tool is a tool designed to help you easily manage your standalone MatrixOne server, such as deploying, starting, stopping, connect and much more fun admin operations for you to discover!
Depending on whether your machine has access to the Internet or not, you can choose to install mo_ctl
online or offline. Please remember to run the commands as root or a user with sudo privileges (and add sudo
to each command). Also
will use unzip
command to extract mo_ctl
, thus please make sure unzip
is installed.
# Option-A. install with the Internet
wget && bash +x ./
# download from
# wget && bash +x ./
# Option-B. install without the Internet
# 1. download them to your local pc first, then upload them to your server machine
wget -O
# 2. install from offline pacakge
bash +x ./
In case you have network issues accessing above address, you can use the backup address below.
# backup address
# Option-A. install with the Internet
wget && bash +x
# Option-B. install without the Internet
# 1. download them to your pc first, then upload them to your machine
wget -O
# 2. install from offline pacakge
bash +x ./
You can uninstall mo_ctl using below command.
wget && bash +x ./
# backup address
wget && bash +x
# on Ubuntu, MacOS or any other Linux with a non-root user with sudo privilges
wget && sudo bash +x
After mo_ctl
is installed, you can use mo_ctl help
to print help info on how to use.
- Take a quick look at the tool guide.
mo_ctl help
- Note that some pre-requisites are required by
, and usemo_ctl precheck
to check if your machine meets them. Refer to chapter Reference for more info on how to install them. - Set some configurations
mo_ctl get_conf MO_PATH # check default value of mo path to be installed
mo_ctl set_conf MO_PATH="/data/mo/20230701/matrixone" # set your own mo path
mo_ctl set_conf MO_GIT_URL="" # in case have network issues, you can set this conf by overwritting default value MO_GIT_URL=""
- Deploy a standalone mo instance of latest stable release version(current: 0.8.0)
mo_ctl deploy
- Check mo-service status
mo_ctl status
- Connect to mo-service after a few seconds when mo-service's initialization is finished
mo_ctl connect
- Now enjoy your journey with MatrixOne via mo_ctl! For more help, please check chapter Reference
github@shpc2-10-222-1-9:/data$ mo_ctl help
Usage : mo_ctl [option_1] [option_2]
Options :
[option_1] : available: auto_backup | auto_clean_logs | auto_log_rotate | backup | clean_backup | clean_logs | connect | csv_convert | ddl_convert | deploy | get_branch | get_cid | get_conf | help | monitor | pprof | precheck | restart | set_conf | sql | start | status | stop | uninstall | upgrade | version | watchdog
auto_backup : setup a crontab task to backup your databases automatically
auto_clean_logs : set up a crontab task to clean system log table data automatically
auto_log_rotate : set up a crontab task to split and compress mo-service log file automatically
backup : create a backup of your databases manually
build_image : build an MO image from source code
clean_backup : clean old backups older than conf 31 days manually
clean_logs : clean system log table data manually
connect : connect to mo via mysql client using connection info configured
csv_convert : convert a csv file to a sql file in format "insert into values" or "load data inline format='csv'"
ddl_convert : convert a ddl file to mo format from other types of database
deploy : deploy mo onto the path configured
get_branch : upgrade or downgrade mo from current version to a target commit id or stable version
get_cid : print mo git commit id from the path configured
get_conf : get configurations
help : print help information
monitor : monitor system related operations
pprof : collect pprof information
precheck : check pre-requisites for mo_ctl
restart : a combination operation of stop and start
set_conf : set configurations
sql : execute sql from string, or a file or a path containg multiple files
start : start mo-service from the path configured
status : check if there's any mo process running on this machine
stop : stop all mo-service processes found on this machine
uninstall : uninstall mo from path MO_PATH=/data/mo/test/matrixone
upgrade : upgrade or downgrade mo from current version to a target commit id or stable version
version : show mo_ctl and matrixone version
watchdog : setup a watchdog crontab task for mo-service to keep it alive
[option_2] : Option for [option_1]. Use 'mo_ctl [option_1] help' to get more info
Examples : mo_ctl status
mo_ctl status help