A Typescript promise wrapper to communicate with the DJI Tello drone in Nodejs
You will need a DJI Ryze Tello drone and Nodejs installed.
npm install tello-node --save
const tello = TelloNode.getInstance(TelloNode.getDefaultConfig())
await tello.connect()
const battery = await tello.send('battery?')
const tello = TelloNode.getInstance({
tello: '' // address of Tello Drone
command: 8889 // port on which Tello will be listening for commands
state: 8890 // port on which to listen for Tello state messages
server: '' // address of server, should be localhost
timeout: 3000 // number of miliseconds to wait for a command be responded to
silent: false // print logs to console
await tello.connect()
const battery = await tello.send('battery?')
const battery = await TelloNode.getInstance(TelloNode.getDefaultConfig()).send('battery?')
See /examples for more information.