Founder of Currenton
Pick a slot if you'd like to chat or collaborate on your next project.
const lucadsign = {
pronouns: "He" | "Him",
code: ["HTML", "CSS", "JavaScript", "PowerShell"],
askMeAbout: ["web development", "automation", "open source"],
technologies: {
frontEnd: {
js: ["React", "Vue.js"],
css: ["Bootstrap", "Tailwind CSS"],
backEnd: {
js: ["Node.js", "Express.js"],
devOps: ["Docker", "GitHub Actions", "CI/CD"],
databases: ["MongoDB", "MySQL"],
misc: ["REST APIs", "GraphQL", "PowerShell Scripting"],
currentFocus: "Exploring advanced automation techniques and contributing to open-source projects.",
funFact: "I believe that 'it works on my machine' is a valid excuse!",
👇 Hit in your console or terminal to connect with me.
npx luca.dsign
👆 This command line tool can be found at npx luca.dsign and my portfolio can be found here.