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An indexer and graph generator for binary build directories.

This tool can be used to quickly search where an ELF symbol matching some criteria is defined in a directory and generate graphs for various queries.


  • Parallel, incremental indexing using sharded Xapian database
  • Indexes cross-references by analyzing ELF relocations
  • Query the database with a simple query language and custom output formats
  • Disassemble symbols matching a query
  • Generate symbol reference graphs in DOT format


With pip:

pip install .

Or, for development:

pip install -e .[dev]

For optional graph generation (this installs pygraphviz):

pip install .[graphs]

xapian is required to be installed on the system.

Getting Xapian

You need Xapian Python bindings, you can get them:

  1. By installing unofficial Xapian bindings Python package with:

     pip install xapian-bindings
  2. By running the provided script

  3. By manually downloading and installing them from Xapian download page



To index a project that contains a compile_commands.json file:

bdx index -c

Or you can specify the directory to index:

bdx index -d ./build

The indexer will only index files changed since last run.

The index command also accepts -o, --opt option which can be used to set some indexing settings, e.g. to enable indexing relocations:

bdx index -d ./build --opt index_relocations=True

Available options:

  • num_processes - number of parallel indexing processes (default=same as # of CPUs).

  • index_relocations - if True, all relocations will be applied and indexed. By default this is false. Setting this to True will slow down indexing.

  • min_symbol_size - (default 1) only index symbols with size equal to or greater than this.

  • use_dwarfdump - if True (the default), use dwarfdump program, if it's available, to find the source file for a compiled file, if it can't be found in any other way.


After a directory is indexed, you can disassemble symbols matching a search query.

You can set the command to disassemble with the -D, --disassembler option, which can contain {} placeholders for replacement.

$ bdx disass tree node defp source:./gcc/cp/parser* section:.text

/src/gcc-12/build/gcc/cp/parser.o:     file format elf64-x86-64

Disassembly of section .text:

000000000000a1d0 <defparse_location(tree_node*)>:
    a1d0:	48 8b 47 08          	mov    0x8(%rdi),%rax
    a1d4:	48 8b 10             	mov    (%rax),%rdx
    a1d7:	48 8b 40 08          	mov    0x8(%rax),%rax
    a1db:	8b 7a 04             	mov    0x4(%rdx),%edi
    a1de:	8b 50 04             	mov    0x4(%rax),%edx
    a1e1:	89 fe                	mov    %edi,%esi
    a1e3:	e9 00 00 00 00       	jmp    a1e8 <defparse_location(tree_node*)+0x18>


bdx search and other commands accept a query string. A simple query language is recognized.

$ bdx search -n 5 tree
tree-eh.o: _ZL20outside_finally_tree8treempleP6gimple
hooks.o: _Z14hook_void_treeP9tree_node
tree-eh.o: _ZL22record_in_finally_tree8treempleP4gtry
langhooks.o: _Z20lhd_return_null_treeP9tree_node
langhooks.o: _Z23lhd_tree_dump_dump_treePvP9tree_node

The -n option sets the maximum number of symbols to search for.

The -f option can be used to set output format (json, sexp or Python string format spec):

$ bdx search -n 5 -f json tree
{"path": "/src/gcc-12/build/stage1-gcc/tree-eh.o", "name": "_ZL20outside_finally_tree8treempleP6gimple", "section": ".text", "address": 12255, "size": 104, "type": "FUNC", "relocations": ["", "_ZN10hash_tableI19finally_tree_hasherLb0E11xcallocatorE4findERKP17finally_tree_node"], "mtime": 1652372105820280262, "demangled": "outside_finally_tree(treemple, gimple*)"}
{"path": "/src/gcc-12/build/prev-gcc/hooks.o", "name": "_Z14hook_void_treeP9tree_node", "section": ".text", "address": 560, "size": 1, "type": "FUNC", "relocations": [], "mtime": 1652375092039025278, "demangled": "hook_void_tree(tree_node*)"}
{"path": "/src/gcc-12/build/gcc/tree-eh.o", "name": "_ZL22record_in_finally_tree8treempleP4gtry", "section": ".text", "address": 13440, "size": 415, "type": "FUNC", "relocations": ["", "_Z11fancy_abortPKciS0_", "_ZN10hash_tableI19finally_tree_hasherLb0E11xcallocatorE6expandEv", "prime_tab", "xmalloc"], "mtime": 1652377778150208461, "demangled": "record_in_finally_tree(treemple, gtry*)"}
{"path": "/src/gcc-12/build/stage1-gcc/langhooks.o", "name": "_Z20lhd_return_null_treeP9tree_node", "section": ".text", "address": 278, "size": 15, "type": "FUNC", "relocations": [], "mtime": 1652372076295950259, "demangled": "lhd_return_null_tree(tree_node*)"}
{"path": "/src/gcc-12/build/stage1-gcc/langhooks.o", "name": "_Z23lhd_tree_dump_dump_treePvP9tree_node", "section": ".text", "address": 1692, "size": 19, "type": "FUNC", "relocations": [], "mtime": 1652372076295950259, "demangled": "lhd_tree_dump_dump_tree(void*, tree_node*)"}
$ bdx search -n 5 -f '0x{address:0>10x}|{section:<10}|{type:8}|{demangled}' tree
0x0000002fdf|.text     |FUNC    |outside_finally_tree(treemple, gimple*)
0x0000000230|.text     |FUNC    |hook_void_tree(tree_node*)
0x0000003480|.text     |FUNC    |record_in_finally_tree(treemple, gtry*)
0x0000000116|.text     |FUNC    |lhd_return_null_tree(tree_node*)
0x000000069c|.text     |FUNC    |lhd_tree_dump_dump_tree(void*, tree_node*)


  1. Search for symbols having foo AND bar somewhere in their name:

     bdx search foo AND bar


     bdx search foo bar
  2. Search for symbols having either foo or bar in their name:

     bdx search foo OR bar
  3. Search for symbols named exactly foo:

     bdx search fullname:foo
  4. Search for symbols where Elf ST_INFO type is STT_FUNC or STT_OBJECT:

     bdx search type:FUNC OR type:OBJECT
  5. Search for symbols foo* in binary files named bar.o:

     bdx search 'name:foo*' path:bar.o
  6. Search for symbols in files compiled from source file named file.c:

     bdx search source:file.c
  7. Search for symbols foo or bar that are not mangled (_Z* prefix):

     bdx search '(foo OR bar)' AND NOT name:_Z*
  8. Search for symbols that reference/call memset:

     bdx search relocations:memset
  9. Search for symbols that call malloc, but not free:

     bdx search relocations:malloc NOT relocations:free
  10. Search for symbols with size in some range, where address is at least 0xfff0:

    bdx search foo size:100..200 address:0xfff0..
  11. Search for symbols by relative path of the binary:

    bdx search 'path:./build/module/*'
  12. Search for string literals:

    bdx search 'path:"/path/to/File With Spaces.o"'
  13. Search for big symbols in some section:

    bdx search section:.rodata AND size:1000..

Graph generation

Generate an SVG image showing at most 20 routes from symbol main in main.o to all symbols in section .text in files matching wildcard Algorithms_*:

bdx graph 'main path:main.o' 'section:".text" AND path:Algorithms*' -n 20 | dot -Tsvg > graph.svg

Example graphs: ASTAR BFS DFS

By default this generates paths by using the ASTAR algorithm, the --algorithm BFS or --algorithm DFS options will use breadth-first-search/depth-first-search algorithms which can generate different graphs and can be slower/faster depending on the index and the queries provided.


Copyright (C) 2024 Michał Krzywkowski

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.


ELF directory index + tools







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