aAnnoDoc - (Java) annotation based documentation (Apache License 2.0)
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Background Story, why aAnnoDoc Normal, documentation and development are two separated parts and it is time and coast intensive to write one after each other. A good idea is two sync the development and documentation process, by put the information near by the source code.
This is the base idea of AnnoDoc-Project to add application documentation (like deception, bugs, features, examples, attributes,...) to (or near to) the source code and generate the documentation during compile-process (or maven deploy process). Write application information (like Manuals, installtion-guids, ReadMes, AsiccDoc,.. ) inside each project.
IT IS NOT ANOTHER JAVA-API-DOCUMENATION ! Its a application-documenation.
The documentation is flexible by use (or development) different generators.
For example the "AppDoc"-generator create a docs for predefined Annotations.
Other generators are "ProjectInfo" for quick project-documents, "RestDoc"
for Java-rest-service documents, "AnnoInfo" for Annotation-Overview.
To work with AnnoDoc use one of this ways
- add the aAnnoDocMavenPlugin to generate documents during maven deployment
- call org.openon.aannodoc.AnnoDoc from console with options
- program a AnnoDoc Process method
For more information or examples see directory
Have fun...
Simple Example of a aDoc documentation:
- The comment above belong to the annotation/method below.
- Test/comment-annotations belong to the text right until next @
- Inline-comments are ignored !!!
/** this is the AnnoDoc documentation of aDoc **/
/** this is api-documenation of myFunction **/
public void myFunction(String arg) {
// this inline code will be ignores
/** this is the annoDoc-documentaiton of aFiled **/
/** this is the api-documentaiton of myVar **/
String myVar;
* This is the myReturn api-documenation (which include comment-annotations)
* @Bug - this is the annoDoc documentation of aBug (until next @)
public void myReturn(String arg) { }
@author Michael Kloss- [email protected] @version 1.0.0 - 03.12.2017