Releases: meilisearch/meilisearch-rails
Releases · meilisearch/meilisearch-rails
v0.14.3 🚂
🚀 Enhancements
Allow custom group names in multi search (#391) @ellnix
From the README:
You can search the same index multiple times by specifying:index_uid
:query = 'hero' multi_search_results = MeiliSearch::Rails.multi_search( 'Isekai Manga' => { q: query, class_name: 'Manga', filters: 'genre:isekai', index_uid: 'mangas_production' } 'Shounen Manga' => { q: query, class_name: 'Manga', filters: 'genre:shounen', index_uid: 'mangas_production' } 'Steampunk Manga' => { q: query, class_name: 'Manga', filters: 'genre:steampunk', index_uid: 'mangas_production' } )
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fix will_paginate crash when Meilisearch disabled (#385) @ellnix
- Properly set
in Kaminari (#395) @ellnix - Prevent background job queuing when deactivated (#401) @ellnix
Thanks again to @ellnix! 🎉
v0.14.2 🚂
⚠️ Breaking changes
- Fix CI for after ubuntu-latest becomes ubuntu-24 (#378) @brunoocasali
🚀 Enhancements
- For kaminari fixes zero results bug (#376) @bendangelo
Thanks again to @bendangelo, @brunoocasali, @curquiza, @ellnix, @meili-bors[bot] ! 🎉
v0.14.1 🚂
🚀 Enhancements
- Split
by @ellnix in #350 - Fixed soft_deprecate warnings in meilisearch-ruby by @yassun in #372
- Remove searchable attr warning for nested attrs by @ellnix in #369
- Target ruby 3 with rubocop by @ellnix in #370
Thanks again to @brunoocasali, @curquiza, @kobaltz, @meili-bors[bot] ! 🎉
v0.14.0 🚂
v0.13.1 🚂
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: use block for each_result in multi_search (#360) @coder2000
Thanks again to @coder2000! 🎉
v0.13.0 🚂
🚀 Enhancements
- Implement the proximity precision option (#351) @KatsukiFujimoto
🐛 Bug Fixes
Thanks again to @KatsukiFujimoto, @brunoocasali, and @ellnix! 🎉
v0.12.0 🚂
🚀 Enhancements
Meilisearch Rails now supports multi search 🎉
multi_search_results = MeiliSearch::Rails.multi_search(
Book => { q: 'Harry' },
Manga => { q: 'Attack' }
See usage in the README.
Thanks again to @ellnix and @meili-bors[bot]! 🎉
v0.11.1 🚂
🐛 Bug Fixes
⚙️ Maintenance/misc
- Update release-drafter.yml (#327) @brunoocasali
Thanks again to @brunoocasali, @ellnix! 🎉
v0.11.0 🚂
🚀 Enhancements
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fix error when warning about pagy configuration redundancy (#295) @ellnix
- Correctly check if index settings have been updated (#301) @ellnix
- Fix facet search error (#320) @ellnix
- Fix race condition in queued record & document removal (#290) @ellnix
Thanks again to @brunoocasali, @ellnix! 🎉
v0.10.2 🛤
🚀 Enhancements
- Warn when you make missing attribute searchable (#293) @ellnix
- Update meilisearch-rails.gemspec (#313) @brunoocasali
⚙️ Maintenance/misc
- Update CI to use Ubuntu 22.04 (#308) @ellnix
- Properly clean up indexes after test suite runs (#299) @ellnix
- Make integration_spec randomizable (#296) @ellnix
- Update meilisearch-rails.gemspec (#313) @brunoocasali
- Add ruby/setup-ruby action & use ruby 2.7 (#314) @brunoocasali
Thanks again to @VaibhavWakde52, @brunoocasali, @curquiza, @ellnix, @meili-bors[bot] ! 🎉