develop by [email protected]
CmdOS is a command based operation system for the ESP32.
<a href="doc/">See cmd description for details</a>
All functions are controled via cmd
e.g. drawLine 0 0 10 0 => draw a line on a display
See examples
CmdOS do not have to run on its one, like Tasmota or EspHome. The idea is to build up own development and include basic functions with CmdOS.
// On Application
#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>
const char *prgTitle = "MyApp";
const char *prgVersion = "V1.0.0";
const char* user_admin = "admin"; // default user
char user_pas[]=""; // default espPas
const char *wifi_ssid_default = ""; // PRIVAT_WIFI_SSID; // define in privatdata.h
const char *wifi_pas_default = ""; //PRIVAT_WIFI_PAS; // define in privatdata.h
const char *mqtt_default = ""; //PRIVAT_MQTTSERVER; // define in privatdata.h
boolean serialEnable=true; // enable/disbale serial in/out
boolean wifiEnable=true; // enable/disbale wifi
boolean ntpEnable=true; // enable time server
boolean webEnable=true; // enable/disbale http server
boolean mdnsEnable=true; // enable/disable mDNS detection
boolean bootSafe=true; // enable/disbale boot safe
#define enableFs true // enable fs / SPIFFS
#define netEnable true // enable/disbale network ping/dns/HttpCLient
#define webSerialEnable false // enable/disbale web serial
#define mqttEnable true // enable/disbale mqtt
#define otaEnable true // enabled/disbale ota update
#define updateEnable false // enabled/disbale update firmware via web
#define ledEnable false // enable/disbale serial
#define ledGpio 4 // io of led
#define LED_ON true // gpio false=led-on
#define swEnable false // enable/disbale switch
#define swGpio 13 // io pin of sw
#define SW_ON false // gpio false=sw-pressed
int _webPort = 80;
AsyncWebServer server(_webPort);
char* appCmd(char *cmd, char *p0, char *p1,char *p2,char *p3,char *p4,char *p5,char *p6,char *p7,char *p8,char *p9) {
return "unkown cmd"; // add application cmd handling here
void webApp() { } // add application web handling here ----------------------------------------------------------
void setup() {
if(isModeOk()) {
// add application setup here
void loop() {
if(isModeOk()) {
// add application loop here
- EEPROM config and Failsafe boot
- Setup with AutoWifi set_up
- Web
- Rest and Remote
- Hardware LED and Button
- Command
- Programm examples
- Autostart and Timer
- Logging
- AcessControl
- SPIFF / Filesystem
- Wifi
- mDNS
- OTA and WebFirmewareUpdate
- Serial cmd
- WebSerial cmd
- Rest cmd
- MQTT cmd
The Network time is received from ntp-server, or gateway (if no npt-server is defined)
If you use/like this project please (a good choise is 1Euro per ESP a year ;-)
a project - develop by [email protected]