A Python package for a two-way 2D transformation between old and new slovenian coordinates system.
PySitra is a python written library two-way (currently 2D only!) transformation between old and new slovenian coordinates system. The project and it's name (Python Slovenian Transformation) is inspired by the popular Slovenian web portal for online point transformation between old (D48GK) and new (D96TM) coordinate systems, called SitraNet.si, and it's C-written command-line-friendly successor Geo Coordinate Converter. Library comes with a handy command-line utility tool that enables an easy batch conversion of shapefiles and coma-separated ascii files.
Current version supports two most commonly used transformating methods for 2D point transformations:
- triangle: affine 6-parametric 2D triangle transformation, based on 899 Slovenian reference points (best accuracy)
- 24regions: a simplified 4-parametric 2D transformation, where parameteres are precalculated for 24 Slovenian regions (more info)
Program contains spatailly precalculated regional transformation parameters, but also allows a manual specification of transformation parameters for both available methods.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Library is primarily intended and therefore mostly suitable for slovenian coordinate systems D48GK (espg: 3912) and D96TM (epsg: 3794)!
For more theoretical background, see the official GURS webpage.
Installing on Linux:
Library is available on PyPi repository, so it can easily be installed with pip:
pip install pysitra
Mind that prerequisites for such a simplicity of course include having Python (2 or 3) and pip installed on your system.
Library depends on some powerful, but sometimes hard-to-install Python libraries (numpy,scipy,pandas,geopandas),
that themselves need some (standard) geospatial system dependencies (GEOS,
GDAL), all installable by sudo apt-get ...
. For more on installing those on Linux, see
this page.
Installing on Windows:
Installing pysitra on Windows is straightforward, but it takes a bit more steps:
- First, if you don't even have a Python installed, the easiest way to setup the proper Python environment and its dependencies is by installing Anaconda. This is a Python distibution that ships with most of the popular libraries out of the box.
- Despite Anaconda's awesomeness, libraries that require non-python GEOS and GDAL are best
separetely installed by downloading the .whl file that matches your Python and Windows (32 or 64 bit) version from this repo.
Download appropriate wheels for GDAL,
Fiona and
Shapely and install them with
pip install *.whl
. - Compliling non-pure Python dependencies on Windows also requires C++ compilers, so in case of installation errors, make sure you have Visual C++ Build Tools package installed. If you are using Python2.7, double check also for Visual C++ 2008 Service Pack 1 and Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7.
- Then you can install pysitra with pip as in the above, Linux example.
1.1. Transforming python lists of points:
from pysitra import SloTransformation
# List of point that you want converted into d96 via several methods
D48_POINTS = [(500000,100000),(0,0),(650000,200000)]
# Initialize a Triangle Transformation object
ts_triangle = SloTransformation(from_crs="d48",method="triangle")
# Initialize a 24regions transformation object
ts_24region = SloTransformation(from_crs="d48",method="24regions")
# Initialize a affine transformation object with your own parameters
ts_triangle_manual = SloTransformation(from_crs="d48",method="triangle",params="1.00001;0.000040647;-374.668;-0.00002241;1.000006;494.8428".split(";"))
# Note, that seemingly redundant recreation of different transformations as a separate object comes very handy, when you want to
# transform many files/lists at once, so you don't have to perform the expensive transformation object initialization
# for every file/list separately.
# Once you have transformation object initialized, you can use it's .transform() method to transform old points into
# new points quite cheaply:
print("Triangle transformation (affine 6parametric):")
print("24regions transformation (4parametric):")
print( ts_24region.transform(D48_POINTS))
print("Triangle transformation with custom parameters:")
1.2. Transforming files with python
from pysitra import shp_transformation,csv_transformation
from pysitra.utils import recognize_csv_separator,check_for_csv_header
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
#read shapefile into GeoDataFrame and transform it and save it as into new shapefile
df_in = gpd.read_file("shapefile_in_d48.shp")
df_out = shp_transformation(df_in,from_crs="d48",method="24regions")
csv_file = "terrain_measurements_in_d48.csv"
sep = recognize_csv_separator(csv_file) #guess the separator type
header = check_for_csv_header(csv_file) #check if file has header
#read csv file into DataFrame, transform them by triangle method with custom parameters and save it to csv.
csv_in = pd.read_csv(csv_file, sep=sep, header=header)
csv_out = csv_transformation(df_in=csv_in, from_crs="d48", method="triangle", params="1.00001;0.000040647;-374.668;-0.00002241;1.000006;494.8428".split(";"))
1.3. Using low level functions to transform point-by-point
from pysitra import trans_2R_4params,trans_2R_6params
D48_POINTS = [(500000,100000), (0,0), (650000,200000)]
for point in D48_POINTS:
# 4parametric transformation with params: scale,rotation,trans_x,trans_y
x, y = trans_2R_4params(point[0], point[1], params=[0.9999873226,0.0009846750,378.755,-493.382])
print(x, y)
# 6parametric transformation with params a,b,c,d,e,f
x, y = trans_2R_6params(point[0], point[1], params=[1.00001,0.000040647,-374.668,-0.00002241,1.000006,494.8428])
print(x, y)
Transformations on a file (directory) level are best carried out by
using the command line utility, that automatically ships and installs
with the library. Utility can be invoked with the command sitra
your shell. Calling sitra --help
brings up commands overview with
available options:
$ sitra --help Usage: sitra [OPTIONS] FILE_IN [FILE_OUT] Options: --to_crs [d48|d96] Coordinate system to transform your data into [required] --method [triangle|24regions] Transformation method to be used --params TEXT Optional argument: semicolon separated manual parameters, required for each transformation method (24regions:4params, triangle:6params,... --help Show this message and exit.
is a mandatory input. Valid input file type are ESRI Shapefiles (*.shp) or plain ASCII csv files (*.csv, *.txt)If no outfile name is given as input
, the same filename with extension _{crs} will be used automaticaly! (e.g.: shapefile.shp --> shapefile_d96.shp)If input file is ASCII type, program will try to autodetect field for easting and northing by checking the column values range and column names
If input file is type *.shp, program check its EPSG code and will complain if input's crs is not reverse of the desired crs! No such test can be performed with ascii input types
is mandatory and can only bed96
(=EPSG:3794) ord48
(=EPSG:3912).default value for
(best accuracy)default value for
(they get calculated automatically - best accuracy)in case you want to perform transformation with your own transformation parameters, you have to specify them manually with an option
in a following style:for affine triangle transformation (=2R-6parameters transformation):
... -method=triangular --params="scale_x;rotation_y;translation_x;rotation_x;scale_y;translation_y" ...
for simplified 2R-4parameters transformation (which is used in 24regions transformation)
... --method=24regions --params="scale;CCW_rotation[dec °];translation_x[m];translation_y[m]" ...
note the apostrophe
around the semicolon-separated values in both cases! See the actual examples below!
A minimal example usage for transforming shapefile with default settings (--method=triangle) will save result into 'old_shapefile_d96.shp'
sitra --to_crs=d96 old_shapefile.shp
Another example, this time with --method=24regions and specified output:
sitra --to_crs=d96 --method=24regions old_shapefile.shp new_shapefile.shp
Example with csv file (note that no csv format specification is needed --> separator and x,y,z columns are automatically guessed!):
sitra --to_crs=d48 --method=24regions Cool_points.csv Back_to_MariaTheresa_times.csv
In all the above examples the transformation parameters were automatically calculated based on a chosen method and point location. But you can also specify your own parameters, but you have to make sure you pass correct number of parameters in right order for the corresponding transformation method. Here is an example for custom affine 6-parametric 2R transformation (~triangle) d48-->d96 tranformation. (Parameters are given in order a,b,c,d,e,f, based on this `standard naming convention <http://geocoordinateconverter.tk/>`__):
sitra --to_crs=d96 --method=triangle --params='1.00001;0.000040647;-374.668;-0.00002241;1.000006;494.8428' old_points.csv new_points.csv
For a 4-parameteric 2R transformation (~24regions) from d96 to back to d48 using your own transformation parameters, do the following: (example parameters based on a region No.1 of the `d96-->d48 24region transformation <http://www.e-prostor.gov.si/fileadmin/ogs/drz_parametri/24_regij_PARAMETRI_D96-D48.pdf>`__) :
sitra --to_crs=d96 --method=24regions --params="0.9999873226;0.0009846750;378.755;-493.382" old_points.csv new_points.csv
- Implementation for 3D points conversion (7-parametric transformation) --> 1region,3regions,7regions transformation
- Implementation for projcs-->geocs transformation (GEOID model!)
- Marjan Moderc, ARSO, Slovenia - the coding wizardy - GitHub
- Regina Kolenc, ARSO, Slovenia - mathematical-geodetic background
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details