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Configurable products option variants

Ruslan Kostiv edited this page Sep 29, 2020 · 7 revisions

design document

catalog.proto updates:

  • ProductVariation contains id and product_id (in current implementation id=product id, need to be fixed)

Configurable product variants overview

Let's assume we have configurable product [id=42] with 2 options:


color: [red, blue]

size: [l, xl]

[color, size] are attribute codes (options)

[red, blue, l, xl] are option values

System has 3 simple products which reflects 3 combinations of those options (blue-xl, red-xl, red-l)

  1. simple "Blue XL" {id: 1, storeViewId: ["default"], color: "blue", size: "xl"}
  2. simple "Red XL" {id: 2, storeViewId: ["default", "storeview2"], color: "red", size: "xl"}
  3. simple "Red L" {id: 3, storeViewId: ["default", "storeview2"], color: "red", size: "l"}

Saas-export part

in et_schema.xml there's the following structure for ProductVariant:

    <record name="ProductVariant">
        <field name="id" type="ID" />
        <field name="option_valuess" type="string" repeated="true" />
        <field name="product_id" type="string"/>


product_id = 1,2,3 in our case

id (variantIdBasedOnPIM) is a unique field that describes product variant and has a specific format.

option_values represents an array of product option values and has a specific format.

Variant id and option_values generation

id (variantId) has the following format

:prefix:/:parentId:/:simpleProductId: where

:prefix: - for the configurable product is configurable

:parentId: - is configurable product id (parent_id) that is 42.

:simpleProductId: - is an id of simple product that represents variation.

for other types of product id of variant will be the following:

bundle - bundle/:bundleProductId:/:bundleProductOptionId:// subject to change

grouped - grouped/:simpleProductId:// subject to change

downloadable - downloadable/:downloadableProductId: // subject to change

custom_option - custom-option/:customOptionId:/:customOptionValueUID:// subject to change

in our case we have the following ids:

configurable/42/1 (blue-xl) --> variantId1BasedOnPIM

configurable/42/2 (red-xl) --> variantId2BasedOnPIM

configurable/42/3 (red-l) --> variantId3BasedOnPIM

option_values has the following format

parent_id:option_id/optionValue.uid where

parent_id - is configurable product id (parent_id) that is 42.

Note: for configurable/bundle parent_id = configurable/bundle product id respectively for other types of options downloadable/custom-options parent_id = simple-product-id

:option_id: - for configurable product attribute_code is used to determine option_id.

<record name="ProductOptionValue">
    <field name="id" type="ID" /> <!-- attribute_code of product custom attribute for configurable product

:optionValue.uid: - is uid of product option value (see \Magento\CatalogDataExporter\Model\Provider\Product\ProductOptions\OptionValueUid)

optionValue.uid explanation
Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpjb2xvci1pZDovOmJsdWUtaWQ6== base64_encode('configurable/color/:blue-id:')
Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpzaXplLWlkOi86eGwtaWQ6 base64_encode('configurable/size/:xl-id:')
Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpjb2xvci1pZDovOnJlZC1pZDo= base64_encode('configurable/color/:red-id:')
Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpzaXplLWlkOi86eGwtaWQ6 base64_encode('configurable/size/:xl-id:')
Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpjb2xvci1pZDovOnJlZC1pZDo= base64_encode('configurable/color/:red-id:')
Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpzaXplLWlkOi86bC1pZDo= base64_encode('configurable/size/:l-id:')

so exported ProductVariants will look like this:

product_id id feed_data
1 configurable/42/1 {"id":"configurable/42/1","product_id": 1,"option_values":["42:color/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpjb2xvci1pZDovOmJsdWUtaWQ6==", "42:size/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpzaXplLWlkOi86eGwtaWQ6"]}
2 configurable/42/2 {"id":"configurable/42/2","product_id": 2,"option_values":["42:color/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpjb2xvci1pZDovOnJlZC1pZDo=", "42:size/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpzaXplLWlkOi86eGwtaWQ6"]}
3 configurable/42/3 {"id":"configurable/42/3","product_id": 3,"option_values":["42:color/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpjb2xvci1pZDovOnJlZC1pZDo=", "42:size/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpzaXplLWlkOi86bC1pZDo="]}

Storefront Application part

Import API (ImportProductVariants) should split option_values and save them as separate records into SF App storage. Parent id can be parsed from option_values too

product_id id feed_data
1 configurable/42/1 {"id":"configurable/42/1","product_id": 1,"parent_id": 42,"option_values":["42:color/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpjb2xvci1pZDovOmJsdWUtaWQ6==", "42:size/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpzaXplLWlkOi86eGwtaWQ6"]}
id option_value product_id parent_id
configurable/42/1 42:color/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpjb2xvci1pZDovOmJsdWUtaWQ6== 1 42
configurable/42/1 42:size/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpzaXplLWlkOi86eGwtaWQ6 1 42
in SF storage

Imported variants looks like the following:

id option_value product_id parent_id
configurable/42/1 42:color/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpjb2xvci1pZDovOmJsdWUtaWQ6== 1 42
configurable/42/1 42:size/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpzaXplLWlkOi86eGwtaWQ6 1 42
configurable/42/2 42:color/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpjb2xvci1pZDovOnJlZC1pZDo= 2 42
configurable/42/2 42:size/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpzaXplLWlkOi86eGwtaWQ6 2 42
configurable/42/3 42:color/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpjb2xvci1pZDovOnJlZC1pZDo= 3 42
configurable/42/3 42:size/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpzaXplLWlkOi86bC1pZDo= 3 42

Variant service requests.

The proto scheme has the following structure for variants service

message OptionSelectionRequest
    string storeViewId = 1;
    repeated string values = 2;
message ProductVariantResponse {
    repeated ProductVariant matchedVariants = 3;
service VariantSearchService {
    // get all variants that belong to a product
    rpc GetProductVariants (ProductVariantRequest) returns (ProductVariantResponse);
    // match the variants which correspond, and do not contradict, the merchant selection (%like operation)
    rpc GetVariantsMatch (OptionSelectionRequest) returns (ProductVariantResponse);
    // match the variants which exactly matched with merchant selection (&& operation)
    rpc GetVariantsExactlyMatch (OptionSelectionRequest) returns (ProductVariantResponse);
    // get all variants which contain at least one of merchant selection (|| operation)
    rpc GetVariantsInclude (OptionSelectionRequest) returns (ProductVariantResponse);

Get all variants for a configurable product with id 42

rpc GetProductVariants (ProductVariantRequest) returns (ProductVariantResponse)

  1. internal Request to get variants data for by parent id: getVariants(parent_id, ...)
$parentId = 42;
$productVariantResponse = $variantService->getVariants($parentId);

// proto message ProductVariantResponse { repeated ProductVariant matchedVariants = 3; } Result has ProductVariantResponse like data.

        id: "configurable/42/1"
        option_value: "42:color/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpjb2xvci1pZDovOmJsdWUtaWQ6==",
        product_id: 1,
        parent_id: 42
        id: "configurable/42/1"
        option_value: "42:size/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpzaXplLWlkOi86eGwtaWQ6",
        product_id: 1,
        parent_id: 42
        id: "configurable/42/2"
        option_value: "42:color/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpjb2xvci1pZDovOnJlZC1pZDo=",
        product_id: 2,
        parent_id: 42
  1. Collect these product_id (simple product ids) from $productVariantResponse and make request to products storage to find only those are available.
// proto
rpc getProducts (ProductsGetRequest) returns (ProductsGetResult) {}

@see \Magento\CatalogStorefront\Model\CatalogService::getProducts for existing getProducts service implementation


    [1, 2, 3],// product_ids
    3,// storeViewId
    ["id", "status"] // attribute_code


        id: 1, // simple product id that represents blue-xl variant
        status: true
        id: 2, // simple product id that represents red-xml variant
        status: false
        id: 3, // simple product id that represents red-l variant
        status: true
  1. In a step 1 all possible variants fetched for configurable product with id 42. Now need filter them and return simple product that are available (status: true from step 2) As final result product variants that related to products #1 and #3.
        id: "configurable/42/1"
        option_value: "42:color/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpjb2xvci1pZDovOmJsdWUtaWQ6==",
        product_id: 1,
        parent_id: 42
        id: "configurable/42/1"
        option_value: "42:size/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpzaXplLWlkOi86eGwtaWQ6",
        product_id: 1,
        parent_id: 42
        id: "configurable/42/3"
        option_value: "42:color/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpjb2xvci1pZDovOnJlZC1pZDo=",
        product_id: 3,
        parent_id: 42
        id: "configurable/42/3"
        option_value: "42:size/Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzpzaXplLWlkOi86bC1pZDo=",
        product_id: 3,
        parent_id: 42

For explanation of other service refer to this document

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