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@DmitriiBobreshev DmitriiBobreshev released this 17 May 07:45

Sprint 167

ACRTask (V0)

  • Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)

AzureCLI (V2)

  • Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)

AzureFunctionOnKubernetes (V0)

  • Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)

AzureIoTEdge (V2)

  • Adding a new task to download GitHub packages (#12292) (2020-03-19)
  • IoT Edge task improvements from feedbacks (#12432) (2020-03-09)

AzurePowerShell (V4)

  • Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)

AzurePowerShell (V5)

  • Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)

AzureResourceGroupDeployment (V2)

  • Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)

AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment (V3)

  • fixed Typo in ARMServiceConnectionScope string (#12349) (2020-03-09)
  • Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)

Bash (V3)

  • Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)

ContainerBuild (V0)

  • Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)

ContainerStructureTest (V0)

  • Adding a new task to download GitHub packages (#12292) (2020-03-19)
  • Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)

DeleteFiles (V1)

  • Dont fail on broken symlinks (#12502) (2020-03-12)

DockerCompose (V0)

  • Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)

Docker (V2)

  • Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)

DotNetCoreCLI (V2)

  • deprecating 2.2 removal message in .NET Core CLI task (#12248) (2020-03-11)
  • Adding a new task to download GitHub packages (#12292) (2020-03-19)
  • Updated NET Core 3 information message (#12522) (2020-03-13)


  • Adding a new task to download GitHub packages (#12292) (2020-03-19)

DownloadPackage (V0)

  • Adding a new task to download GitHub packages (#12292) (2020-03-19)

DownloadPackage (V1)

  • Adding a new task to download GitHub packages (#12292) (2020-03-19)

GitHubRelease (V0)

  • Adding a new task to download GitHub packages (#12292) (2020-03-19)

GitHubRelease (V1)

  • Adding a new task to download GitHub packages (#12292) (2020-03-19)

KubernetesManifest (V0)

  • Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)

Kubernetes (V0)

  • Adding a new task to download GitHub packages (#12292) (2020-03-19)

Kubernetes (V1)

  • Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)

MavenAuthenticate (V0)

  • Make NuGetAuthenticate task install .netfx credential provider on Linux (#12525) (2020-03-19)

Maven (V2)

  • Adding a new task to download GitHub packages (#12292) (2020-03-19)

Maven (V3)

  • Adding a new task to download GitHub packages (#12292) (2020-03-19)

NuGetAuthenticate (V0)

  • Make NuGetAuthenticate task install .netfx credential provider on Linux (#12525) (2020-03-19)

PipAuthenticate (V1)

  • Make NuGetAuthenticate task install .netfx credential provider on Linux (#12525) (2020-03-19)

PowerShell (V2)

  • Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)

ServiceFabricUpdateManifests (V2)

  • Add support for pipeline artifact type in ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2 task (#12506) (2020-03-20)

SqlAzureDacpacDeployment (V1)

  • Azure SQL Database deployment task continues when there is an error… (#12390) (2020-03-11)

TwineAuthenticate (V1)

  • Make NuGetAuthenticate task install .netfx credential provider on Linux (#12525) (2020-03-19)

VsTest (V2)

  • Updated VsTestV2 task to version 2.167.1 (#12555) (2020-03-20)

XamarinTestCloud (V1)

  • Updated azure-pipelines-task-lib version (#12497) (2020-03-09)

XamariniOS (V2)

  • Updated azure-pipelines-task-lib version (#12497) (2020-03-09)