Sprint 178
AndroidSigning (V2)
[AndroidSigningV2 and V3] Migrated to Node10 (#13826 ) (2020-11-05)
AndroidSigning (V3)
[AndroidSigningV2 and V3] Migrated to Node10 (#13826 ) (2020-11-05)
ArchiveFiles (V2)
[ArchiveFilesV2] Migrated to Node 10 (#13883 ) (2020-11-12)
AzureFileCopy (V1)
[SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1] Support for Service Princpal authentication (#13770 ) (2020-11-19)
AzureFileCopy (V2)
[SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1] Support for Service Princpal authentication (#13770 ) (2020-11-19)
AzureFileCopy (V3)
[SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1] Support for Service Princpal authentication (#13770 ) (2020-11-19)
AzureFileCopy (V4)
[SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1] Support for Service Princpal authentication (#13770 ) (2020-11-19)
AzureIoTEdge (V2)
Update Tasks for NuGet 5.8 release (#13876 ) (2020-11-13)
AzureResourceGroupDeployment (V2)
Expand ARM output into Pipeline variables (#13811 ) (2020-11-23)
AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment (V3)
Expand ARM output into Pipeline variables (#13811 ) (2020-11-23)
Updating AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeploymentV3 task to consume arm… (#13870 ) (2020-11-12)
AzureRmWebAppDeployment (V3)
Updating task-lib (#13838 ) (2020-11-05)
Fix for empty startupcommand (#13953 ) (2020-11-24)
Bash (V3)
[PowerShellV2, BashV3, CmdLineV2] Removed stderr messages truncating (#13815 ) (2020-11-06)
[BashV3] Migrated to Node10 (#13878 ) (2020-11-13)
CMake (V1)
[CMakeV1] Migrated to Node10 (#13833 ) (2020-11-05)
CmdLine (V2)
[PowerShellV2, BashV3, CmdLineV2] Removed stderr messages truncating (#13815 ) (2020-11-06)
ContainerStructureTest (V0)
Update Tasks for NuGet 5.8 release (#13876 ) (2020-11-13)
DeleteFiles (V1)
[DeleteFilesV1] Migration of DeleteFilesV1 to node10 (#13880 ) (2020-11-13)
DotNetCoreCLI (V2)
Update Tasks for NuGet 5.8 release (#13876 ) (2020-11-13)
Dotnet5message1 (#13917 ) (2020-11-19)
DownloadGitHubNpmPackage (V1)
Update Tasks for NuGet 5.8 release (#13876 ) (2020-11-13)
DownloadGitHubNugetPackage (V1)
Update Tasks for NuGet 5.8 release (#13876 ) (2020-11-13)
DownloadPackage (V0)
Update Tasks for NuGet 5.8 release (#13876 ) (2020-11-13)
DownloadPackage (V1)
Update Tasks for NuGet 5.8 release (#13876 ) (2020-11-13)
ExtractFiles (V1)
Fixed parameters passing for ExtractFiles task (#13841 ) (2020-11-06)
[ExtractFilesV1] Migration of ExtractFilesV1 to Node10 (#13874 ) (2020-11-13)
GitHubRelease (V0)
Update Tasks for NuGet 5.8 release (#13876 ) (2020-11-13)
GitHubRelease (V1)
Update Tasks for NuGet 5.8 release (#13876 ) (2020-11-13)
GoTool (V0)
[GoToolV0] Added telemetry tracking (#13830 ) (2020-11-23)
InstallAppleCertificate (V2)
[InstallAppleCertificate] Migrated to Node10 (#13749 ) (2020-11-05)
KubernetesManifest (V0)
Fix KubernetesManifest bake on KUBECONFIG empty (#13912 ) (2020-11-18)
MSBuild (V1)
[MSBuildV1] Migrated to NodeJS 10 (#13898 ) (2020-11-17)
ManualValidation (V0)
Updated task description and link (#13951 ) (2020-11-23)
Maven (V2)
Update Tasks for NuGet 5.8 release (#13876 ) (2020-11-13)
Maven (V3)
Update Tasks for NuGet 5.8 release (#13876 ) (2020-11-13)
NodeTool (V0)
[NodeToolV0] Migrated to Node10 (#13872 ) (2020-11-13)
NpmAuthenticate (V0)
Update Tasks for NuGet 5.8 release (#13876 ) (2020-11-13)
Npm (V0)
Update Tasks for NuGet 5.8 release (#13876 ) (2020-11-13)
Npm (V1)
Update Tasks for NuGet 5.8 release (#13876 ) (2020-11-13)
PowerShell (V2)
[PowerShellV2, BashV3, CmdLineV2] Removed stderr messages truncating (#13815 ) (2020-11-06)
[PowerShellV2] Fixing of incorrect use of -Command parameter by PowerShell Task (#13868 ) (2020-11-11)
PublishCodeCoverageResults (V1)
surround path with quotes in publish code coverage results task (#13814 ) (2020-11-04)
Users/hvinett/surround path with quotes (#13861 ) (2020-11-09)
surround path with quotes (#13862 ) (2020-11-09)
[PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1] Removed quotes (revert) (#13938 ) (2020-11-20)
[PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1] Changed version for hotfix (#13941 ) (2020-11-20)
SqlAzureDacpacDeployment (V1)
[SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1] Support for Service Princpal authentication (#13770 ) (2020-11-19)
Xcode (V5)
[XcodeV5] Migrated to Node10 (#13777 ) (2020-11-06)
[XcodeV5] Added telemetry tracking (#13865 ) (2020-11-23)
You can’t perform that action at this time.