4 | 4 | | Target Unity release | Release timeframe | Master release tag | Toolkit release features |
5 | 5 | | --- | --- | --- | --- |
6 | 6 | | 2017.2.0 | COMPLETED | v1.2017.2.0 | <ul><li>Updated master with Windows Mixed Reality support (xR namespace).</li><li>RI Dev_Unity_2017.2.0 into master.</li><li>Toolkit will work on both HoloLens and immersive headsets.</li><li>Windows Mixed Reality motion controller support.</li></ul>|
7 |
| -| 2017.3.0 | End Dec 2017 | 2017.3.0 | <ul><li>360 video player prefabs.</li><li>Scriptable foveated rendering prefabs.</li></ul>| |
8 |
| - |
9 |
| -### Dev_Unity_2017.2.0 branch - COMPLETED |
10 |
| - |
11 |
| -| Target Unity release | Release timeframe | Branch release tag | Branch pre-release features | Status | |
12 |
| -| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |
13 |
| -| 2017.2.1 | Mid Oct 2017 | v1.Dev.2017.2.1 | <ul><li>Merge branch into master.</li></ul>| COMPLETED | |
| 7 | +| 2017.3.0 | End Jan 2018 | 2017.3.0 | <ul><li>Default to use Enable Depth Buffer Sharing.</li><li>Remove stabilization plane script from InputManager prefab.</li><li>Use reflection to enable setting via Configure window.</li><li>Editor and shader clean up work.</li><li>Namespace refactor work to MixedRealityToolkit instead of HoloToolkit.</li><li>Multi-pointer support for motion controllers.</li></ul>| |
| 8 | +| 2018.1.0 | End Feb 2018 | 2018.1.0 | <ul><li>Examples folder cleanup.</li></ul>| |
14 | 9 |
15 | 10 | # Future work planning
16 | 11 | - Automated build for MRTK-Unity.
| 12 | +- Building a plan for cross-device/platform VR support. |
| 13 | +- Adding 'Standalone' folder containing legacy toolkit scripts that don't depend on the toolkit input module to address developer feedback. |
17 | 14 | - Unity packages for each release will be published to the Unity asset store.
18 | 15 | - Unity packages for each feature area like Input/SpatialMapping will also be added to the release notes. More work needs to happen to ensure feature areas don't have cross dependencies.
19 | 16 | - [Academy content](https://github.com/Microsoft/HolographicAcademy) will be updated with each major toolkit release.
31 | 28 | - That stabilization branch will be worked on for at least 1 week.
32 | 29 | - Only bug fixes will be accepted in the stabilization branch before being merged into master.
33 | 30 |
34 |
| -- **Master branch releases** will align with **major Unity releases marking a release every 3 months**. Please read the [Unity roadmap](https://unity3d.com/unity/roadmap). |
| 31 | +- **Master branch releases** will align with **major Unity releases marking a release following Unity cadence**. Please read the [Unity roadmap](https://unity3d.com/unity/roadmap). |
35 | 32 | - Each release will be marked as a GitHub [release tag](https://github.com/Microsoft/HoloToolkit-Unity/releases). You can consume this release by:
36 | 33 | - Using the zip file available in the release notes
37 | 34 | - Unity packages available in the release notes
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