I'm Manuel, an open-source enthusiast, active contributor, and automation lover.
I love open source. I am not a heavy maintainer of any large libraries, but I really like the boyscout rule.
When I see something to be improved, I do it. When I see a project
that simplifies my life and many others. I use my skills to improve it even more.
I contribute to things as I come across issues that I think other people might struggle with.
This may be things that are overlooked by someone who is deep into the library.
I π a good onboarding readme with good example.
- git-chglog/git-chglog - CHANGELOG generator implemented in Go (Golang). (2 days ago)
- MV-Consulting/mvc-projen - Projen templates for our projects (1 week ago)
- mavogel/go-ssh-forward - A simple library to establish a forward via a jump host in go (2 weeks ago)
- MV-Consulting/cdk-vscode-server - Set up your own VSCode Server on AWS in under 10 minutes βοΈ (1 month ago)
- MV-Consulting/awscdk-rootmail - An opinionated way to secure your AWS root email boxes (1 month ago)
- MV-Consulting/awscdk-rootmail (v0.0.299, 3 days ago) - An opinionated way to secure your AWS root email boxes
- MV-Consulting/projen-cdk-hugo-pipeline (v0.0.425, 4 days ago) - The corresponding projen template for the AWS CDK Construct
- MV-Consulting/cdk-hugo-pipeline (v0.0.406, 4 days ago) - This is an AWS CDK Construct for building and deploying Hugo Static websites with an all-in-one infrastructure-as-code deployment on AWS
- MV-Consulting/cdk-vscode-server (v0.0.29, 4 days ago) - Set up your own VSCode Server on AWS in under 10 minutes βοΈ
- MV-Consulting/mvc-projen (v0.0.7, 1 week ago) - Projen templates for our projects
- contentful/template-marketing-webapp-nextjs - Next.js marketing website starter template (4 days ago)
- maxritter/max-ritter-website - My personal website, created with Vite, React & Tailwind (1 week ago)
- sonnylazuardi/cursor-talk-to-figma-mcp - Cursor Talk To Figma MCP (1 week ago)
- jetbridge/cdk-nextjs - Deploy a NextJS application using AWS CDK (1 week ago)
- astral-sh/uv - An extremely fast Python package and project manager, written in Rust. (1 week ago)