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AM2R Multitroid V1.3

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@milesthenerd milesthenerd released this 03 May 01:57

Client Changes

  • Multitroid menu now displays the server's difficulty and ELM settings
  • Player icons now appear next to the minimap if there are 6 players or less connected, otherwise they will only be on the map screen
  • Custom save location has been added at %localappdata%\AM2R\Profiles\AM2R Multitroid\multitroid
  • Made keyboard input able to be started with the mapped accept key
  • Added an option in the Multitroid menu to allow swapping between default, color, or custom palettes
  • Changed the F4 nametag toggle to actually work
  • Added option to censor IP. It will reveal the IP when you attempt to edit it, but it will be invisible otherwise
  • Added ability to paste IP on Windows, sorry Linux users ;(
  • Made extra gamemodes always available, no need for cheat codes if you haven't completed the game yet

Server Changes

  • Admin tools! These include:
    • Kicking
    • Banning (along with a button to refresh the blacklist if you edit it manually, may have to click the button twice)
    • Health syncing toggle
    • Ammo syncing toggle
    • Item collection syncing toggle
    • Item enabled/disabled syncing toggle (requires item collection syncing to be enabled to sync)
    • Metroid syncing toggle
    • Map (and player map position) toggle
    • Events and bosses (bosses cannot be separated from events) toggle
    • A button to reset sync toggles
  • Now displays current difficulty
  • Now displays whether ELM is enabled or disabled
  • 16 players now supported!
  • Made seed syncing easier, now done through pressing a button in the server. It will generate a new seed and sync it with other players. A manual seed can also be set. Make sure to set your randomizer type before generating a seed or setting a manual one.
  • Difficulty and ELM settings are now adjusted on the server, the client only shows the current settings in the Multitroid menu


  • Exiting the options menu no longer changes the selection to the gallery menu
  • Serris shinespark noise should now stop if her death syncs from another player
  • The game should no longer crash if a player enters a room right as a metroid is killed
  • Boss death sounds should no longer play twice
  • The game should no longer stutter or freeze constantly with debug logs enabled in the launcher
  • Fixed enter or mapped menu exit key closing Multitroid menu and preventing the editing of the IP, port, and name fields
  • Fixed random seeds not matching up on different platforms

How to play:

Enter the server IP, your nametag, and server port in the Multitroid Settings menu and use the connect button. If you still want to use hotkeys: Pressing F1 will make an attempt to connect to the server, F2 will disconnect from the server, and F3 will show the current random seed.

To get random seeds to sync, have the server host generate or enter a seed in the server interface. Changes should take effect immediately, even if players are in-game (probably shouldn't do that unless you're just asking for mass confusion though).

Difficulty and ELM should also be set by the server host, and changes will also take effect immediately.

No more desyncs pls.

If you run into any issues or have suggestions, feel free to @milesthenerd in the AM2R Discord Server!


To install:

Open the launcher, go to the Mod Settings tab, click "Add New Mod," select the mod zip, go back to the Play tab, and install. The steps should be the same for Windows and Linux, and the Android APK can be created on the Play tab.

To update:

Go to the Mod Settings tab, click "Update Mod," then select the mod zip and proceed like you would after an install.

AMD graphics users on Linux may run into a segfault or llvm crash. If so, launch the game with R600_DEBUG=mono,, or R600_DEBUG=check_vm. It's not a guarantee which one will work, so you'll likely have to try them all.