โญ My recently starred repos
Name | Url | Stars | Description |
AntoineLemaire/BlacklistBundle | https://github.com/AntoineLemaire/BlacklistBundle | 3 | Provides a Blacklist system for Symfony using Annotations with Sonata admin integration |
milaabl/GitHub_Follower_Bot_Automated | https://github.com/milaabl/GitHub_Follower_Bot_Automated | 5 | Automated GitHub Follower Bot - You Follow Me ---> My Bot Follows you Back! Let's growth! Learn how you can set it up also! |
regolith-labs/ore-cli | https://github.com/regolith-labs/ore-cli | 1479 | Command line interface for ORE cryptocurrency mining. |
phoboslab/high_impact | https://github.com/phoboslab/high_impact | 1093 | A 2d game engine written in C |
Xe/praise-me | https://github.com/Xe/praise-me | 141 | Praise my GitHub profile! |
OfficialCodeVoyage/GitHub_Follower_Bot_Automated | https://github.com/OfficialCodeVoyage/GitHub_Follower_Bot_Automated | 58 | You Follow Me ---> My Bot Follows you Back! Let's growth! Learn how you can set it up also! |
OfficialCodeVoyage/leetcode | https://github.com/OfficialCodeVoyage/leetcode | 22 | LeetCode practice |
MatthiasGN/SnAkE-gAmE | https://github.com/MatthiasGN/SnAkE-gAmE | 4 | Classic snake game built in Python |
EnsoBuild/temper | https://github.com/EnsoBuild/temper | 368 | Temper your expectations - Ethereum Transaction Simulator |
the-coder-o/a-bd.me | https://github.com/the-coder-o/a-bd.me | 8 | My personal website made with Next.js 14 (App Router). Features blog posts, gear list, dark theme and more. Tailwind CSS, Radix, Framer Motion, and Vercel. |
Xunzhuo/Xunzhuo | https://github.com/Xunzhuo/Xunzhuo | 49 | About me |
zcaceres/snoop | https://github.com/zcaceres/snoop | 3 | Like grep or ack... for the DOM |
zcaceres/zcaceres | https://github.com/zcaceres/zcaceres | 2 | Super secret Github profile README thing |
zcaceres/dotfiles | https://github.com/zcaceres/dotfiles | 2 | System setup w/dotfiles, tools, and apps automated with Ansible. Forever a WIP. |
glitch-txs/metamask-csp-firefox | https://github.com/glitch-txs/metamask-csp-firefox | 4 | MetaMask is blocked by Firefox when using CSP |
michaelsbradleyjr/nim-notcurses | https://github.com/michaelsbradleyjr/nim-notcurses | 29 | Nim wrapper for Notcurses: blingful TUIs and character graphics |
arianXdev/hardhat-jest | https://github.com/arianXdev/hardhat-jest | 10 | A Hardhat plugin that allows you to use Jest easily! |
przemek890/Gender_prediction | https://github.com/przemek890/Gender_prediction | 3 | An application that utilizes camera input to predict a person's gender using a convolutional layer in PyTorch. |
pieralukasz/pixel-recruitment-task | https://github.com/pieralukasz/pixel-recruitment-task | 1 | Zadanie rekrutacyjne Pixel Technology |
SaraRasoulian/oop-solid-patterns | https://github.com/SaraRasoulian/oop-solid-patterns | 19 | ๐ An educational repository for OOP, SOLID and Design Patterns |
BogdanMFometescu/resume-builder | https://github.com/BogdanMFometescu/resume-builder | 13 | Django-based web application that allows users to create, update, and export professional resumes. |
0xMimir/Advance-CNN-LSTM-Model-for-Cryptocurrency-Forecasting | https://github.com/0xMimir/Advance-CNN-LSTM-Model-for-Cryptocurrency-Forecasting | 12 | CNN LSTM model used for predicting cryptocurrencies |
CloverGit/CloverGit | https://github.com/CloverGit/CloverGit | 8 | |
TatevKaren/TatevKaren-data-science-portfolio | https://github.com/TatevKaren/TatevKaren-data-science-portfolio | 62 | Data Science Portfolio of Tatev Karen Aslanyan including Case Studies and Research Projects that I have completed that solve business problems or introduce new products. Case Study papers, codes, and additional resources are all included. |
PiotrRut/elonmusk-twitter-notifier | https://github.com/PiotrRut/elonmusk-twitter-notifier | 61 | AI driven e-mail notifier for tweets mentioning stock from Elon Musk ๐ |
Vendicated/Vencord | https://github.com/Vendicated/Vencord | 10174 | The cutest Discord client mod |
yeoman/yo | https://github.com/yeoman/yo | 3880 | CLI tool for running Yeoman generators |
matter-labs/zksync-era | https://github.com/matter-labs/zksync-era | 3161 | zkSync era |
0age/create2crunch | https://github.com/0age/create2crunch | 512 | A Rust program for finding salts that create gas-efficient Ethereum addresses via CREATE2. |
joshstevens19/ethereum-multicall | https://github.com/joshstevens19/ethereum-multicall | 369 | Ability to call many ethereum constant function calls in 1 JSONRPC request |
๐ A random poem from https://poetrydb.org/random! ๐
"So pulse, and pulse, thou rhythmic-hearted Noon
That liest, large-limbed, curved along the hills,
In languid palpitation, half a-swoon
With ardors and sun-loves and subtle thrills;
"Throb, Beautiful! while the fervent hours exhale
As kisses faint-blown from thy finger-tips
Up to the sun, that turn him passion-pale
And then as red as any virgin's lips.
"O tender Darkness, when June-day hath ceased,
-- Faint Odor from the day-flower's crushing born,
-- Dim, visible Sigh out of the mournful East
That cannot see her lord again till morn:
"And many leaves, broad-palmed towards the sky
To catch the sacred raining of star-light:
And pallid petals, fain, all fain to die,
Soul-stung by too keen passion of the night:
"And short-breath'd winds, under yon gracious moon
Doing mild errands for mild violets,
Or carrying sighs from the red lips of June
What aimless way the odor-current sets:
"And stars, ringed glittering in whorls and bells,
Or bent along the sky in looped star-sprays,
Or vine-wound, with bright grapes in panicles,
Or bramble-tangled in a sweetest maze,
"Or lying like young lilies in a lake
About the great white Lotus of the moon,
Or blown and drifted, as if winds should shake
Star blossoms down from silver stems too soon,
"Or budding thick about full open stars,
Or clambering shyly up cloud-lattices,
Or trampled pale in the red path of Mars,
Or trim-set in quaint gardener's fantasies:
"And long June night-sounds crooned among the leaves,
And whispered confidence of dark and green,
And murmurs in old moss about old eaves,
And tinklings floating over water-sheen!"
Then he that wrote laid down his pen and sighed;
And straightway came old Scorn and Bitterness,
Like Hunnish kings out of the barbarous land,
And camped upon the transient Italy
That he had dreamed to blossom in his soul.
"I'll date this dream," he said; "so: `Given, these,
On this, the coldest night in all the year,
From this, the meanest garret in the world,
In this, the greatest city in the land,
To you, the richest folk this side of death,
By one, the hungriest poet under heaven,
-- Writ while his candle sputtered in the gust,
And while his last, last ember died of cold,
And while the mortal ice i' the air made free
Of all his bones and bit and shrunk his heart,
And while soft Luxury made show to strike
Her gloved hands together and to smile
What time her weary feet unconsciously
Trode wheels that lifted Avarice to power,
-- And while, moreover, -- O thou God, thou God --
His worshipful sweet wife sat still, afar,
Within the village whence she sent him forth
Into the town to make his name and fame,
Waiting, all confident and proud and calm,
Till he should make for her his name and fame,
Waiting -- O Christ, how keen this cuts! -- large-eyed,
With Baby Charley till her husband make
For her and him a poet's name and fame.'
-- Read me," he cried, and rose, and stamped his foot
Impatiently at Heaven, "read me this,"
(Putting th' inquiry full in the face of God)
"Why can we poets dream us beauty, so,
But cannot dream us bread? Why, now, can I
Make, aye, create this fervid throbbing June
Out of the chill, chill matter of my soul,
Yet cannot make a poorest penny-loaf
Out of this same chill matter, no, not one
For Mary though she starved upon my breast?"
And then he fell upon his couch, and sobbed,
And, late, just when his heart leaned o'er
The very edge of breaking, fain to fall,
God sent him sleep.
There came his room-fellow,
Stout Dick, the painter, saw the written dream,
Read, scratched his curly pate, smiled, winked, fell on
The poem in big-hearted comic rage,
Quick folded, thrust in envelope, addressed
To him, the critic-god, that sitteth grim
And giant-grisly on the stone causeway
That leadeth to his magazine and fame.
Him, by due mail, the little Dream of June
Encountered growling, and at unawares
Stole in upon his poem-battered soul
So that he smiled, -- then shook his head upon 't
-- Then growled, then smiled again, till at the last,
As one that deadly sinned against his will,
He writ upon the margin of the Dream
A wondrous, wondrous word that in a day
Did turn the fleeting song to very bread,
-- Whereat Dick Painter leapt, the poet wept,
And Mary slept with happy drops a-gleam
Upon long lashes of her serene eyes
From twentieth reading of her poet's news
Quick-sent, "O sweet my Sweet, to dream is power,
And I can dream thee bread and dream thee wine,
And I will dream thee robes and gems, dear Love,
To clothe thy holy loveliness withal,
And I will dream thee here to live by me,
Thee and my little man thou hold'st at breast,
-- Come, Name, come, Fame, and kiss my Sweetheart's feet!"
โฌ๏ธ "Dnieper in the morning", 1881 - Arkhyp Kuindzhi (recreated with stargazer's profile avatars & a Python mozaic script) ๐ผ๏ธ

โญ Star the readme-mosaic repo for your ๐โโฌ avatar to be included in the next picture redrawing. The more users star the repo, the more realistic the picture will look like because the colors will get more diverse. It's a Python workflow. The author of the painting above is Arkhip Kuindzhi โ a Ukrainian painter ๐๐.
โ๏ธIf you have some time, you can join this open-source chess game and submit your move! It's built with GitHub workflows & Python, as well as it includes a NodeJS .md to image (.png) script. ๐
โ๏ธ Please check out my Medium for Web3-related posts!