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API to control a pentair Screenlogic. Built on top of parnic's screenlogic-node library.


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An API built on top of Parnic's node-screenlogic library.

Still a work in progress.

Pull Requests Welcome!

If you find this API useful and fix bugs or add functionality, please PR it back!

Setup and usage

To set up, clone this repo then run npm install.

Envorinment Variables

You can modify the behavoir of the server with the following environment variables:

  • BASE_PATH : Base path the for API routes. Defaults to /api.
  • POLL_INTERVAL : How often to poll the backend screenlogic device. Defaults to 5 seconds.
  • PORT : Specify what port for the express server to listen on.
  • SL_IP_ADDRESS : IP Address of your screenlogic device.
  • SL_PORT : Port your Screenlogic device is listening on.
  • SL_NAME : (Optional) Name of your ScreenLogic unit.
  • FEATURES_LOCATION : (Optional) Section you would like to see anything you've defined as showing up in the "Features" section in the ScreenLogic app. Valid options are spa and pool.

Important: if you specify SL_IP_ADDRESS and SL_PORT, the server will not broadcast for a screenlogic device on the network, it will attempt to connect to your screenlogic at the IP Address and port specified. This is especially useful in a situation where the broadcast address on the network that the screenlogic unit is attached to is unreachable, such as if running this in a docker container.


GET methods

Endpoint Function Notes
/api/all Return all data about the screenlogic device (that I can currently get via Parnic's library) This is suitable for use by a Front End UI
/api/raw Return the raw data from the library, bypassing any data massaging or interpreting that the api is doing This is suitable for debugging purposes

PUT methods

Circuit activate/deactivate

Endpoint Function Notes
/api/circuit/:circuit/:state Turn any circuit on or off. circuit should be an integer between 500 and 600 corresponding to the circuit you wish to modify, state should be 1 (on) or 0 (off) The /api/all endpoint will return an object that lists all of the circuit definitions for your system under controllerConfig.bodyArray[].
Convenience Methods
Endpoint Function Notes
/api/pool/on Set the screenlogic device to pool mode and turn it on This is the functional equilivent of sending PUT /api/circuit/505/1
/api/pool/off Set the screenlogic device to pool mode and turn it on This is the functional equilivent of sending PUT /api/circuit/505/0
/api/spa/on Set the screenlogic device to spa mode and turn it on This is the functional equilivent of sending PUT /api/circuit/500/1
/api/spa/off Set the screenlogic device to spa mode and turn it on This is the functional equilivent of sending PUT /api/circuit/500/0

Heater Control

Endpoint Function Notes
/api/:body/heater/setpoint/:temp Set the heater setpoint (i.e. temperature) for the given body. body should be either pool or spa; temp should be the temperature you want to set the setpoint to. The temperature should be in whatever scale your pool is set to (i.e. Celcius or Farenheit).
/api/:body/heater/mode/:mode Set the heater operation mode for the given body. body should be either pool or spa; mode is an integer from 0 - 4

mode is an integer from 0 - 4 with the following meanings:

Mode Integer Meaning
0 Off
1 Solar
2 Solar Preferred
3 Heat Pump
4 No Change


Endpoint Function Notes
/api/lights/:command Execute a Light command This should be a integer from 0 - 17, see below

This is the config object I'm using in the angular UI.

    text: "Lights Off",
    buttonType : "primary",
    commandInt: 0,
    commandString: "ScreenLogic.LIGHT_CMD_LIGHTS_OFF",
    visible: false,
    pallet: "OnOff",
    color: null
    text: "Lights On",
    buttonType : "primary",
    commandInt: 1,
    commandString: "ScreenLogic.LIGHT_CMD_LIGHTS_ON",
    visible: false,
    pallet: "OnOff",
    color: null

export const COLORLIGHTBUTTONS: LightButton[] = [
    text: "Set",
    buttonType : "primary",
    commandInt: 2,
    commandString: "ScreenLogic.LIGHT_CMD_COLOR_SET",
    visible: true,
    pallet: "Color Lights",
    color: null
    text: "Sync",
    buttonType : "primary",
    commandInt: 3,
    commandString: "ScreenLogic.LIGHT_CMD_COLOR_SYNC",
    visible: true,
    pallet: "Color Lights",
    color: null
    text: "Swim",
    buttonType : "basic",
    commandInt: 4,
    commandString: "ScreenLogic.LIGHT_CMD_COLOR_SWIM",
    visible: true,
    pallet: "Color Lights",
    color: null

export const INTELLIBRITEBUTTONS: LightButton[] = [
    text: "Party",
    buttonType : "basic",
    commandInt: 5,
    commandString: "ScreenLogic.LIGHT_CMD_COLOR_MODE_PARTY",
    visible: true,
    pallet: "IntelliBrite",
    color: null
    text: "Romance",
    buttonType : "basic",
    commandInt: 6,
    commandString: "ScreenLogic.LIGHT_CMD_COLOR_MODE_ROMANCE",
    visible: true,
    pallet: "IntelliBrite",
    color: null
    text: "Caribbean",
    buttonType : "basic",
    commandInt: 7,
    commandString: "ScreenLogic.LIGHT_CMD_COLOR_MODE_CARIBBEAN",
    visible: true,
    pallet: "IntelliBrite",
    color: null
    text: "American",
    buttonType : "basic",
    commandInt: 8,
    commandString: "ScreenLogic.LIGHT_CMD_COLOR_MODE_AMERICAN",
    visible: true,
    pallet: "IntelliBrite",
    color: null
    text: "Sunset",
    buttonType : "basic",
    commandInt: 9,
    commandString: "ScreenLogic.LIGHT_CMD_COLOR_MODE_SUNSET",
    visible: true,
    pallet: "IntelliBrite",
    color: null
    text: "Royal",
    buttonType : "basic",
    commandInt: 10,
    commandString: "ScreenLogic.LIGHT_CMD_COLOR_MODE_ROYAL",
    visible: true,
    pallet: "IntelliBrite",
    color: null
    text: "Save",
    buttonType : "basic",
    commandInt: 11,
    commandString: "ScreenLogic.LIGHT_CMD_COLOR_SET_SAVE",
    visible: false,
    pallet: "IntelliBrite",
    color: null
    text: "Recall",
    buttonType : "basic",
    commandInt: 12,
    commandString: "ScreenLogic.LIGHT_CMD_COLOR_SET_RECALL",
    visible: false,
    pallet: "IntelliBrite",
    color: null


export const SOLIDCOLORBUTTONS: LightButton[] = [
    text: "Blue",
    buttonType : "mat-fab",
    commandInt: 13,
    commandString: "ScreenLogic.LIGHT_CMD_COLOR_BLUE",
    visible: true,
    pallet: "Solid Colors",
    color: "#2400c7"
    text: "Green",
    buttonType : "mat-fab",
    commandInt: 14,
    commandString: "ScreenLogic.LIGHT_CMD_COLOR_GREEN",
    visible: true,
    pallet: "Solid Colors",
    color: "#00a008"
    text: "Red",
    buttonType : "mat-fab",
    commandInt: 15,
    commandString: "ScreenLogic.LIGHT_CMD_COLOR_RED",
    visible: true,
    pallet: "Solid Colors",
    color: "#c20000"
    text: "White",
    buttonType : "mat-fab",
    commandInt: 16,
    commandString: "ScreenLogic.LIGHT_CMD_COLOR_WHITE",
    visible: true,
    pallet: "Solid Colors",
    color: "#ffffff"
    text: "Purple",
    buttonType : "mat-fab",
    commandInt: 17,
    commandString: "ScreenLogic.LIGHT_CMD_COLOR_PURPLE",
    visible: true,
    pallet: "Solid Colors",
    color: "#d800ff"