Deep npm integration with Magento 2 for better a front-end build process.
This module is two things:
- A faster way of compiling static assets for a Magento 2 site.
- An extensible framework to integrate Magento 2 with NodeJS, to easily add new features to the front end build pipeline.
composer config repositories.prefab vcs [email protected]:mindcandy/module-prefab
composer config "minimum-stability" "dev"
composer config "prefer-stable" "true"
composer require mindcandy/module-prefab
bin/magento setup:prefab:build
bin/magento setup:prefab:install
bin/magento setup:prefab:run flatten --store="default"
bin/magento setup:prefab:run --store="default" clean flatten build
The above will compile all static assets required for the default store, and will probably do it a little bit faster than Magento's default implementations.
For the record, here's what is compiled:
- Basic assets are copied (CSS, JS, images, etc.)
- LESS stylesheets
(also includes theme translations)
The aim with each of these tasks was to maintain as much compatibility with Magento as possible, so the above commands should compile any theme that is valid and works out of the box.
The underlying technology here is a collection of build tools strung together by a Unix shell and npm. If you want to learn more about npm scripts as a build tool, I recommend these resources:
The integration between npm and Magento is based on various data providers that run inside Magento and expose an environment variable that can be used on the npm side.
To help with debugging and testing data providers, there is a command env
included. By running bin/magento setup:prefab:run env
, you can see all set
environment variables, including those added by this module.
Remove a store's compiled assets in pub/static
, and the flattened theme
hierarchy (pub/static/prefab_build
Resolve the theme hierarchy into a flattened directory of symlinks that point to
source files. For example, if a theme has overriden the file
, then the symlink
would point to the theme's file, rather than the template from the module.
This process allows npm to operate on a single directory tree, while retaining the full flexibility of Magento's theme hierarchy.
Compile all static assets from the flattened theme hierarchy into pub/static
Note that flatten
needs to be run before build
Builds the build system. In particular, it does two things:
- Parses every module's
and generatespackage.json
. - Copy all
directories inside a module into a sharedprefab
build directory, where they are accessible by npm scripts.
Installs all dependencies specified by Prefab's package.json
. This should be
run after setup:prefab:build
setup:prefab:run [options] [--] [<commands>]...
is a sequence of one or more npm commands, that are run in
sequence. So, for example, css copy
will run the stylesheet compiler, and then
copy static assets.
The store for which to compile assets. Defaults to default
This module wraps npm and generates all required files for building static assets dynamically. This generation is encapsulated by the build step.
All tasks should be configured in a file called prefab.xml
, which should be
placed in the etc
directory of your module. There is a corresponding XSD
schema, as well, but a task should look like this:
<!-- The task would be called like `npm run task-name` -->
<task name="task-name">
The npm dependencies required for your task to work should go here.
They need to include the name in npm, and a version constraint.
These can be updated and overridden by other modules.
<package name="lodash" version="^4.17.4" />
<command>echo "This is a running task"</command>
Running the bin/magento
command setup:prefab:build
will merge all prefab
configuration into npm's package.json
file, so it'll look like this:
// ...
"scripts": {
"task-name": "echo \"This is a running task\"",
// ...
It will also copy the contents of any prefab/
directory inside any modules as
siblings to the npm manifest. A module's prefab/
directory will be copied to
its module name (e.g. /Vendor_Module
). These can be loaded in tasks, if the
in prefab.xml
is specified to be something like node Vendor_Module/task.js
This command only needs to be run once, or whenever a prefab.xml
Once the files have been collected, it's time to install dependencies.
Since the dependencies are all declared in package.json
, all that is left is
to run npm install
. This module includes a bin/magento
command to put you in
the correct directory:
bin/magento setup:prefab:install
As with build
, the above commands only have to be run once, or whenever
something changes.
The real magic is in running the commands. The bin/magento
command to do this
is setup:prefab:run
, which takes an optional --store
flag for the store
code, and a list of commands to run. The --store
defaults to default
# These two are the same
bin/magento setup:prefab:run --store="default" build
bin/magento setup:prefab:run build
# Whereas this is a custom store and custom task
bin/magento setup:prefab:run --store="germany" task-name
This command wraps a few things inside it. First, as with the others, it moves to the correct directory before running commands. But secondly, it sets a collection of environment variables before invoking npm. This is the essence of the integration.
By default, the configuration object contains:
- The store code that is being compiled (
) - Some store configuration as a JSON object (
) - A list of all installed modules with absolute locations on disk as a JSON
array (
) - A list of the store's theme hierarchy, from child theme to parent theme, as
a JSON array (
) - The translation dictionary as a JSON object (
) - The root directory of the Magento installation (
) - The target directory for compiled assets (
) - A safe build directory in which to place intermediate assets (
) - The location of
It is possible to add more. Create a new class that implements the
, and include it as a constructor parameter, like so:
<type name="MindCandy\prefab\Model\DataProvider">
<argument name="dataProviders" xsi:type="array">
<item name="FOO" xsi:type="object">Vendor\Module\Model\DataProvider\Foo</item>
This will make Prefab provision the environment variable FOO
to be whatever
the output of Vendor\Module\Model\DataProvider\Foo::getData()
The final thing to note is that when it runs the prefab
executable, it sets the
environment variable to prefab's directory. This means that scripts
can be imported absolutely from that directory. For example, if you have a file
under your module Vendor_Module
, it can be imported as
const script = require('Vendor_Module/lib/script');
from anywhere, rather than ../lib/script
, or whatever.
In general, most tasks should be able to be written as simple commands using npm
packages. But sometimes, one needs something more custom. To do this, create
a JS file in your module's prefab directory
, and set the task's command to be
node Vendor_Module/task-file.js
should be a Node script, and it can use any of the Node standard
library. In addition, the module packages some useful library files.
packages all the standard environment variables into a JavaScript object, parsing JSON as necessary.MindCandy_Prefab/lib/run.js
allows the passing of a command to run as a separate process.
The configuration exports an environment variable BUILD_DIR
. This is unique
per store, and can be used to store intermediate results for any tasks.
The flatten
task uses this, and creates a subdirectory called flatten
. It
is recommended to create a subdirectory of this and store your intermediate
results inside it. This can be accessed using path.join(config.build_dir, ...)
Currently, JavaScript files under the prefab/
directory inside a module are
freeform, meaning that the structure inside there is up to the author. It is
recommended to split them into lib/
and task/
, for helper scripts and for
tasks respectively.