Command | Description |
git init |
Initialize a new Git repository. |
git clone <repository> |
Clone a remote repository to your local machine. |
git add <file> |
Add changes in a file to the staging area. |
git commit -m "message" |
Commit staged changes with a descriptive message. |
git status |
View the status of your working directory. |
Command | Description |
git config --global "Your Name" |
Set your global username. |
git config --global "[email protected]" |
Set your global email. |
Command | Description |
git branch |
List all branches in the repository. |
git branch <new-branch> |
Create a new branch. |
git branch -d <branch> |
Delete a merged branch. |
git branch -D <branch> |
Force delete an unmerged branch. |
git checkout <branch> |
Switch to a different branch. |
git checkout -b <new-branch> |
Create and switch to a new branch. |
git merge <branch> |
Merge changes from a branch into the current branch. |
git merge --no-ff <branch> |
Perform a non-fast-forward merge. |
git log --graph --oneline --all |
Show a graph of the commit history for all branches. |
git log --left-right <branch>...<branch> |
Show commits that are unique to each branch. |
git log --merges <branch>..<branch> |
Show merge commits between two branches. |
Command | Description |
git add <file> |
Add changes in a file to the staging area. |
git add -p <file> |
Interactively stage parts of a file. |
git mv <old-file> <new-file> |
Move or rename a file. |
git rm --cached <file> |
Unstage changes in a file. |
git rm --force <file> |
Unstage and delete a file. |
git reset HEAD <file> |
Unstage changes in a file. |
git reset --hard HEAD <file> |
Unstage and delete changes in a file. |
git clean -f |
Remove untracked files from the working tree. |
git clean -f -d -x |
Recursively remove untracked files and directories from the working tree. |
Command | Description |
git diff |
Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc. |
git log |
View commit history. |
git log --oneline --graph |
Show a compact graph of the commit history. |
git log --patch |
Show changes introduced by each commit. |
git log --decorate --graph --oneline |
Show a graph with decorations and one-line commit messages. |
git log --grep "pattern" |
Search for commits with a specific message pattern. |
git show HEAD |
Display information about the latest commit. |
git show HEAD^ |
Display information about the parent of the latest commit. |
git blame <file> |
Show what revision and author last modified each line of a file. |
Command | Description |
git checkout <commit> |
Switch to a specific commit (detached HEAD state). |
git restore <file> |
Discard changes in the working directory. |
git reset <commit> |
Move the current branch to a specific commit. |
git reset HEAD~ |
Undo the most recent commits |
git reset --soft <commit> |
Move the branch pointer without changing staging area. |
git reset --mixed <commit> |
Move the branch pointer and reset staging area. |
git reset --hard <commit> |
Move the branch pointer, staging area, and working directory. |
git revert <commit> |
Create a new commit that undoes changes from a specific commit. |
git cherry-pick <commit> |
Apply a specific commit from one branch to another. |
git reflog |
View a log of all branch references. |
git rebase <base-branch> |
Reapply commits from one branch onto another. |
git rebase -i <base-branch> |
Interactive rebase (reorder, squash, edit commits). |
git rebase --continue |
Continue the rebase after resolving conflicts. |
git rebase --interactive HEAD~3 |
Interactively rebase back to the last 3 commits. |
git rebase --abort |
Abort an ongoing rebase. |
git commit --amend -m "message" |
Change the last commit message. |
git commit --fixup <commit> |
Create a fixup commit to be combined later. |
git commit --squash <commit> |
Combine a commit with the previous commit. |
Command | Description |
git clean -n |
List untracked files to be removed. |
git clean -f |
Remove untracked files. |
Command | Description |
git remote |
List remote repositories. |
git remote -v |
List remote repositories and their URLs. |
git remote show <remote> |
Show information about a remote repository. |
git remote add <name> <url> |
Add a new remote repository. |
git remote rename <old-name> <new-name> |
Rename a remote repository. |
git remote remove <name> |
Remove a remote repository. |
git fetch <remote> |
Fetch changes from a remote repository. |
git fetch <remote> <branch> |
Fetch changes from a specific branch on a remote repository. |
git fetch upstream |
Fetch changes from the upstream repository. |
git pull <remote> <branch> |
Pull and merge changes from a remote repository. |
git pull --rebase <remote> <branch> |
Pull changes from a remote while rebasing your local commits. |
git pull --rebase --autostash <remote> <branch> |
Pull changes and auto-stash local changes. |
git push <remote> <branch> |
Push local changes to a remote repository. |
git push --force <remote> <branch> |
Force push local changes to a remote repository. |
git push --all <remote> |
Push all branches to a remote repository. |
git push --tags <remote> |
Push all tags to a remote repository. |
git push <remote> --delete <branch> |
Delete a branch on a remote repository. |
git push <remote> :<tag> |
Delete a tag on a remote repository. |
git push <remote> --tags |
Push tags to a remote repository. |
git push --set-upstream <remote> <branch> |
Set the upstream branch for the current local branch. |
git branch -dr <remote>/<branch> |
Delete a remote tracking branch. |
git ls-remote <remote> |
List references in a remote repository. |
git clone --mirror <repository> |
Clone a repository as a mirrored copy. |
Command | Description |
git tag |
List all tags in the repository. |
git tag <tag-name> |
Create a lightweight tag. |
git tag -a <tag-name> -m "message" |
Create an annotated tag with a message. |
git tag -d <tag-name> |
Delete a local tag. |
git push <remote> <tag-name> |
Push a local tag to a remote repository. |
git push <remote> --tags |
Push all local tags to a remote repository. |
git show <tag-name> |
Display information about a tag. |
git tag -l "pattern" |
List tags that match a pattern. |
git tag -a <tag-name> <commit> |
Create a tag for a specific commit. |
git tag --contains <commit> |
List tags that contain a specific commit. |
git tag -d $(git tag -l) |
Delete all local tags. |
git push <remote> :refs/tags/<tag-name> |
Delete a remote tag. |
Command | Description |
git fetch |
Download objects and refs from another repository. |
git pull --rebase |
Pull changes from a remote while rebasing your local commits. |
Command | Description |
git stash |
Temporarily save changes that are not ready to be committed. |
git submodule |
Manage Git submodules within your repository. |
Command | Description |
git stash |
Temporarily save changes that are not ready to be committed. |
git stash save "message" |
Save changes to a new stash with a message. |
git stash list |
List all stashes in the repository. |
git stash show |
Show changes in the most recent stash. |
git stash show stash@{n} |
Show changes in a specific stash. |
git stash show -p stash@{n} |
Show changes with diff in a specific stash. |
git stash apply |
Apply the most recent stash without removing it. |
git stash apply stash@{n} |
Apply a specific stash without removing it. |
git stash pop |
Apply and remove the most recent stash. |
git stash pop stash@{n} |
Apply and remove a specific stash. |
git stash branch <branch-name> |
Create a new branch from a stash. |
git stash drop |
Remove the most recent stash. |
git stash drop stash@{n} |
Remove a specific stash. |
git stash clear |
Remove all stashes. |
git stash show -u |
Show untracked files in the stash. |
Command | Description |
git submodule add <repository> |
Add a new submodule to your repository. |
git submodule init |
Initialize submodules in your repository. |
git submodule update |
Update submodules to their latest commit. |
git submodule update --init |
Initialize and update submodules. |
git submodule update --remote |
Update submodules to the latest remote commit. |
git submodule status |
Show the status of submodules. |
git submodule foreach <command> |
Run a Git command in each submodule. |
git submodule sync |
Update URLs for submodules. |
git submodule foreach --recursive <command> |
Run a Git command recursively in each submodule. |
git submodule add -b <branch> <repository> |
Add a submodule with a specific branch. |
git submodule deinit <submodule> |
Deinitialize a submodule. |
git submodule update --remote <submodule> |
Update a specific submodule to the latest remote commit. |
git submodule update --recursive |
Update submodules and their submodules recursively. |
git submodule foreach --recursive git pull origin master |
Update all submodules and their nested submodules. |
Helpful Links
Remember: Git commands can be powerful. Always double-check before executing critical operations.