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Api references
Oleksandr Kravchuk edited this page May 3, 2020
4 revisions
For more information, you can also check the In-Store Pickup API usage tutorial.
- GetPickupLocationsInterface - a service to retrieve a list of Pickup Locations, filtered by multiple criteria. The service is exposed as webapi.
SearchRequestInterface - data transfer object, container for AreaInterface, FiltersInterface, scope type and code criterias together with pagination and sorting. Can be extended with
. - SearchResultInterface - data transfer object, contains SearchRequestInterface, collection of PickupLocationInterface and total count.
PickupLocationInterface - data transfer object, contains pickup location data (code, name, email, fax, contact name, description, latitude, longitude, country, region, city, street, postcode, phone). Can be extended with
. - AreaInterface - data transfer object, contains radius and search term for distance search.
- FiltersInterface - data transfer object, container for FilterInterface which can be used to apply filter by different fields (country, postcode, region, city and street).
- FilterInterface - data transfer object, provides filter description: value and condition type.
ProductInfoInterface - data transfer object, provide product information which can be used for filtration. It can be extended with
. - SearchRequestBuilderInterface - facade which aggregate multiple setters for creation of SearchRequestInterface.
- SearchCriteriaResolverInterface - service which is used to interpret SearchRequestInterface into framework Search Criteria.
- ResolverInterface - part resolver interface, which provide possibility to interpret PickupLocationInterface certain part into framework Search Criteria arguments.
- GetPickupLocationInterface - sugar service to retrieve single PickupLocationInterface by code, sales channel code and type.
- ExtractorInterface - service which is used as post-processor for SourceInterface collection, before it will be mapped to PickupLocationInterface collection.
- StrategyInterface - strategy interface, which can be applied during extraction process.
- ParserInterface - parser, which can be used to parse Search Term into the data for AddressInterface.
- PreProcessorInterface - pre-processor interface, which can be used to pre-process certain field which was taken from SourceInterface before it will be passed into PickupLocationInterface.
- SearchCriteriaResolverChain - implements SearchCriteriaResolverInterface, contains and invoke different ResolverInterface.
- Mapper - service used to map SourceInterface into PickupLocationInterface.
- Extractor - implements ExtractorInterface, contains multiple StrategyInterface and invoke those which meet the criteria.
- Pipeline - contains multiple ParserInterface and invoke them to parse search term into data for AddressInterface.
- DelimiterConfig - provides value of delimiter from configurations for Search Term.
- SearchCriteriaBuilderDecorator - provides service contract decoration for framework SearchCriteriaBuilder.
- pickupLocations query - describe query for retrieval of PickupLocations type - collection of PickupLocation.
- AreaInput input - parameters for distance-based search.
- PickupLocationFilterInput input - parameters for filter search.
- PickupLocationSortInput input - parameters for sorting.
- PickupLocations type - collection of PickupLocation, contains items, page information and total count.
- PickupLocation type - describe Pickup Location data.
- IsInStorePickupDeliveryCartInterface - sugar service to check if cart uses In-Store Pickup delivery method.
- IsInStorePickupDeliveryAvailableForCartInterface - service to check if In-Store Pickup delivery method can be applied for the cart.
RequestValidatorInterface - service to validate if In-Store Pickup delivery method can be used for current
. - GetShippingPriceInterface - service to provide price for In-Store Pickup delivery, based on RateRequest.
- InStorePickup - delivery method model.
- RequestValidatorChain - implements RequestValidatorInterface, contains different RequestValidatorInterface validators to check if cart uses In-Store Pickup delivery method.
- GetCarrierTitle - provides In-Store Pickup delivery method title from configuration.
- ShippingAddressInput input - extended with pickup_location_code - provides possibility to pass Pickup Location code which will be used for delivery.
- ShippingCartAddress type - extended with pickup_location_code - provides information about applied Pickup Location code.
- NotifyOrdersAreReadyForPickupInterface - sends email about that orders are ready for pickup. It executes release of reserved products quantity, stock deduction and 'fake' shipment creation for each order. The service is exposed as webapi.
- ResultInterface - data transfer object, provides result of NotifyOrdersAreReadyForPickupInterface execution. It contains status and error messages in case of failure.
- IsOrderReadyForPickupInterface - service to provide check if order is ready for pickup.
- IsStorePickupOrderInterface - provides information if order was placed with usage of In-Store Pickup delivery.
Multi-Source Inventory developed by Magento 2 Community
- Technical Vision. Catalog Inventory
- Installation Guide
- List of Inventory APIs and their legacy analogs
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- Known Issues in Order Lifecycle
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- MSI Release Notes and Installation
- Overview
- Get Started with MSI
- MSI features and processes
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- Configure Source Selection Algorithm
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- Create Stock
- Assign Inventory and Product Notifications
- Configure MSI backorders
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- Mass Action Tool
- Shipment and Order Management
- CLI reference
- Reports and MSI
- DevDocs Documentation
- Manage Inventory Management Modules (install/upgrade info)
- Inventory Management
- Reservations
- Inventory CLI reference
- Inventory API reference
- Inventory In-Store Pickup API reference
- Order Processing with Inventory Management
- Managing sources
- Managing stocks
- Link and unlink stocks and sources
- Manage source items
- Perform bulk actions
- Manage Low-Quantity Notifications
- Check salable quantities
- Manage source selection algorithms
- User Stories
- Support of Store Pickup for MSI
- Product list assignment per Source
- Source assignment per Product
- Stocks to Sales Channel Mapping
- Adapt Product Import/Export to support multi Sourcing
- Introduce SourceCode attribute for Source and SourceItem entities
- Assign Source Selector for Processing of Returns Credit Memo
- User Scenarios:
- Technical Designs:
- Module Structure in MSI
- When should an interface go into the Model directory and when should it go in the Api directory?
- Source and Stock Item configuration Design and DB structure
- Stock and Source Configuration design
- Open Technical Questions
- Inconsistent saving of Stock Data
- Source API
- Source WebAPI
- Sources to Sales Channels mapping
- Service Contracts MSI
- Salable Quantity Calculation and Mechanism of Reservations
- StockItem indexation
- Web API and How To cover them with Functional Testing
- Source Selection Algorithms
- Validation of Domain Entities
- PHP 7 Syntax usage for Magento contribution
- The first step towards pre generated IDs. And how this will improve your Integration tests
- The Concept of Default Source and Domain Driven Design
- Extension Point of Product Import/Export
- Source Selection Algorithm
- SourceItem Entity Extension
- Design Document for changing SerializerInterface
- Stock Management for Order Cancelation
- Admin UI
- MFTF Extension Tests
- Weekly MSI Demos
- Tutorials