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Database Schema

londelidess edited this page Aug 23, 2023 · 8 revisions



| column name    | data type    | details                                  |
| id             | integer      | not null, primary key                    |
| username       | string       | not null, unique                         |
| email          | string       | not null, unique                         |
| hashed_password| string       | not null (hashed)                        |
  • Relationship | posts | relationship | one-to-many with Post | | comments | relationship | one-to-many with Comment | | likes | relationship | one-to-many with Like | | followers | relationship | many-to-many with User (self-referential) | | following | relationship | many-to-many with User (self-referential) |


| column name   | data type    | details                                          |
| id            | integer      | not null,  primary key                           |
| content       | string       | not null                                         |
| user_id       | integer      | not null,  foreign key (references User)         |
| post_date     | integer      | not null,  foreign key (references User)         |
  • user_id references users table

  • Relationship | comments | relationship | one-to-many with Comment | | likes | relationship | one-to-many with Like |


| column name   | data type    | details                                          |
| id            | integer      | not null, primary key                            |
| content       | string       | not null                                         |
| user_id       | integer      | not null,  foreign key (references User)         |
| post_id       | integer      | not null,  foreign key (references Post)         |
  • user_id references users table
  • post_id references posts table


| column name   | data type    | details                                          |
| id            | integer      | not null, primary key                            |
| user_id       | integer      | not null, indexed, foreign key (references User) |
| post_id       | integer      | not null, indexed, foreign key (references Post) |
  • user_id references users table
  • post_id references posts table


| column name   | data type    | details                                          |
| id            | integer      | not null, primary key                            |
| follower_id   | integer      | not null, indexed, foreign key (references User) |
| followed_id   | integer      | not null, indexed, foreign key (references User) |
  • follower_id references users table
  • followed_id references users table


| column name | data type | details                                                   |
| id          | integer   | not null, primary key                                     |
| post_id     | integer   | not null, indexed, foreign key (references posts)         |
| media_type  | string    | not null (e.g., 'image', 'video')                         |
| media_url   | string    | not null (URL to where the media is stored)               |
  • post_id references posts table
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