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- You are tasked with creating a Todo application using Redux for state management and JSON Server to store the todos. The application should allow users to add a todo, update it (toggle its status and edit the title), and delete it. All changes should be reflected in the db.json file used by JSON Server.
Users can add, update (toggle status and edit title), and delete todos, reflecting changes in the db.json file used by JSON Server.
Todo actions are managed by Redux.
Redux-thunk is used to handle functions dispatched using the dispatcher function.
Minimal functions are used inside components, with action.js files for writing and dispatching functions.
Chakra UI is used for the app's design.
Theme toggle functionality is included, with the theme maintained by Redux in a separate reducer.
Loading and error indicators are added, with a separate reducer if required.
Logout functionality is implemented.
Users can filter todos based on their status (completed or pending).
Clone this repository.
Run npm install to install dependencies.
Start JSON Server: json-server --watch db.json --port 8080
Start the app: npm run dev
Add a new todo: Enter the todo title in the input field and press Enter.
Update a todo: Click on the todo title to edit it, then press Enter to save the changes.
Toggle a todo's status: Click on the checkbox next to the todo title.
Delete a todo: Click on the delete button next to the todo.
- To toggle between light and dark themes, click on the theme toggle button located in the app header.
- To filter todos based on their status, use the filter buttons located above the todo list.
- Click on 'All', 'Completed', or 'Pending' to filter the todos accordingly.
JSON Server
Chakra UI