ssdbgo is a Go Client for SSDB (
Some features include
- minimal, high performance
- support for all SSDB types and commands
- connection pooling support
- thread safe (goroutine safe)
- ssdbgo use ssdbgo.NewConnector(ssdbgo.Config{...}) to create connection with SSDB server. You can use ssdbgo.Config to set host, port, pool size, timeout, etc.
package main
import (
func main() {
conn, err := ssdbgo.NewConnector(ssdbgo.Config{
Host: "",
Port: 6380,
Timeout: 3, // timeout in second, default to 10
MaxConn: 1, // max connection number, default to 1
// Auth: "foobared",
if err != nil {
conn.Cmd("set", "key", "value")
Request: all SSDB operations go with ssdbgo.Connector.Cmd()
, it accepts variable arguments. The first argument of Cmd() is the SSDB command, for example "get", "set", etc. The rest arguments(maybe none) are the arguments of that command.
conn.Cmd("set", "key", "value")
conn.Cmd("incr", "key-incr", 1)
conn.Cmd("hset", "name-hash", "key-1", "value-1")
the ssdbgo.Connector.Cmd() method will return an Object of ssdbgo.Result
The element of ssdbgo.Result.Status is the response code, "ok"
means the current command are valid results. The response code may be "not_found"
if you are calling "get" on an non-exist key. all of the codes include:
const (
ResultOK = "ok"
ResultNotFound = "not_found"
ResultError = "error"
ResultFail = "fail"
ResultClientError = "client_error"
use the following method to get a dynamic data type what you want to need.
- ssdbgo.Result.Bytes() []byte
- ssdbgo.Result.String() string
- ssdbgo.Result.Bool() bool
- ssdbgo.Result.Int() int
- ssdbgo.Result.Int8() int8
- ssdbgo.Result.Int16() int16
- ssdbgo.Result.Int32() int32
- ssdbgo.Result.Int64() int64
- ssdbgo.Result.Uint() uint
- ssdbgo.Result.Uint8() uint8
- ssdbgo.Result.Uint16() uint16
- ssdbgo.Result.Uint32() uint32
- ssdbgo.Result.Uint64() uint64
- ssdbgo.Result.Float32() float32
- ssdbgo.Result.Float64() float64
- ssdbgo.Result.List() []ssdbgo.ResultBytes
- ssdbgo.Result.KvEach(fn func(key, value ssdbgo.ResultBytes)) int
- ssdbgo.Result.KvLen() int
- ssdbgo.Result.KvList() []*ssdbgo.ResultEntry
- ssdbgo.Result.JsonDecode(obj interface{}) error
// example 1
if rs := conn.Cmd("incr", "key-incr", 1); rs.OK() {
fmt.Println("return int", rs.Int())
// example 2
var rsobject struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
if rs := conn.Cmd("get", "key-json"); rs.OK() {
if err := rs.JsonDecode(&rsobject); err == nil {
fmt.Println("return", rsobject.Name)
the more examples of result.APIs can visit: example/example.go
- Official API documentation to checkout a complete list of all avilable commands.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0