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GL_EXT_spirv_intrinsics for SPIR V code gen

Steven Perron edited this page Feb 12, 2025 · 5 revisions

Deprecated: See the Inline SPIR-V wiki page for up-to-date information.


GL_EXT_spirv_intrinsics is a GLSL language extension to support embedding arbitrary SPIR-V instructions in the middle of the GLSL code similar to the inlined assembly in the C code. We designed the HLSL version of GL_EXT_spirv_intrinsics to allow developers to embed arbitrary SPIR-V instructions in the HLSL code.


  • Jaebaek Seo, Google
  • Jiao Lu, AMD
  • Tobias Hector, AMD

(Alphabetical order)


  • vk::ext_execution_mode(uint execution_mode, ...);
    • Stand-alone intrinsic function to emit an OpExecutionMode.
    • To specify extensions and/or capabilities needed by the OpExecutionMode, we have to use vk::ext_extension(string) and vk::ext_capability(uint) attributes (see below).
    • Return type: void
    • uint execution_mode must be a constant expression.
    • Extra parameters must be constant expressions. Some execution modes e.g., Invocations, LocalSize, .. have extra parameters. Since extra parameters of OpExecutionMode are literals, DXC will emit these extra parameters as literals as well.
  • [[vk::ext_extension(string _extension_name_)]]
    • An attribute to specify OpExtension instruction.
    • It can be an attribute of vk::ext_execution_mode(...), vk::ext_execution_mode_id(...), a function declared with vk::ext_instruction(...), or a function declared with [[vk::ext_type_def(...)]]. We can use multiple [[vk::ext_extension(string extension_name)]] for a single function.
    • string extension_name must be a constant string.
  • [[vk::ext_capability(uint _capability_)]]
    • An attribute to specify OpCapability instruction.
    • It can be an attribute of vk::ext_execution_mode(...), vk::ext_execution_mode_id(...), a function declared with vk::ext_instruction(...), or a function declared with [[vk::ext_type_def(...)]]. We can use multiple [[vk::ext_extension(string extension_name)]] for a single function.
    • uint capability must be a constant expression.


[[vk::ext_capability(/* StencilExportEXT */ 5013)]]
vk::ext_execution_mode(/* StencilRefReplacingEXT */ 5027);

OpCapability StencilExportEXT
OpExtension "SPV_EXT_shader_stencil_export"
OpExecutionMode %main StencilRefReplacingEXT
  • vk::ext_execution_mode_id(uint execution_mode, ...);
    • Stand-alone intrinsic function to emit an OpExecutionModeId.
    • To specify extensions and/or capabilities needed by the OpExecutionModeId, we have to use vk::ext_extension(string) and vk::ext_capability(uint) attributes.
    • Return type: void
    • uint execution_mode must be a constant expression.
    • Extra parameters must be constant expressions. Some execution modes e.g., LocalSizeId have extra id parameters. Since they must be result ids of instructions, DXC will generate OpConstantXXX instructions for them.
  • [[vk::ext_instruction(uint _opcode_, string _extended_instruction_set_)]] return_type mock_function(parameters, …, [[vk::ext_reference]] parameter, … , [[vk::ext_literal]] parameter …);
    • [[vk::ext_instruction(uint opcode, string extended_instruction_set)]]
      • An attribute to specify that the function declaration with this attribute will be used as a SPIR-V instruction.
      • To specify extensions and/or capabilities needed by the SPIR-V instruction, we have to use vk::ext_extension(string) and vk::ext_capability(uint) attributes.
      • uint opcode must be a constant expression.
      • string extended_instruction_set is optional and it must be a constant string.
    • [[vk::ext_reference]]
      • If a parameter has a [[vk::ext_reference]] attribute, we use the pointer as the operand of SPIR-V instruction instead of loading it and using the value as the operand.
    • [[vk::ext_literal]]
      • If a parameter has an attribute [[vk::ext_literal]], we use it in a literal form as the operand of SPIR-V instruction instead of a result id of a SPIR-V instruction.
    • Parameter without [[vk::ext_reference]] and [[vk::ext_literal]] attributes
      • If it is a variable, we load it using OpLoad and use the loaded value as the operand of the SPIR-V instruction.
      • If it is a constant, we create OpConstant and use it as the operand.
      • If it is a SPIR-V result id whose type is vk::ext_result_id<T> (we will explain vk::ext_result_id<T> below), we use the SPIR-V result id as the operand.
    • Return type.
      • If the return type is void, the SPIR-V instruction will not have a result id and a result type.
      • If the return type is not void e.g., int, float, …, the SPIR-V instruction will have a result id. The result type will be the same as the return type.
      • If the caller of the mock_function is used for l-value e.g., variable initialization or function argument passing, we will generate an OpStore to store the result of the SPIR-V instruction in the l-value e.g., variable.
      • If the mock_function is used to initialize a variable with vk::ext_result_id<T> type, we do not generate an OpStore, but set the variable with vk::ext_result_id<T> type as the result id of the SPIR-V instruction. In addition, the result type of the SPIR-V instruction will be T that is the template argument of vk::ext_result_id<T>.
        • It is particularly useful when we want to use a result id of the SPIR-V instruction for the operand of another SPIR-V instruction declared by a mock function with [[vk::ext_instruction(...)]] attribute.
  • vk::ext_result_id<T>
    • A type that can be used only for the result or a parameter of a function with [[vk::ext_instruction(uint opcode, string extended_instruction_set)]] attribute
    • A variable defined with vk::ext_result_id<T> type does not have a physical storage. It becomes the result id of the SPIR-V instruction whose result type is T.


[[vk::ext_capability(/* ShaderClockKHR */ 5055)]]
uint64_t readClock(uint scope);
uint64_t clock = readClock(1);

OpCapability ShaderClockKHR
OpExtension "SPV_KHR_shader_clock"
%clock = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_uint64 Function
%result_id = OpReadClockKHR %uint64 %uint_1
OpStore %clock %result_id

[[vk::ext_instruction(/* OpLoad */ 61)]]
vk::ext_result_id<float> load([[vk::ext_reference]] float pointer,
                         [[vk::ext_literal]] int memoryOperands);

[[vk::ext_instruction(/* OpStore */ 62)]]
void store([[vk::ext_reference]] float pointer,
           vk::ext_result_id<float> value,
           [[vk::ext_literal]] int memoryOperands)
float foo, bar;
vk::ext_result_id<float> foo_value = load(foo, /* None */ 0x0);
store(bar, foo_value, /* Volatile */ 0x1);

%foo = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function
%bar = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function
%foo_value = OpLoad %float %foo None
OpStore %bar %foo_value Volatile

[[vk::ext_instruction(/* FMin3AMD */ 1,
float2 FMin3AMD(float2 x, float2 y, float2 z);
float2 foo = FMin3AMD(x, y, z);

%30 = OpExtInstImport "SPV_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax"
%foo = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function
         %26 = OpLoad %v2float %x
         %27 = OpLoad %v2float %y
         %28 = OpLoad %v2float %z
         %29 = OpExtInst %v2float %30 FMin3AMD %26 %27 %28
               OpStore %foo %29
  • [[vk::ext_type_def(uint _unique_type_id_, uint opcode)]] void createTypeXYZ(parameters, …, [[vk::ext_reference]] parameter, … , [[vk::ext_literal]] parameter …);
    • [[vk::ext_type_def(uint unique_type_id, uint opcode)]] is an attribute similar to [[vk::ext_instruction(...)]], but it specifies that a function declaration will be used to define a type with opcode.
    • The function declared with [[vk::ext_type_def(..)]] must have a void return type.
    • After declaring the function with [[vk::ext_type_def(..)]], we have to call the declared function e.g., void createTypeXYZ(..) with proper arguments to actually define the type.
    • uint unique_type_id can be any constant unsigned integer number, but it must be a unique identifier for the defined type. It will be used by vk::ext_type (see below).
    • uint opcode must be the opcode of the type instruction.
    • Parameters for the declared function are extra operands to define the type.
  • vk::ext_type
    • A special type that specifies the type created by a function declared with [[vk::ext_type_def(..)]].
    • uint unique_type_id must be the same as the one of [[vk::ext_type_def(uint unique_type_id, uint opcode)]].


[[vk::ext_type_def(/* Unique id for type */ 0, /* OpTypeInt */ 21)]]
void createTypeInt([[vk::ext_literal]] int sizeInBits,
                   [[vk::ext_literal]] int signedness);
createTypeInt(/* sizeInBits */ 12, /* signedness */ 0);
vk::ext_type</* Unique id for type */ 0> foo = 3;

%int_in_12bits = OpTypeInt 12 0
%_ptr_Function_int_in_12bits = OpTypePointer Function %int_in_12bits
%i3_in_12bits = OpConstant %int_in_12bits 3
%foo = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_int_in_12bits Function
OpStore %foo %i3_in_12bits

[[vk::ext_type_def(/* Unique id for type */ 0, /* OpTypeInt */ 21)]]
void createTypeInt([[vk::ext_literal]] int sizeInBits,
                   [[vk::ext_literal]] int signedness);
createTypeInt(/* sizeInBits */ 12, /* signedness */ 0);
[[vk::ext_type_def(/* Unique id for type */ 1, /* OpTypeVector */ 23)]]
void createTypeVector([[vk::ext_reference]] vk::ext_type<0> typeInt,
                      [[vk::ext_literal]] int componentCount);
createTypeVector(/* typeInt */ {}, /* componentCount */ 3);
vk::ext_type</* Unique id for type */ 1> foo = {1, 2, 3};

%int_in_12bits = OpTypeInt 12 0
%vint3_in_12bits = OpTypeVector %int_in_12bits 3
%_ptr_Function_vint3_in_12bits = OpTypePointer Function %vint3_in_12bits
%i1_in_12bits = OpConstant %int_in_12bits 1
%i2_in_12bits = OpConstant %int_in_12bits 2
%i3_in_12bits = OpConstant %int_in_12bits 3
%i123_in_12bits = OpConstant %vint3_in_12bits %i1_in_12bits
%foo = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_vint3_in_12bits Function
OpStore %foo %i123_in_12bits

[[vk::ext_capability(/* RayQueryKHR */ 4472)]]
[[vk::ext_type_def(/* Unique id for type */ 2,
                   /* OpTypeRayQueryKHR */ 4472)]]
void createTypeRayQueryKHR();
[[vk::ext_instruction(/* OpRayQueryTerminateKHR */ 4474)]]
void rayQueryTerminateEXT(
       [[vk::ext_reference]] vk::ext_type(typeRayQueryKHR) rq);
vk::ext_type</* Unique id for type */ 2> rq;

OpCapability RayQueryKHR
OpExtension "SPV_KHR_ray_query"
%typeRayQueryKHR = OpTypeRayQueryKHR
%rq = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_typeRayQueryKHR Function
OpRayQueryTerminateKHR %rq
  • [[vk::ext_storage_class(uint storage_class)]] type
    • An attribute that must be added to a type to specify the storage class.


[[vk::ext_storage_class(/* CrossWorkgroup */ 5)]] int foo;

%foo = OpVariable %_ptr_CrossWorkgroup_int CrossWorkgroup
  • [[vk::ext_decorate(decoration, … int / float / bool literal)]]
    • An attribute for a decoration of a variable. It takes the first integer parameter as its Decoration operand, and further parameters as Extra Operands. If it is used for a member of a struct/class type, OpMemberDecorate will be generated to decorate the member. Otherwise, OpDecorate will be generated to decorate the variable.
  • [[vk::ext_decorate_id(decoration, … constant expression)]]
    • Similar to [[vk::ext_decorate(decoration, … int / float / bool literal)]] but it generates OpDecorateId
  • [[vk::ext_decorate_string(decoration, … string literals)]]
    • Similar to [[vk::ext_decorate(decoration, … int / float / bool literal)]] but it generates OpDecorateString or OpMemberDecorateString.


  • Github issue tracking overall implementation: #3919
  • Known issues
    • Enable [[vk::ext_decorate/_id/_string]] for struct/class fields or function parameter #4195.

Example code