Welcome to the Pokedex WebApp — a React-based web app for Pokemon enthusiasts! This app lets you explore Pokemon, generate random ones, view randomly generated Pokemon teams, and play an interactive pokeflip memory game.
Check out the live version of the app here.
- View dynamic Pokemon images and navigate to different sections.
- Buttons for generating random Pokemon, viewing the Pokemon list, or playing the PokeFlip game.
- Toggle between light and dark mode.
- View the team of Pokemon you've caught.
- Discover random Pokemon with a single click.
- View their stats, moves, abilities, and evolution chain.
- Whenever you generate a new Pokemon a random team is created for you based on the Pokemon type.
- Use a Poké Ball 🎱 to catch a Pokémon.
- Store your caught Pokémon in your team.
- Release Pokémon back into the wild whenever you want.
- Keep track of your captured collection and build your ultimate Pokémon
- Displays a paginated list of all Pokemon.
- Filtered search functionality for finding specific Pokemon.
- Play a memory game with Pokemon.
- Test your memory and match the Pokemon pairs!
- Try to beat the high score.
- React - Component-based architecture.
- Vite - Fast and modern development build tool.
- Chakra UI - Custom styling for a visually appealing UI.
- React-Router - For seamless page navigation.
- Pokemon API - Fetches real-time Pokemon data.
Follow these steps to get the app up and running:
- Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/mikhail-w/pokedex.git cd pokedex/frontend
- Install Dependencies
npm install
- Run the App
npm run dev
- View in Browser