Releases: microsoft/azure-pipelines-tasks
Releases · microsoft/azure-pipelines-tasks
Sprint 171
ACRTask (V0)
- [ACRTask] Fixing URL (#12871) (2020-07-02)
AzureCloudPowerShellDeployment (V1)
- Setting context to process scope (#13239) (2020-07-15)
AzureFileCopy (V2)
- [AzureFileCopy] Use Get-AzureRmResource instead of Get-AzureRmStorageAccount (#13224) (2020-07-03)
- Setting context to process scope (#13239) (2020-07-15)
AzureFileCopy (V3)
- [AzureFileCopy] Use Get-AzureRmResource instead of Get-AzureRmStorageAccount (#13224) (2020-07-03)
- Setting context to process scope (#13239) (2020-07-15)
AzureFileCopy (V4)
- Setting context to process scope (#13239) (2020-07-15)
AzureMonitor (V0)
- Adding API-Version input to the deployment gate (#12841) (2020-07-08)
AzureMonitor (V1)
- Adding API-Version input to the deployment gate (#12841) (2020-07-08)
AzurePowerShell (V2)
- Setting context to process scope (#13239) (2020-07-15)
AzurePowerShell (V3)
- Setting context to process scope (#13239) (2020-07-15)
AzurePowerShell (V4)
- Setting context to process scope (#13239) (2020-07-15)
AzurePowerShell (V5)
- Setting context to process scope (#13239) (2020-07-15)
AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment (V3)
- Set
variable before it is used (#13149) (2020-06-27) - Fix ARM template deployment task subscription input to make it editable (#13193) (2020-06-27)
CopyFilesOverSSH (V0)
- [CopyFilesOverSSH] Fixed issue with task performance (#13187) (2020-07-02)
DockerInstaller (V0)
- Fix DockerInstallerV0 for ARM agent (#13199) (2020-06-30)
DotNetCoreCLI (V2)
- fix dotnet nuget push onPrem by setting credential configuration (#13183) (2020-06-25)
- Users/tedeshpa/dotnet core cli add3 0 deprecation warning (#13220) (2020-07-03)
- [DotnetCoreCLIV2]removing versions deprecation warning and making it info message (#13282) (2020-07-14)
HelmDeploy (V0)
- Chart version in helm install and upgrade (#13126) (2020-06-29)
- Running commands silently (#13189) (2020-06-29)
- Adding namespace to helm and kubectl commands (#13219) (2020-07-02)
InstallSSHKey (V0)
- [InstallSSHKeyV0] Changed permissions setting code (#13172) (2020-06-25)
JavaToolInstaller (V0)
- [JavaToolInstallerV0 ] Changed logic of extraction, fix inactivated Clean Destination Directory issue (#13209) (2020-07-10)
- [JavaToolInstaller]. Handling for 'unknown' errors (#13237) (2020-07-10)
JenkinsQueueJob (V2)
- [JenkinsQueueJobV2] Improved error handling (#13242) (2020-07-13)
KubernetesManifest (V0)
- Printing bake command output in debug logs (#13235) (2020-07-07)
Kubernetes (V1)
- Check outputFormat when it is not provided as input. (#13186) (2020-06-26)
- Syncing changes in master from release 171 (#13195) (2020-06-29)
PublishSymbols (V2)
- Symbols add retry (#13176) (2020-06-25)
SqlAzureDacpacDeployment (V1)
- Setting context to process scope (#13239) (2020-07-15)
Ssh (V0)
- [SshV0] Fix the collision of the script's temporary filenames (#13205) (2020-07-06)
UseDotNet (V2)
- Fix nuget proxy error (#13293) (2020-07-16)
Sprint 167
ACRTask (V0)
- Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)
AzureCLI (V2)
- Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)
AzureFunctionOnKubernetes (V0)
- Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)
AzureIoTEdge (V2)
- Adding a new task to download GitHub packages (#12292) (2020-03-19)
- IoT Edge task improvements from feedbacks (#12432) (2020-03-09)
AzurePowerShell (V4)
- Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)
AzurePowerShell (V5)
- Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)
AzureResourceGroupDeployment (V2)
- Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)
AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment (V3)
- fixed Typo in ARMServiceConnectionScope string (#12349) (2020-03-09)
- Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)
Bash (V3)
- Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)
ContainerBuild (V0)
- Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)
ContainerStructureTest (V0)
- Adding a new task to download GitHub packages (#12292) (2020-03-19)
- Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)
DeleteFiles (V1)
- Dont fail on broken symlinks (#12502) (2020-03-12)
DockerCompose (V0)
- Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)
Docker (V2)
- Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)
DotNetCoreCLI (V2)
- deprecating 2.2 removal message in .NET Core CLI task (#12248) (2020-03-11)
- Adding a new task to download GitHub packages (#12292) (2020-03-19)
- Updated NET Core 3 information message (#12522) (2020-03-13)
- Adding a new task to download GitHub packages (#12292) (2020-03-19)
DownloadPackage (V0)
- Adding a new task to download GitHub packages (#12292) (2020-03-19)
DownloadPackage (V1)
- Adding a new task to download GitHub packages (#12292) (2020-03-19)
GitHubRelease (V0)
- Adding a new task to download GitHub packages (#12292) (2020-03-19)
GitHubRelease (V1)
- Adding a new task to download GitHub packages (#12292) (2020-03-19)
KubernetesManifest (V0)
- Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)
Kubernetes (V0)
- Adding a new task to download GitHub packages (#12292) (2020-03-19)
Kubernetes (V1)
- Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)
MavenAuthenticate (V0)
- Make NuGetAuthenticate task install .netfx credential provider on Linux (#12525) (2020-03-19)
Maven (V2)
- Adding a new task to download GitHub packages (#12292) (2020-03-19)
Maven (V3)
- Adding a new task to download GitHub packages (#12292) (2020-03-19)
NuGetAuthenticate (V0)
- Make NuGetAuthenticate task install .netfx credential provider on Linux (#12525) (2020-03-19)
PipAuthenticate (V1)
- Make NuGetAuthenticate task install .netfx credential provider on Linux (#12525) (2020-03-19)
PowerShell (V2)
- Changed JS replace function from string to regex version where needed (#12508) (2020-03-10)
ServiceFabricUpdateManifests (V2)
- Add support for pipeline artifact type in ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2 task (#12506) (2020-03-20)
SqlAzureDacpacDeployment (V1)
Azure SQL Database deployment
task continues when there is an error… (#12390) (2020-03-11)
TwineAuthenticate (V1)
- Make NuGetAuthenticate task install .netfx credential provider on Linux (#12525) (2020-03-19)
VsTest (V2)
- Updated VsTestV2 task to version 2.167.1 (#12555) (2020-03-20)
XamarinTestCloud (V1)
- Updated azure-pipelines-task-lib version (#12497) (2020-03-09)
XamariniOS (V2)
- Updated azure-pipelines-task-lib version (#12497) (2020-03-09)
Sprint 169
AzureCLI (V1)
- allow passwords starting with a hyphen (#12909) (2020-05-27)
AzureCLI (V2)
- allow passwords starting with a hyphen (#12909) (2020-05-27)
AzureIoTEdge (V2)
- Remove legacy workaround that uses SKS keyserver (#12930) (2020-05-28)
Docker (V2)
- Added checks for input Tags. (#12994) (2020-05-26)
HelmDeploy (V0)
- adding support for helm chart save (#13005) (2020-05-27)
InstallAppleCertificate (V2)
- [ios-signing-common] Changed p12 certificate properties parsing code (#12941) (2020-05-26)
InstallAppleProvisioningProfile (V1)
- [ios-signing-common] Changed p12 certificate properties parsing code (#12941) (2020-05-26)
InstallSSHKey (V0)
- [InstallSSHKeyV0] Change hosts entry input to multiLine (#12840) (2020-05-26)
PublishPipelineMetadata (V0)
- PublishPipelineMetadata pushes empty resourceId when resourceUris is [] in METADATA_ object. (#12992) (2020-05-26)
Xcode (V5)
- [ios-signing-common] Changed p12 certificate properties parsing code (#12941) (2020-05-26)
Sprint 168
ACRTask (V0)
- [AcrTaskV0] Update trigger endpoint (#12707) (2020-05-08)
- Redirect stdout to output file for DOCKER_BUILDKIT builds (#12952) (2020-05-21)
- Localization for 2020.1. Second attempt. (#12974) (2020-05-21)
ANT (V1)
- Localization for 2020.1. Second attempt. (#12974) (2020-05-21)
AndroidSigning (V2)
- [InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1] Verification the provisioning profile file extension (#12917) (2020-05-20)
- Localization for 2020.1. Second attempt. (#12974) (2020-05-21)
AndroidSigning (V3)
- [InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1] Verification the provisioning profile file extension (#12917) (2020-05-20)
AzureAppServiceSettings (V1)
- Making azurefilecopyv4,azurepowershellv5,azureappsettingsservice GA (#12910) (2020-05-15)
- Fix error logs for App Service Settings (#12931) (2020-05-19)
AzureCLI (V2)
- Support Azure CLI login for AzureAD and Azure DevOps (#12516) (2020-05-19)
- Taking ARG V3 and AzCLIV2 out of preview (#12825) (2020-05-06)
- Azure CLI V2 bugfix (#12899) (2020-05-18)
- Support for Azure Management Group in Azure CLI V2 task (#12922) (2020-05-19)
- Fix
casing bug due to difference in casing (#12934) (2020-05-21) - Updating azcli version (#12948) (2020-05-20)
AzureFileCopy (V4)
- Creating Blob if not there (#12826) (2020-05-13)
- Making azurefilecopyv4,azurepowershellv5,azureappsettingsservice GA (#12910) (2020-05-15)
AzureFunctionOnKubernetes (V0)
- Added checks to skip rollout status for eligible workloads (#12839) (2020-05-13)
- Redirect stdout to output file for DOCKER_BUILDKIT builds (#12952) (2020-05-21)
- Added resources - KubectlClientVersion and KubectlServerVersion (#12975) (2020-05-22)
AzurePowerShell (V5)
- Making azurefilecopyv4,azurepowershellv5,azureappsettingsservice GA (#12910) (2020-05-15)
AzureResourceGroupDeployment (V2)
- Updating warning message for complete mode in ARG task (#12920) (2020-05-19)
AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment (V3)
- Taking ARG V3 and AzCLIV2 out of preview (#12825) (2020-05-06)
- Updating warning message for complete mode in ARG task (#12920) (2020-05-19)
CMake (V1)
- [CMakeV1] Made the task to be executed through shell. (#12880) (2020-05-13)
ContainerBuild (V0)
- Redirect stdout to output file for DOCKER_BUILDKIT builds (#12952) (2020-05-21)
ContainerStructureTest (V0)
- Redirect stdout to output file for DOCKER_BUILDKIT builds (#12952) (2020-05-21)
CopyFilesOverSSH (V0)
- [CopyFilesOverSSHV0] Changed remove command text to add PowerShell support (#12849) (2020-05-08)
DockerCompose (V0)
- Redirect stdout to output file for DOCKER_BUILDKIT builds (#12952) (2020-05-21)
Docker (V2)
- Redirect stdout to output file for DOCKER_BUILDKIT builds (#12952) (2020-05-21)
DownloadGitHubNpmPackage (V1)
- Adding the task to download github npm packages (#12820) (2020-05-05)
DownloadGitHubNugetPackage (V1)
- Adding the task to download github npm packages (#12820) (2020-05-05)
DownloadGitHubRelease (V0)
- Adding the task to download github npm packages (#12820) (2020-05-05)
DownloadPackage (V0)
- adds missing Info_ResolvedToolFromCache strings (#12614) (2020-05-05)
DownloadPackage (V1)
- adds missing Info_ResolvedToolFromCache strings (#12614) (2020-05-05)
DownloadSecureFile (V1)
- Update resources.resjson (#12893) (2020-05-13)
- [InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1] Verification the provisioning profile file extension (#12917) (2020-05-20)
ExtractFiles (V1)
- Revert "Allow overriding existing files in ExtractFiles task." (#12903) (2020-05-14)
HelmDeploy (V0)
- Add helmOutput output variable (#12695) (2020-05-03)
- Added checks to skip rollout status for eligible workloads (#12839) (2020-05-13)
- Adding isHelmV3 check to avoid breaking changes (#12866) (2020-05-13)
- [InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1] Verification the provisioning profile file extension (#12917) (2020-05-20)
HelmInstaller (V1)
- Added checks to skip rollout status for eligible workloads (#12839) (2020-05-13)
InstallAppleCertificate (V2)
- [InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1] Verification the provisioning profile file extension (#12917) (2020-05-20)
InstallAppleProvisioningProfile (V1)
- [InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1] Verification the provisioning profile file extension (#12917) (2020-05-20)
InstallSSHKey (V0)
- [InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1] Verification the provisioning profile file extension (#12917) (2020-05-20)
JavaToolInstaller (V0)
- [JavaToolInstallerV0] Option for preinstalled JDK (#12918) (2020-05-20)
- [JavaToolInstallerV0] - add support of bin in the root, JDK file validation (#12929) (2020-05-22)
KubectlInstaller (V0)
- Added checks to skip rollout status for eligible workloads (#12839) (2020-05-13)
KubernetesManifest (V0)
- Adding image substitution logic to bake action (#12822) (2020-05-05)
- Added checks to skip rollout status for eligible workloads (#12839) (2020-05-13)
- Redirect stdout to output file for DOCKER_BUILDKIT builds (#12952) (2020-05-21)
Kubernetes (V1)
- Added checks to skip rollout status for eligible workloads (#12839) (2020-05-13)
- Redirect stdout to output file for DOCKER_BUILDKIT builds (#12952) (2020-05-21)
- Adding a new option 'none' in outputFormat. (#12956) (2020-05-22)
NpmAuthenticate (V0)
- Changed npmrc path in NPMAuthenticate to 'required' (#9353) (2020-05-14)
PowerShell (V2)
- Use writeFileSync instead of writeFile (#12923) (2020-05-18)
PublishTestResults (V2)
- Updated PublishTestResultsV2 task to version 2.170.0 (#12978) (2020-05-22)
ServiceFabricComposeDeploy (V0)
- Service Fabric Windows Auth scheme bug fix (#12837) (2020-05-08)
ServiceFabricDeploy (V1)
- Service Fabric Windows Auth scheme bug fix (#12837) (2020-05-08)
ServiceFabricPowerShell (V1)
- Service Fabric Windows Auth scheme bug fix (#12837) (2020-05-08)
VsTest (V2)
- Tweaked Hydra flow triggers for onprem (#12846) (2020-05-13)
Xcode (V5)
- [XcodeV5] Added Xcode 11 to the version selector (#12936) (2020-05-21)
Sprint 165
AppCenterDistribute (V3)
- Fix findCommonParent behaviour when NativeLibrariestPath targets to single .so file (#12395) (2020-02-26)
AzureAppServiceSettings (V1)
AzureCloudPowerShellDeployment (V1)
- Correcting MSI (#12491) (2020-03-06)
AzureFileCopy (V2)
- Correcting MSI (#12491) (2020-03-06)
AzureFileCopy (V3)
- Correcting MSI (#12491) (2020-03-06)
AzureFileCopy (V4)
AzureFunctionAppContainer (V1)
- App Service Settings Enhancement (#12372) (2020-03-04)
- Rename dotnet run to dotnet exec filename.dll for webapp/functionapp deploy tasks (#12389) (2020-02-21)
- SlotSetting Bug (#12413) (2020-03-04)
AzureFunctionApp (V1)
- App Service Settings Enhancement (#12372) (2020-03-04)
- Rename dotnet run to dotnet exec filename.dll for webapp/functionapp deploy tasks (#12389) (2020-02-21)
- SlotSetting Bug (#12413) (2020-03-04)
AzurePowerShell (V2)
- Correcting MSI (#12491) (2020-03-06)
AzurePowerShell (V3)
- Correcting MSI (#12491) (2020-03-06)
AzurePowerShell (V4)
- Correcting MSI (#12491) (2020-03-06)
AzurePowerShell (V5)
- Correcting MSI (#12491) (2020-03-06)
AzureRmWebAppDeployment (V4)
- App Service Settings Enhancement (#12372) (2020-03-04)
- Rename dotnet run to dotnet exec filename.dll for webapp/functionapp deploy tasks (#12389) (2020-02-21)
AzureWebAppContainer (V1)
- App Service Settings Enhancement (#12372) (2020-03-04)
- Rename dotnet run to dotnet exec filename.dll for webapp/functionapp deploy tasks (#12389) (2020-02-21)
- SlotSetting Bug (#12413) (2020-03-04)
AzureWebApp (V1)
- App Service Settings Enhancement (#12372) (2020-03-04)
- Rename dotnet run to dotnet exec filename.dll for webapp/functionapp deploy tasks (#12389) (2020-02-21)
- SlotSetting Bug (#12413) (2020-03-04)
CMake (V1)
- Update tasks owned by build to use new version of azure-pipelines-task-lib (#12374) (2020-02-20)
CondaEnvironment (V0)
- Updated Conda* to azure-pipelines-task-lib (#12410) (2020-03-05)
CondaEnvironment (V1)
- Updated Conda* to azure-pipelines-task-lib (#12410) (2020-03-05)
DockerCompose (V0)
- Update helpUrl of container tasks to a redirection link (#12408) (2020-02-24)
DockerInstaller (V0)
- Update helpUrl of container tasks to a redirection link (#12408) (2020-02-24)
Docker (V2)
- Update helpUrl of container tasks to a redirection link (#12408) (2020-02-24)
DotNetCoreCLI (V2)
- using dtl logger for dotnetcore build (#12358) (2020-03-02)
- Users/philho/nuget proxy log (#12452) (2020-03-01)
DownloadPackage (V0)
- Users/philho/nuget proxy log (#12452) (2020-03-01)
DownloadPackage (V1)
- Users/philho/nuget proxy log (#12452) (2020-03-01)
GitHubRelease (V0)
- Fix GithubRelease error when detecting endpoint token (#12049) (2020-03-02)
GitHubRelease (V1)
- Fix GithubRelease error when detecting endpoint token (#12049) (2020-03-02)
Grunt (V0)
- Update tasks owned by build to use new version of azure-pipelines-task-lib (#12374) (2020-02-20)
Gulp (V0)
- Update tasks owned by build to use new version of azure-pipelines-task-lib (#12374) (2020-02-20)
Gulp (V1)
- Update tasks owned by build to use new version of azure-pipelines-task-lib (#12374) (2020-02-20)
HelmDeploy (V0)
- Update helpUrl of container tasks to a redirection link (#12408) (2020-02-24)
HelmInstaller (V1)
- Update helpUrl of container tasks to a redirection link (#12408) (2020-02-24)
JavaToolInstaller (V0)
- Update azure-pipelines-task-lib version (#12484) (2020-03-05)
JenkinsQueueJob (V2)
- Update azure-pipelines-task-lib version (#12484) (2020-03-05)
KubectlInstaller (V0)
- Update helpUrl of container tasks to a redirection link (#12408) (2020-02-24)
KubernetesManifest (V0)
- Update helpUrl of container tasks to a redirection link (#12408) (2020-02-24)
Kubernetes (V1)
- Update helpUrl of container tasks to a redirection link (#12408) (2020-02-24)
MSBuild (V1)
- Update tasks owned by build to use new version of azure-pipelines-task-lib (#12374) (2020-02-20)
Maven (V2)
- Users/philho/nuget proxy log (#12452) (2020-03-01)
Maven (V3)
- Users/philho/nuget proxy log (#12452) (2020-03-01)
NpmAuthenticate (V0)
- Users/philho/nuget proxy log (#12452) (2020-03-01)
Npm (V1)
- Users/philho/nuget proxy log (#12452) (2020-03-01)
NuGetCommand (V2)
- Users/philho/nuget proxy log (#12452) (2020-03-01)
NuGetPublisher (V0)
- Users/philho/nuget proxy log (#12452) (2020-03-01)
NuGetToolInstaller (V0)
- Users/philho/nuget proxy log (#12452) (2020-03-01)
NuGetToolInstaller (V1)
- Users/philho/nuget proxy log (#12452) (2020-03-01)
NuGet (V0)
- Users/philho/nuget proxy log (#12452) (2020-03-01)
PipAuthenticate (V0)
- Users/philho/nuget proxy log (#12452) (2020-03-01)
PublishTestResults (V2)
- Updated VsTestV2 and PTR tasks to version 2.166.1 and 2.166.0 (#12448) (2020-02-28)
PyPIPublisher (V0)
- Updated azure-pipelines-task-lib version for PyPIPublisher and Python… (#12489) (2020-03-05)
PythonScript (V0)
- Updated azure-pipelines-task-lib version for PyPIPublisher and Python… (#12489) (2020-03-05)
SqlAzureDacpacDeployment (V1)
- Correcting MSI (#12491) (2020-03-06)
SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroup (V0)
- fix write-exception (#12418) (2020-02-28)
Ssh (V0)
TwineAuthenticate (V0)
- Users/philho/nuget proxy log (#12452) (2020-03-01)
UniversalPackages (V0)
UseNode (V1)
- Add proper proxy support to Node Tool Installer task (#12377) (2020-03-03)
VsTest (V2)
Sprint 166
AzureResourceGroupDeployment (V2)
- [ARG V2, V3]correcting implicit set to incremental mode (#12360) (2020-02-20)
AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment (V3)
- [ARG V2, V3]correcting implicit set to incremental mode (#12360) (2020-02-20)
DotNetCoreCLI (V2)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
DownloadPackage (V0)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
DownloadPackage (V1)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
JavaToolInstaller (V0)
- Fix for 'failure to clean folder' (#12386) (2020-02-19)
KubernetesManifest (V0)
- Updated null check to include cron jobs for container updates (#12304) (2020-02-11)
- Adding null checks to updateImageDetails function (#12347) (2020-02-13)
MavenAuthenticate (V0)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
Maven (V2)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
Maven (V3)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
NpmAuthenticate (V0)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
Npm (V0)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
Npm (V1)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
PublishTestResults (V2)
- Update PTR Task version to 2.165.2 (#12314) (2020-02-07)
VsTest (V2)
- Updated VsTestV2 task to version 2.166.0 (#12361) (2020-02-14)
Xcode (V5)
- Avoid var in task "xcode" (#10121) (2020-02-18)
Sprint 164
AzureCLI (V1)
AzureCLI (V2)
- Fix issue #12237 - fails when service principal key contains quotes (#12260) (2020-02-04)
- Fix issue #12266: powershellIgnoreLASTEXITCODE not working (#12286) (2020-02-04)
AzureMysqlDeployment (V1)
- Changes for parser (#12261) (2020-02-03)
AzurePowerShell (V2)
- Added updated versions of modules in task.json (#12276) (2020-02-05)
AzurePowerShell (V3)
- Added additional logs to identify script errors (#12159) (2020-02-03)
- Added updated versions of modules in task.json (#12276) (2020-02-05)
AzurePowerShell (V4)
- Added additional logs to identify script errors in AzurePowerShellV4 (#12167) (2020-02-04)
- Added updated versions of modules in task.json (#12276) (2020-02-05)
AzurePowerShell (V5)
- Added updated versions of modules in task.json (#12276) (2020-02-05)
- Adding exit code in AzurePowerShell (#12288) (2020-02-04)
AzureResourceGroupDeployment (V2)
- [ARG V2, V3]correcting implicit set to incremental mode (#12360) (2020-02-20)
AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment (V3)
- [ARG V2, V3]correcting implicit set to incremental mode (#12360) (2020-02-20)
AzureRmWebAppDeployment (V4)
- Changes for parser (#12261) (2020-02-03)
ContainerBuild (V0)
- Adding changes to perform consistent hashing in buildctl task (#12257) (2020-02-05)
CopyFilesOverSSH (V0)
- Allow to configure SSH handshake timeout for CopyFilesOverSSH task. (#12281) (2020-02-04)
DotNetCoreCLI (V2)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
DownloadPackage (V0)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
DownloadPackage (V1)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
FileTransform (V1)
- Changes for parser (#12261) (2020-02-03)
FileTransform (V2)
- Changes for parser (#12261) (2020-02-03)
HelmDeploy (V0)
- Support failOnStdErr on Helm Task (#12211) (2020-02-04)
IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroup (V0)
- Changes for parser (#12261) (2020-02-03)
JavaToolInstaller (V0)
- Fix for 'failure to clean folder' (#12386) (2020-02-19)
KubernetesManifest (V0)
- Updated repica count validation to accept 0 as input (#12287) (2020-02-04)
- Updated null check to include cron jobs for container updates (#12304) (2020-02-11)
- Adding null checks to updateImageDetails function (#12347) (2020-02-13)
MavenAuthenticate (V0)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
Maven (V2)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
Maven (V3)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroup (V1)
- Changes for parser (#12261) (2020-02-03)
NpmAuthenticate (V0)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
Npm (V0)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
Npm (V1)
- Logging and error handling for location utils (#12258) (2020-02-07)
PublishTestResults (V2)
- Update PTR Task version to 2.165.2 (#12314) (2020-02-07)
Ssh (V0)
- Allow to configure SSH handshake timeout for SSH task. (#12282) (2020-02-04)
VsTest (V2)
- Updated VsTestV2 task to version 2.166.0 (#12361) (2020-02-14)
Xcode (V5)
- Avoid var in task "xcode" (#10121) (2020-02-18)
Sprint 162
ACRTask (V0)
- API version updated (#11871) (2020-01-08)
- SPN Auth credential bug fix for ARG and PackerBuild tasks (#11994) (2020-01-05)
- Fix localisation Error (#11997) (2019-12-21)
- Fixing azure task warning issue (#12058) (2020-01-02)
AzureAppServiceManage (V0)
- API version updated (#11871) (2020-01-08)
- SPN Auth credential bug fix for ARG and PackerBuild tasks (#11994) (2020-01-05)
- Fix localisation Error (#11997) (2019-12-21)
- Changes for updating Complete Swap record (#12001) (2019-12-23)
- Fixing azure task warning issue (#12058) (2020-01-02)
AzureAppServiceSettings (V1)
- API version updated (#11871) (2020-01-08)
- localization bug fix (#12023) (2019-12-24)
- rfp warning and helpurl (#12041) (2019-12-27)
- Fixing azure task warning issue (#12058) (2020-01-02)
AzureFileCopy (V2)
- API version updated (#11871) (2020-01-08)
- SPN Auth credential bug fix for ARG and PackerBuild tasks (#11994) (2020-01-05)
- Fix localisation Error (#11997) (2019-12-21)
- Fixing azure task warning issue (#12058) (2020-01-02)
AzureFileCopy (V3)
- API version updated (#11871) (2020-01-08)
- SPN Auth credential bug fix for ARG and PackerBuild tasks (#11994) (2020-01-05)
- Fix localisation Error (#11997) (2019-12-21)
- Fixing azure task warning issue (#12058) (2020-01-02)
AzureFunctionAppContainer (V1)
- API version updated (#11871) (2020-01-08)
- localization bug fix (#12023) (2019-12-24)
- rfp warning and helpurl (#12041) (2019-12-27)
- Fixing azure task warning issue (#12058) (2020-01-02)
AzureFunctionApp (V1)
- API version updated (#11871) (2020-01-08)
- localization bug fix (#12023) (2019-12-24)
- rfp warning and helpurl (#12041) (2019-12-27)
- Fixing azure task warning issue (#12058) (2020-01-02)
AzureFunctionOnKubernetes (V0)
- Users/shigupt/kubernetes manifest bug fixes (#11906) (2019-12-23)
- Added environment link and describe dump for supportablity (#12038) (2020-01-07)
- Fixing CI failures for AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV0 and PublishPipelineMetadataV0 tasks (#12042) (2019-12-27)
AzureKeyVault (V1)
- API version updated (#11871) (2020-01-08)
- SPN Auth credential bug fix for ARG and PackerBuild tasks (#11994) (2020-01-05)
- Fix localisation Error (#11997) (2019-12-21)
- Fixing azure task warning issue (#12058) (2020-01-02)
AzureMonitorAlerts (V0)
- API version updated (#11871) (2020-01-08)
- SPN Auth credential bug fix for ARG and PackerBuild tasks (#11994) (2020-01-05)
- Fix localisation Error (#11997) (2019-12-21)
- correlation warning fix (#12045) (2019-12-27)
- Fixing azure task warning issue (#12058) (2020-01-02)
AzureMysqlDeployment (V1)
- API version updated (#11871) (2020-01-08)
- SPN Auth credential bug fix for ARG and PackerBuild tasks (#11994) (2020-01-05)
- Fix localisation Error (#11997) (2019-12-21)
- Fixing azure task warning issue (#12058) (2020-01-02)
AzurePowerShell (V4)
- API version updated (#11871) (2020-01-08)
- SPN Auth credential bug fix for ARG and PackerBuild tasks (#11994) (2020-01-05)
- Fix localisation Error (#11997) (2019-12-21)
- Fixing azure task warning issue (#12058) (2020-01-02)
AzurePowerShell (V5)
- API version updated (#11871) (2020-01-08)
- SPN Auth credential bug fix for ARG and PackerBuild tasks (#11994) (2020-01-05)
- Fix localisation Error (#11997) (2019-12-21)
- Fixing azure task warning issue (#12058) (2020-01-02)
AzureResourceGroupDeployment (V2)
- API version updated (#11871) (2020-01-08)
- SPN Auth credential bug fix for ARG and PackerBuild tasks (#11994) (2020-01-05)
- Fix localisation Error (#11997) (2019-12-21)
- Users/nijoy/revert spn bug (#12015) (2020-01-02)
- correlation warning fix (#12045) (2019-12-27)
- Fixing azure task warning issue (#12058) (2020-01-02)
- ARG Task Review comments from release branch (#12079) (2020-01-07)
AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment (V3)
- API version updated (#11871) (2020-01-08)
- SPN Auth credential bug fix for ARG and PackerBuild tasks (#11994) (2020-01-05)
- Fix localisation Error (#11997) (2019-12-21)
- Users/nijoy/revert spn bug (#12015) (2020-01-02)
- correlation warning fix (#12045) (2019-12-27)
- Fixing azure task warning issue (#12058) (2020-01-02)
- ARG Task Review comments from release branch (#12079) (2020-01-07)
AzureRmWebAppDeployment (V3)
- Fix localisation Error (#11997) (2019-12-21)
- rfp warning and helpurl (#12041) (2019-12-27)
- correlation warning fix (#12045) (2019-12-27)
- Fixing azure task warning issue (#12058) (2020-01-02)
- ARG Task Review comments from release branch (#12079) (2020-01-07)
AzureRmWebAppDeployment (V4)
- API version updated (#11871) (2020-01-08)
- SPN Auth credential bug fix for ARG and PackerBuild tasks (#11994) (2020-01-05)
- Fix localisation Error (#11997) (2019-12-21)
- rfp warning and helpurl (#12041) (2019-12-27)
AzureVmssDeployment (V0)
AzureWebAppContainer (V1)
AzureWebApp (V1)
FuncToolsInstaller (V0)
- Adding telemetry in FuncToolsInstallerV0 task and adding codeowners for FuncToolsInstallerV0, AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV0 tasks (#12034) (2019-12-26)
Gradle (V2)
- Updating lodash.merge package for GradleV2 (#12033) (2019-12-26)
HelmDeploy (V0)
- Users/shigupt/kubernetes manifest bug fixes (#11906) (2019-12-23)
- Added environment link and describe dump for supportablity (#12038) (2020-01-07)
- correlation warning fix (#12045) (2019-12-27)
- Added support for helm install in helm 3 (#12080) (2020-01-07)
HelmInstaller (V1)
- Users/shigupt/kubernetes manifest bug fixes (#11906) (2019-12-23)
- Added environment link and describe dump for supportablity (#12038) (2020-01-07)
JavaToolInstaller (V0)
- correlation warning fix (#12045) (2019-12-27)
- ARG Task Review comments from release branch (#12079) (2020-01-07)
JenkinsDownloadArtifacts (V1)
- ARG Task Review comments from release branch (#12079) (2020-01-07)
KubectlInstaller (V0)
- Users/shigupt/kubernetes manifest bug fixes (#11906) (2019-12-23)
- Added environment link and describe dump for supportablity (#12038) (2020-01-07)
KubernetesManifest (V0)
- Users/shigupt/kubernetes manifest bug fixes (#11906) (2019-12-23)
- Added environment link and describe dump for supportablity (#12038) (2020-01-07)
Kubernetes (V1)
- Users/shigupt/kubernetes manifest bug fixes (#11906) (2019-12-23)
- Added environment link and describe dump for supportablity (#12038) (2020-01-07)
- correlation warning fix (#12045) (2019-12-27)
MSBuild (V1)
- Fixes case where MSBuild may ignore build errors when clean (#12047) (2019-12-30)
PackerBuild (V0)
- ARG Task Review comments from release branch (#12079) (2020-01-07)
PackerBuild (V1)
- ARG Task Review comments from release branch (#12079) (2020-01-07)
PublishPipelineMetadata (V0)
- Fixing CI failures for AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV0 and PublishPipelineMetadataV0 tasks (#12042) (2019-12-27)
PublishTestResults (V2)
- Updated PublishTestResult task to version 2.164.0 (#12063) (2020-01-02)
VSBuild (V1)
- Fixes case where MSBuild may ignore build errors when clean (#12047) (2019-12-30)
VsTest (V2)
- Removing enablehydra featureflag and adding servertype in InputDataContract (#12053) (2019-12-31)
- Updated VsTestV2 task to version 2.164.1 (#12059) (2020-01-02)
XamarinAndroid (V1)
- Fixes case where MSBuild may ignore build errors when clean (#12047) (2019-12-30)
XamariniOS (V2)
- Fixes case where MSBuild may ignore build errors when clean (#12047) (2019-12-30)
Sprint 161
ACRTask (V0)
- Users/suaggar/tsg update in logs (#11903) (2019-12-05)
- FIx for the error in name of task ACRTask (#11923) (2019-12-06)
AzureAppServiceManage (V0)
AzureAppServiceSettings (V1)
AzureFileCopy (V2)
- Users/suaggar/tsg update in logs (#11903) (2019-12-05)
AzureFileCopy (V3)
- Users/suaggar/tsg update in logs (#11903) (2019-12-05)
AzureFunctionAppContainer (V1)
- Users/suaggar/tsg update in logs (#11903) (2019-12-05)
AzureFunctionApp (V1)
- Users/suaggar/tsg update in logs (#11903) (2019-12-05)
AzureKeyVault (V1)
- Users/suaggar/tsg update in logs (#11903) (2019-12-05)
AzureMonitorAlerts (V0)
- Users/suaggar/tsg update in logs (#11903) (2019-12-05)
AzureMysqlDeployment (V1)
- Users/suaggar/tsg update in logs (#11903) (2019-12-05)
AzurePowerShell (V4)
- Users/suaggar/tsg update in logs (#11903) (2019-12-05)
AzureResourceGroupDeployment (V2)
- Escaping block character for file match (#11791) (2019-11-28)
- AzureResourceGroupDeploymentTask: Improving error log to point to Deployment logs in Ibiza Portal (#11853) (2019-12-05)
- AzureResourceGroupDeployment: Improve docs/error logs to surface SPN details to user (#11860) (2019-12-05)
- Users/suaggar/tsg update in logs (#11903) (2019-12-05)
- ARG Task Review comments from release PR to master (#11916) (2019-12-06)
- Updating task version for ARG task (#11941) (2019-12-11)
AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment (V3)
- Escaping block character for file match (#11791) (2019-11-28)
- AzureResourceGroupDeploymentTask: Improving error log to point to Deployment logs in Ibiza Portal (#11853) (2019-12-05)
- AzureResourceGroupDeployment: Improve docs/error logs to surface SPN details to user (#11860) (2019-12-05)
- Users/suaggar/tsg update in logs (#11903) (2019-12-05)
- ARG Task Review comments from release PR to master (#11916) (2019-12-06)
AzureRmWebAppDeployment (V3)
- Users/suaggar/tsg update in logs (#11903) (2019-12-05)
AzureWebApp (V1)
Bash (V3)
- Log errors more verbosely in script tasks (#9391) (2019-12-16)
- Source bash tasks instead of executing them (#11760) (2019-12-16)
CmdLine (V2)
- Log errors more verbosely in script tasks (#9391) (2019-12-16)
DownloadPackage (V0)
- Fixed DownloadPackageV0 task to be able to download AFD enabled packages (#11897) (2019-12-04)
DownloadPackage (V1)
- Updated auth token filter to skip sending auth headers for blobstore … (#11896) (2019-12-04)
KubernetesManifest (V0)
- [KubernetesManifest] Replacement logic fix (#11883) (2019-12-09)
MSBuild (V1)
- Corrects missing parentheses in MSBuild parameter validation (#11946) (2019-12-10)
- Period is a valid character for Configuration and Platform in MSBuild. (#11972) (2019-12-13)
PowerShell (V2)
- Log errors more verbosely in script tasks (#9391) (2019-12-16)
PublishTestResults (V2)
- Calling results.publishmetadatatoevidencestore agent command to publish metadata. (#11878) (2019-12-15)
- Updated PTR Task to version 11023201 (#11884) (2019-12-04)
- updated PTR library version (#11962) (2019-12-16)
VSBuild (V1)
- Corrects missing parentheses in MSBuild parameter validation (#11946) (2019-12-10)
- Period is a valid character for Configuration and Platform in MSBuild. (#11972) (2019-12-13)
VsTest (V2)
- Telemetry changes in VsTest task V2 (#11866) (2019-12-02)
- Adding default value for minimum expected tests in vstest (#11872) (2019-12-04)
- Updated VsTestV2 task to version 2.162.4 (#11882) (2019-12-04)
- Updated PTR Task to version 11023201 (#11884) (2019-12-04)
- fixed no test assemblies found issue (#11918) (2019-12-06)
- Updated VsTestV2 task to version 2.163.0 (#11964) (2019-12-13)
XamarinAndroid (V1)
- Period is a valid character for Configuration and Platform in MSBuild. (#11972) (2019-12-13)
XamariniOS (V2)
- Period is a valid character for Configuration and Platform in MSBuild. (#11972) (2019-12-13)
Sprint 160
AzureAppServiceManage (V0)
- Users/suaggar/correlation (#11824) (2019-11-23)
AzureAppServiceSettings (V1)
- Users/suaggar/correlation (#11824) (2019-11-23)
AzureCLI (V1)
- Azcli v1: update help text (#11838) (2019-11-26)
AzureCLI (V2)
- AzureCLI task: updated help text for environment variables clarity (#11802) (2019-11-21)
AzureCloudPowerShellDeployment (V1)
- adding AzurePowershellV5 (#11778) (2019-11-19)
AzureFileCopy (V2)
AzureFileCopy (V3)
AzureFunctionAppContainer (V1)
AzureFunctionApp (V1)
- Added deployment strategy for Linux Premium Plan (#11736) (2019-11-19)
- Users/suaggar/rfp fix (#11821) (2019-11-21)
- Users/suaggar/correlation (#11824) (2019-11-23)
AzureFunctionOnKubernetes (V0)
- pushing all metadata code inside try-catch block (#11815) (2019-11-21)
AzureKeyVault (V1)
- Users/suaggar/correlation (#11824) (2019-11-23)
AzureMonitorAlerts (V0)
- Users/suaggar/correlation (#11824) (2019-11-23)
AzureMysqlDeployment (V1)
- Changes for xmldom package (#11796) (2019-11-19)
- Users/suaggar/rfp fix (#11821) (2019-11-21)
- Users/suaggar/correlation (#11824) (2019-11-23)
AzurePowerShell (V2)
- adding AzurePowershellV5 (#11778) (2019-11-19)
AzurePowerShell (V3)
- adding AzurePowershellV5 (#11778) (2019-11-19)
AzurePowerShell (V4)
AzurePowerShell (V5)
AzureResourceGroupDeployment (V2)
- Users/suaggar/correlation (#11824) (2019-11-23)
AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment (V3)
- Users/suaggar/correlation (#11824) (2019-11-23)
AzureRmWebAppDeployment (V3)
- Users/suaggar/correlation (#11824) (2019-11-23)
AzureRmWebAppDeployment (V4)
- Changes for xmldom package (#11796) (2019-11-19)
- Users/suaggar/rfp fix (#11821) (2019-11-21)
- Users/suaggar/correlation (#11824) (2019-11-23)
AzureWebAppContainer (V1)
- Users/suaggar/rfp fix (#11821) (2019-11-21)
AzureWebApp (V1)
- bug fixes in Azure Webapp deploy task (#11737) (2019-11-20)
- Users/suaggar/rfp fix (#11821) (2019-11-21)
ContainerBuild (V0)
- Adding support for error handling (#11752) (2019-11-18)
ContainerStructureTest (V0)
- Using the ToolLib to download and cache the tool (#11825) (2019-11-26)
Docker (V2)
- Removed the publish metadata pipeline variable (#11766) (2019-11-19)
DotNetCoreCLI (V2)
- Fixed null reference error while getting registry urls (#10782) (2019-11-15)
- added .net core 3.0 information and fixed bug for modify output path (#11800) (2019-11-26)
DotNetCoreInstaller (V0)
- Updated task version, as version 6 is already created for AzureDevOps… (#11829) (2019-11-22)
DownloadPackage (V0)
- Fixed null reference error while getting registry urls (#10782) (2019-11-15)
DownloadPackage (V1)
- Fixed null reference error while getting registry urls (#10782) (2019-11-15)
DownloadPipelineArtifact (V1)
- Update task images (#11793) (2019-11-19)
DownloadPipelineArtifact (V2)
- [DownloadPipelineArtifactV2] Add minimumBuildStatus property (#11664) (2019-11-22)
- Update task images (#11793) (2019-11-19)
FileTransform (V1)
FileTransform (V2)
HelmDeploy (V0)
- Removed the publish metadata pipeline variable (#11766) (2019-11-19)
- Users/shigupt/helm deploy fix (#11794) (2019-11-25)
- pushing all metadata code inside try-catch block (#11815) (2019-11-21)
HelmInstaller (V1)
- pushing all metadata code inside try-catch block (#11815) (2019-11-21)
IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroup (V0)
KubectlInstaller (V0)
- pushing all metadata code inside try-catch block (#11815) (2019-11-21)
KubernetesManifest (V0)
- Removed the publish metadata pipeline variable (#11766) (2019-11-19)
- pushing all metadata code inside try-catch block (#11815) (2019-11-21)
Kubernetes (V1)
- Removed the publish metadata pipeline variable (#11766) (2019-11-19)
- Kubernetes L0 fix (#11781) (2019-11-15)
- pushing all metadata code inside try-catch block (#11815) (2019-11-21)
MSBuild (V1)
- Adds validation to Platform and Configuration parameters in MSBuild Task (#11782) (2019-11-15)
Maven (V2)
- Fixed null reference error while getting registry urls (#10782) (2019-11-15)
Maven (V3)
- Fixed null reference error while getting registry urls (#10782) (2019-11-15)
MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroup (V1)
NpmAuthenticate (V0)
- Fixed null reference error while getting registry urls (#10782) (2019-11-15)
Npm (V1)
- Fixed null reference error while getting registry urls (#10782) (2019-11-15)
NuGetCommand (V2)
- Fixed null reference error while getting registry urls (#10782) (2019-11-15)
NuGetPublisher (V0)
- Fixed null reference error while getting registry urls (#10782) (2019-11-15)
NuGetToolInstaller (V0)
- Fixed null reference error while getting registry urls (#10782) (2019-11-15)
NuGetToolInstaller (V1)
- Fixed null reference error while getting registry urls (#10782) (2019-11-15)
NuGet (V0)
- Fixed null reference error while getting registry urls (#10782) (2019-11-15)
PipAuthenticate (V0)
- Fixed null reference error while getting registry urls (#10782) (2019-11-15)
PublishPipelineArtifact (V1)
- Update task images (#11793) (2019-11-19)
PublishTestResults (V2)
- Updated VsTestV2 task to version 10932935 And PTR Task to version 10925608 (#11807) (2019-11-22)
TwineAuthenticate (V0)
- Fixed null reference error while getting registry urls (#10782) (2019-11-15)
UniversalPackages (V0)
- Fixed null reference error while getting registry urls (#10782) (2019-11-15)
- UPack task fix: removing extra slash for organization-scoped feeds (#11849) (2019-11-27)
VSBuild (V1)
- Adds validation to Platform and Configuration parameters in MSBuild Task (#11782) (2019-11-15)
VsTest (V2)
- Updated VsTestV2 task to version V2.161.1 (#11777) (2019-11-15)
- Adding results directory UI option in vstest task (#11789) (2019-11-26)
- Updated VsTestV2 task to version 2.162.0 (#11805) (2019-11-20)
- Updated VsTestV2 task to version 10932935 And PTR Task to version 10925608 (#11807) (2019-11-22)
- Updated VsTestV2 task to version 2.161.2 (#11809) (2019-11-20)
XamarinAndroid (V1)
- Adds validation to Platform and Configuration parameters in MSBuild Task (#11782) (2019-11-15)
XamariniOS (V2)
- Adds validation to Platform and Configuration parameters in MSBuild Task (#11782) (2019-11-15)