Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit v2.2.0
2 commits
to releases/2.2.0
since this release
Scroll down to Assets and download to a known location (typically, this is the Downloads folder on Windows 10):
- Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Unity.Foundation.2.2.0.unitypackage
- [Optional] Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Unity.Tools.2.2.0.unitypackage
- [Optional] Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Unity.Examples.2.2.0.unitypackage
- [Optional] Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Unity.Extensions.2.2.0.unitypackage
- [Optional, Experimental] Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Unity.Providers.UnityAR.2.2.0.unitypackage
Once downloaded, you can set the target platform and import the desired packages using these instructions.
Getting started
To help you get started using MRTK v2.2, please see the Documentation Portal.
The Getting Started page covers software requirements and the initial steps required to use MRTK.
Changes since 2.1.0
There have been some functional and architecture changes in this release of MRTK. For those with projects that are currently using version 2.x.x, please review the Upgrade Guide.
Release notes
Please see Release Notes for information on new features, known issues and changes.
This video demonstrates many of the great features that can be found in MRTK 2.2.0.