probes can target the wrong signal when a local signal has the same name as the containing module. When given the following input, compiled with firtool xmr.fir
we get the subsequent verilog:
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Foo: %[[
"class": "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation",
"target": "~Foo|Problem2>w_probe"
"class": "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation",
"target": "~Foo|Baz>w"
public module Foo:
output out : UInt<1>
inst Foo of Problem
inst baz of Baz
connect out, read(baz.probe)
module Problem:
inst baz of Problem2
module Problem2:
wire w_probe : UInt<1>
connect w_probe, UInt<1>(1)
module Baz:
output probe : Probe<UInt<1>>
wire w : UInt<1>
connect w, UInt<1>(0)
define probe = probe(w)
// Generated by CIRCT unknown git version
module Foo(
output out
Problem Foo ();
Baz baz ();
assign out = Foo.baz.w_probe;
module Problem();
Problem2 baz ();
module Problem2();
wire w_probe = 1'h1;
module Baz();
wire w = 1'h0;
wire w_probe = w;
By sticking initial $monitor(out);
in the top module, we can see that the signal out
has the value 1
, which comes Problem2
, when we would expect it to have the value 0
from Baz