ionic-swing is a fork of the following projects intended to add the swipeable cards capatibilies to Ionic (>= 2)
To install this library, run:
$ npm install ionic5-swing --save
In your app.module.ts, import the library like following:
import {IonicSwingModule} from 'ionic-swing';
and add it to your imports:
imports: [
To implement a card stack, follow the example provided by angular2-swing
Or you could find also another example in my mobile application Fluster, see the following page and module
In Ionic v4, in order to access the stack and cards as ViewChild
and ViewChildren
, it's mandatory to use the keyword read
to identify correctly the elements
<div swingStack #swingStack>
<ion-card swingCard #swingCards>
@ViewChild('swingStack', {read: SwingStackDirective}) swingStack: SwingStackDirective;
@ViewChildren('swingCards', {read: SwingCardDirective}) swingCards: QueryList<SwingCardDirective>;
This library need hammerjs
but isn't shipped with it because some framework, like Ionic v3
, already include it in their own resources. If it isn't your case, you would need to install hammerjs
in your project
$ npm install hammerjs --save
and add the following line to your app.component.ts
import 'hammerjs';
If you would face the error ReferenceError: global is not defined at ionic-swing.js
at runtime, this could be fixed by declaring the window
to the global scope. To do so add you could add the following to your polyfill.ts
(window as any).global = window;
To generate the library using ng-packagr (
$ npm run packagr
To test locally
$ cd dist
$ npm pack
$ cd /your-project-path/
$ npm install /relative-path-to-local-ionic-swing/dist/ionic-swing-0.0.0.tgz
MIT © David Dal Busco