Sprint 189
ANT (V1)
Java and Scala tasks update task lib (#14899 ) (2021-06-10)
ArchiveFiles (V2)
[Command line tasks] Update task lib (#14894 ) (2021-06-10)
AzureCLI (V2)
[AzureCLIV2] Update task-lib to the latest version to resolve the problem with percent symbol encoding (#14838 ) (2021-06-23)
Bash (V3)
[Command line tasks] Update task lib (#14894 ) (2021-06-10)
CocoaPods (V0)
[CocoaPodsV0][InstallAppleCertificateV2][InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1][XcodeV5] Update task-lib (#14886 ) (2021-06-09)
CopyFilesOverSSH (V0)
[CopyFilesOverSSHV0][InstallSSHKeyV0][SshV0] Update task lib (#14900 ) (2021-06-10)
DeleteFiles (V1)
[Command line tasks] Update task lib (#14894 ) (2021-06-10)
ExtractFiles (V1)
[Command line tasks] Update task lib (#14894 ) (2021-06-10)
Gradle (V2)
Java and Scala tasks update task lib (#14899 ) (2021-06-10)
Grunt (V0)
[GruntV0][GulpV0][NodeToolV0] Update task lib (#14897 ) (2021-06-10)
Gulp (V0)
[GruntV0][GulpV0][NodeToolV0] Update task lib (#14897 ) (2021-06-10)
InstallAppleCertificate (V2)
[CocoaPodsV0][InstallAppleCertificateV2][InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1][XcodeV5] Update task-lib (#14886 ) (2021-06-09)
InstallAppleProvisioningProfile (V1)
[CocoaPodsV0][InstallAppleCertificateV2][InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1][XcodeV5] Update task-lib (#14886 ) (2021-06-09)
InstallSSHKey (V0)
[CopyFilesOverSSHV0][InstallSSHKeyV0][SshV0] Update task lib (#14900 ) (2021-06-10)
JavaToolInstaller (V0)
Java and Scala tasks update task lib (#14899 ) (2021-06-10)
JenkinsQueueJob (V2)
Java and Scala tasks update task lib (#14899 ) (2021-06-10)
Maven (V2)
Java and Scala tasks update task lib (#14899 ) (2021-06-10)
Maven (V3)
Java and Scala tasks update task lib (#14899 ) (2021-06-10)
NodeTool (V0)
[GruntV0][GulpV0][NodeToolV0] Update task lib (#14897 ) (2021-06-10)
Npm (V0)
NpmV0: add dependency on azure-pipelines-task-lib (#14998 ) (2021-06-24)
PowerShell (V2)
[Command line tasks] Update task lib (#14894 ) (2021-06-10)
PublishCodeCoverageResults (V1)
Java and Scala tasks update task lib (#14899 ) (2021-06-10)
Ssh (V0)
[CopyFilesOverSSHV0][InstallSSHKeyV0][SshV0] Update task lib (#14900 ) (2021-06-10)
XamarinAndroid (V1)
[XamarinAndroidV1][XamariniOSV2]Update task lib (#14893 ) (2021-06-09)
XamariniOS (V2)
[XamarinAndroidV1][XamariniOSV2]Update task lib (#14893 ) (2021-06-09)
Xcode (V5)
[CocoaPodsV0][InstallAppleCertificateV2][InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1][XcodeV5] Update task-lib (#14886 ) (2021-06-09)
You can’t perform that action at this time.