In a not too distant life, I was a Solutions Architect for Google Cloud Platform (GCP). I had the privilege to contribute to GCP solutions and blog.
I'm currently a Solutions Architect for Google Medical Brain, a team within larger Google Brain forcusing on applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the field of healthcare and life sciences.
The one thing that hasn't changed across my different roles, is my passion and belief in GCP being the best cloud platform, specially for doing data analysis and AI. Even in my internal-facing role, I heavily rely on GCP for my daily job. I've decided to publicly share some of my little utilities here. I hope you find them useful!
- These utilities are not official Google products.
- Thoughts and statements are my own and don't represent my employer.
- I release the source codes under Apache License, Version 2.0 .
- Some of these utilities use billable GCP services. The onus is on you to understand the pricing model and be conscious of the costs.