🔥 Build production-quality command-line tools in minutes, not days 🔥
trpc-cli transforms a tRPC router into a professional-grade CLI with zero boilerplate. Get end-to-end type safety, input validation, auto-generated help documentation, and command completion for free.
- âś… Get all of trpc's type safety and DX building a CLI
- âś… Automatic positional arguments and options via zod input types (or arktype, or valibot)
- âś… Easily add subcommands via nested trpc routers
- âś… Rich helptext out of the box
- âś… Batteries included - no need to install any other libraries (even trpc!)
- âś… Use advanced tRPC features like context and middleware in your CLI
- âś… Build multimodal applications - use the same router for a CLI and an HTTP server, and more
- Contents
- Motivation
- Installation
- Usage
- Validators
- tRPC v10 vs v11
- Output and lifecycle
- Testing your CLI
- Features and Limitations
- More Examples
- Programmatic usage
- Completions
- Out of scope
- Contributing
tRPC offers best-in-class type-safety and DX for building "procedures" that validate their inputs, and abide by their own contracts. This library gives you all those DX benefits, and allows mapping the procedures directly to a CLI. This offers the easiest way to build a CLI while mapping parsed options into strongly-typed inputs, and automatically outputs --help
documentation that's always up-to-date.
This isn't just the easiest and safest way to build a CLI, but you also get all the benefits of tRPC (and zod). For inputs, you can use zod regex types, transforms, refinements, and those will map directly into useful help-text for CLI users, and corresponding type correctness when maintaining your CLI program. You can also use tRPC context and middleware functionality just like you could if you were building a server. And as an added bonus, it becomes trivially easy to turn your CLI program into a fully-functional HTTP server. Or, you could add a "programmatic usage" to your library, just by wrapping your server with the built-in createCaller
function from tRPC. This would all, of course, have runtime and compile-time type safety.
npm install trpc-cli
The fastest way to get going is to write a normal tRPC router, using trpcServer
and zod
exports from this library, and turn it into a fully-functional CLI by passing it to createCli
import {createCli, trpcServer, zod as z, type TrpcCliMeta} from 'trpc-cli'
const t = trpcServer.initTRPC.meta<TrpcCliMeta>().create()
const router = t.router({
add: t.procedure
.input(z.object({left: z.number(), right: z.number()}))
.query(({input}) => input.left + input.right),
And that's it! Your tRPC router is now a CLI program with help text and input validation. You can run it with node yourscript add --left 2 --right 3
Docs here if you're not familiar with tRPC.
You can also create a tRPC router in the usual way using imports from @trpc/server
and zod
- the builtin exports are purely a convenience for simple use-case:
import {initTRPC} from '@trpc/server'
import {createCli} from 'trpc-cli'
import {z} from 'zod'
const t = initTRPC.create()
export const router = t.router({
add: t.procedure
.input(z.object({left: z.number(), right: z.number()}))
.query(({input}) => input.left + input.right),
const cli = createCli({router})
Note that this library is still v0, so parts of the API may change slightly. The basic usage of
will remain though, and any breaking changes will be published via release notes.
CLI positional arguments and options are derived from each procedure's input type. Inputs use zod
types for the procedure to be mapped to a CLI command.
positional arguments passed to the CLI can be declared with types representing strings, numbers or booleans:
double: t.procedure
.input(z.number()) //
.query(({input}) => input * 2),
You can also use anything that accepts string, number, or boolean inputs, like z.enum(['up', 'down'])
, z.number().int()
, z.literal(123)
, z.string().regex(/^\w+$/)
Multiple positional arguments can use a z.tuple(...)
input type:
add: t.procedure
.input(z.tuple([z.number(), z.number()]))
.query(({input}) => input[0] + input[1]),
Which is invoked like path/to/cli add 2 3
(outputting 5
Note: positional arguments can use
, but not.nullable()
Note: positional arguments can be named using
.describe('name of parameter')
, but names should not include any special characters.
Note: positional arguments are parsed based on the expected target type. Booleans must be written as
, spelled out. In most cases, though, you'd be better off using options for boolean inputs.
Array/spread parameters can use an array input type:
lint: t.procedure
.input(z.array(z.string()).describe('file paths to lint'))
.mutation(({input}) => {
lintFiles(input.map(file => path.join(process.cwd(), file)))
Which is invoked like path/to/mycli lint file1 file2 file3 file4
Array inputs can also be used with options by nesting them in a tuple.
lint: t.procedure
z.array(z.string()).describe('file paths to lint'),
z.object({maxWarnings: z.number().default(10)}),
.mutation(({input}) => {
const result = lintFiles(
input.files.map(file => path.join(process.cwd(), file)),
if (result.warnings.length > input.maxWarnings) {
throw new Error(`Too many warnings: ${result.warnings.length}`)
Which could be invoked with any of:
mycli lint file1 file2 file3 file4 --max-warnings 10
mycli lint file1 file2 file3 file4 --maxWarnings=10
mycli lint --maxWarnings=10 file1 file2 file3 file4
mycli lint --maxWarnings 10 file1 file2 file3 file4
inputs become options (passed with --foo bar
or --foo=bar
) syntax. Values are accepted in --kebab-case
, and are parsed like in most CLI programs:
z.object({foo: z.string()})
will map:--foo bar
to{foo: 'bar'}
z.object({foo: z.boolean()})
orz.object({foo: z.boolean().default(false)})
will map:- no option supplied to
{foo: false}
{foo: true}
- no option supplied to
z.object({foo: z.boolean().default(true)})
will map:- no option supplied to
{foo: true}
{foo: false}
- no option supplied to
z.object({foo: z.boolean().optional()})
will map:- no option supplied to
(foo is undefined) --foo
to{foo: true}
--foo false
to{foo: false}
doesn't work here, because its existence prevents{}
from being the default value)
- no option supplied to
z.object({foo: z.number()})
will map:--foo 1
to{foo: 1}
Other types:
z.object({ foo: z.object({ bar: z.number() }) })
will parse inputs as JSON:--foo '{"bar": 1}'
maps to{foo: {bar: 1}}
Multi-word options:
z.object({ multiWord: z.string() })
will map:--multi-word foo
to{multiWord: 'foo'}
Unions and intersections should also work as expected, but make sure to test them thoroughly, especially if they are deeply-nested.
To use positional arguments and options, use a tuple with an object at the end:
copy: t.procedure
mkdirp: z
.describe("Ensure target's parent directory exists before copying"),
.mutation(async ({input: [source, target, opts]}) => {
if (opts.mkdirp) {
await fs.mkdir(path.dirname(target, {recursive: true}))
await fs.copyFile(source, target)
You might use the above with a command like:
path/to/cli copy a.txt b.txt --mkdirp
Note: object types for options must appear last in the
tuple, when being used with positional arguments. Soz.tuple([z.string(), z.object({mkdirp: z.boolean()}), z.string()])
would not be allowed.
You can pass an existing tRPC router that's primarily designed to be deployed as a server, in order to invoke your procedures directly in development.
You can define a default command for your CLI - set this to the procedure that should be invoked directly when calling your CLI. Useful for simple CLIs that only do one thing, or when you want to make the most common command very quick to type (e.g. yarn
being an alias for yarn install
#!/usr/bin/env node
// filename: yarn
const router = t.router({
install: t.procedure //
.meta({default: true})
.mutation(() => console.log('installing...')),
const cli = createCli({router})
The above can be invoked with either yarn
or yarn install
. You can also set default: true
on subcommands, which makes them the default for their parent.
Procedures with inputs that cannot be cleanly mapped to positional arguments and CLI options are automatically configured to accept a JSON string via the --input
option. This ensures that every procedure in your router is accessible via the CLI, even those with complex input types.
const router = t.router({
foo: t.procedure
// This input type can't be directly mapped to CLI arguments
// (object in the middle of a tuple doesn't work for positional args):
.input(z.tuple([z.string(), z.object({abc: z.string()}), z.string()]))
.query(({input}) => `Got ${input[0]}, ${input[1].abc}, and ${input[2]}`),
const cli = createCli({router})
// Even though the input isn't ideal for CLI, you can still use it:
// mycli foo --input '["first", {"abc": "middle"}, "last"]'
Rather than ignoring these procedures, trpc-cli makes them available through JSON input, allowing you to pass complex data structures that wouldn't work well with traditional CLI arguments.
You can also explicitly opt into this behavior for any procedure by setting jsonInput: true
in its meta, regardless of whether its input could be mapped to CLI arguments.
Run a trpc router as a CLI.
name | description |
router | A trpc router |
context | The context to use when calling the procedures - needed if your router requires a context |
trpcServer | The trpc server module to use. Only needed if using trpc v10. |
A CLI object with a run
method that can be called to run the CLI. The run
method will parse the command line arguments, call the appropriate trpc procedure, log the result and exit the process. On error, it will log the error and exit with a non-zero exit code.
Here's a more involved example, along with what it outputs:
import {createCli, type TrpcCliMeta, trpcServer} from 'trpc-cli'
import {z} from 'zod'
const trpc = trpcServer.initTRPC.meta<TrpcCliMeta>().create()
const router = trpc.router({
add: trpc.procedure
'Add two numbers. Use this if you and your friend both have apples, and you want to know how many apples there are in total.',
.input(z.tuple([z.number(), z.number()]))
.query(({input}) => input[0] + input[1]),
subtract: trpc.procedure
'Subtract two numbers. Useful if you have a number and you want to make it smaller.',
.input(z.tuple([z.number(), z.number()]))
.query(({input}) => input[0] - input[1]),
multiply: trpc.procedure
'Multiply two numbers together. Useful if you want to count the number of tiles on your bathroom wall and are short on time.',
.input(z.tuple([z.number(), z.number()]))
.query(({input}) => input[0] * input[1]),
divide: trpc.procedure
version: '1.0.0',
"Divide two numbers. Useful if you have a number and you want to make it smaller and `subtract` isn't quite powerful enough for you.",
examples: 'divide --left 8 --right 4',
.refine(n => n !== 0)
.mutation(({input}) => input[0] / input[1]),
squareRoot: trpc.procedure
'Square root of a number. Useful if you have a square, know the area, and want to find the length of the side.',
.query(({input}) => {
if (input < 0) throw new Error(`Get real`)
return Math.sqrt(input)
void createCli({router}).run()
Run node path/to/cli --help
for formatted help text for the sum
and divide
node path/to/calculator --help
Usage: calculator [options] [command]
-h, --help display help for command
add <parameter_1> <parameter_2> Add two numbers. Use this if you and
your friend both have apples, and you
want to know how many apples there are
in total.
subtract <parameter_1> <parameter_2> Subtract two numbers. Useful if you have
a number and you want to make it
multiply <parameter_1> <parameter_2> Multiply two numbers together. Useful if
you want to count the number of tiles on
your bathroom wall and are short on
divide <numerator> <denominator> Divide two numbers. Useful if you have a
number and you want to make it smaller
and `subtract` isn't quite powerful
enough for you.
squareRoot <number> Square root of a number. Useful if you
have a square, know the area, and want
to find the length of the side.
help [command] display help for command
You can also show help text for the corresponding procedures (which become "commands" in the CLI):
node path/to/calculator add --help
Usage: calculator add [options] <parameter_1> <parameter_2>
Add two numbers. Use this if you and your friend both have apples, and you want
to know how many apples there are in total.
parameter_1 number (required)
parameter_2 number (required)
-h, --help display help for command
When passing a command along with its options, the return value will be logged to stdout:
node path/to/calculator add 2 3
Invalid inputs are helpfully displayed, along with help text for the associated command:
node path/to/calculator add 2 notanumber
Validation error
- Expected number, received string at index 1
Usage: calculator add [options] <parameter_1> <parameter_2>
Add two numbers. Use this if you and your friend both have apples, and you want
to know how many apples there are in total.
parameter_1 number (required)
parameter_2 number (required)
-h, --help display help for command
Note that procedures can define meta
value with description
, usage
and help
props. Zod's describe
method allows adding descriptions to individual options.
import {type TrpcCliMeta} from 'trpc-cli'
const trpc = initTRPC.meta<TrpcCliMeta>().create() // `TrpcCliMeta` is a helper interface with description, usage, and examples, but you can use your own `meta` interface, anything with a `description?: string` property will be fine
const appRouter = trpc.router({
divide: trpc.procedure
'Divide two numbers. Useful when you have a pizza and you want to share it equally between friends.',
left: z.number().describe('The numerator of the division operator'),
right: z.number().describe('The denominator of the division operator'),
.mutation(({input}) => input.left / input.right),
You can use any validator that trpc supports, but for inputs to be converted into CLI arguments/options, they must be JSON schema compatible. The following validators are supported so far. Contributions are welcome for other validators - the requirement is that they must have a helper function that converts them into a JSON schema representation.
Note that JSON schema representations are not in general perfect 1-1 mappings with every validator library's API, so some procedures may default to use the JSON --input
option instead.
Zod support is built-in, including the zod-to-json-schema
conversion helper. You can also "bring your own" zod module (e.g. if you want to use a newer/older version of zod than the one included in trpc-cli
includes a toJsonSchema
method on its types, so no extra dependencies are reuqired if you're using arktype to validate your inputs.
import {type} from 'arktype'
import {type TrpcCliMeta} from 'trpc-cli'
const t = initTRPC.meta<TrpcCliMeta>().create()
const router = t.router({
add: t.procedure
.input(type({left: 'number', right: 'number'}))
.query(({input}) => input.left + input.right),
const cli = createCli({router})
cli.run() // e.g. `mycli add --left 1 --right 2`
- Note: you will need to install
as a dependency separately - Note: some arktype features result in types that can't be converted cleanly to CLI args/options, so for some procedures you may need to use the
option to pass in a JSON string. Check your CLI help text to see if this is the case. See arktypeio/arktype#1379 for more info.
Valibot support is enabled via the @valibot/to-json-schema
package. Simply install it as a dependency and it should work. If you don't have it installed, your procedures will be mapped to commands that accept a plain JSON string as input (the help text will include a message explaining how to get richer input options).
import {type TrpcCliMeta} from 'trpc-cli'
import * as v from 'valibot'
const t = initTRPC.meta<TrpcCliMeta>().create()
const router = t.router({
add: t.procedure
.input(v.tuple([v.number(), v.number()]))
.query(({input}) => input[0] + input[1]),
const cli = createCli({router})
cli.run() // e.g. `mycli add 1 2`
You can also use effect
schemas - see trpc docs on using effect validators - you'll need to use the Schema.standardSchemaV1
helper that ships with effect
support requireseffect >= 3.14.2
(which in turn depends on@trpc/server >= 11.0.1
if passing in a customtrpcServer
import {Schema} from 'effect'
import {type TrpcCliMeta} from 'trpc-cli'
const t = initTRPC.meta<TrpcCliMeta>().create()
const router = t.router({
add: t.procedure
.input(Schema.standardSchemaV1(Schema.Tuple(Schema.Number, Schema.Number)))
.query(({input}) => input.left + input.right),
const cli = createCli({router, trpcServer: import('@trpc/server')})
cli.run() // e.g. `mycli add 1 2`
Both versions 10 and 11 of @trpc/server
are both supported. v11 is included in the dependencies of this packages, so that you can use it out of the box, but you can also use your own installation. If using tRPC v10 you must pass in your @trpc/server
module to createCli
const cli = createCli({router, trpcServer: import('@trpc/server')})
Or you can use top level await or require
if you prefer:
const cli = createCli({router, trpcServer: await import('@trpc/server')})
const cli = createCli({router, trpcServer: require('@trpc/server')})
Note: previously, when trpc v11 was in preview, v10 was included in the dependencies.
The output of the command will be logged if it is truthy. The log algorithm aims to be friendly for bash-piping, usage with jq etc.:
- Arrays will be logged line be line
- For each line logged:
- string, numbers and booleans are logged directly
- objects are logged with
JSON.stringify(___, null, 2)
So if the procedure returns ['one', 'two', 'three]
this will be written to stdout:
If the procedure returns [{name: 'one'}, {name: 'two'}, {name: 'three'}]
this will be written to stdout:
"name": "one"
"name": "two"
"name": "three"
This is to make it as easy as possible to use with other command line tools like xargs
, jq
etc. via bash-piping. If you don't want to rely on this logging, you can always log inside your procedures however you like and avoid returning a value.
The process will exit with code 0 if the command was successful, or 1 otherwise.
You can also override the logger
and process
properties of the run
method to change the default return-value logging and/or process.exit behaviour:
import {createCli} from 'trpc-cli'
const cli = createCli({router: yourRouter})
logger: yourLogger, // should define `.info` and `.error` methods
process: {
exit: code => {
if (code === 0) process.exit(0)
else process.exit(123)
You could also override process.exit
to avoid killing the process at all - see programmatic usage for an example.
Rather than testing your CLI via a subprocess, which is slow and doesn't provide great DX, it's better to use the router that is passed to it directly with createCallerFactory
import {initTRPC} from '@trpc/server'
import {test, expect} from 'your-test-library'
import {router} from '../src'
const caller = initTRPC.create().createCallerFactory(router)({})
test('add', async () => {
expect(await caller.add([2, 3])).toBe(5)
If you really want to test it as like a CLI and want to avoid a subprocess, you can also call the run
method programmatically, and override the process.exit
call and extract the resolve/reject values from FailedToExitError
import {createCli, FailedToExitError} from 'trpc-cli'
const run = async (argv: string[]) => {
const cli = createCli({router: calculatorRouter})
return cli
process: {exit: () => void 0 as never},
logger: {info: () => {}, error: () => {}},
.catch(err => {
// this will always throw, because our `exit` handler doesn't throw or exit the process
while (err instanceof FailedToExitError) {
if (err.exitCode === 0) {
return err.cause // this is the return value of the procedure that was invoked
err = err.cause // use the underlying error that caused the exit
throw err
test('make sure parsing works correctly', async () => {
await expect(run(['add', '2', '3'])).resolves.toBe(5)
await expect(run(['squareRoot', '--value=4'])).resolves.toBe(2)
await expect(run(['squareRoot', `--value=-1`])).rejects.toMatchInlineSnapshot(
`[Error: Get real]`,
await expect(run(['add', '2', 'notanumber'])).rejects.toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
[Error: Validation error
- Expected number, received string at index 1
Usage: program add [options] <parameter_1> <parameter_2>
parameter_1 (required)
parameter_2 (required)
-h, --help display help for command
This will give you strong types for inputs and outputs, and is essentially what trpc-cli
does under the hood after parsing and validating command-line input.
In general, you should rely on trpc-cli
to correctly handle the lifecycle and output etc. when it's invoked as a CLI by end-users. If there are any problems there, they should be fixed on this repo - please raise an issue.
- Nested subrouters (example) - procedures in nested routers will become subcommands will be dot separated e.g.
mycli search byId --id 123
- Middleware,
, multi-inputs work as normal - Return values are logged using
(can be configured to pass in a custom logger) process.exit(...)
called with either 0 or 1 depending on successful resolve- Help text shown on invalid inputs
- Support option aliases via
meta property (see migrations example below) - Union types work, but they should ideally be non-overlapping for best results
- Limitation: Only zod types are supported right now
- Limitation: Only object types are allowed as input. No positional arguments supported
- If there's interest, this could be added in future for inputs of type
orz.tuple([z.string(), ...])
- If there's interest, this could be added in future for inputs of type
- Limitation: Nested-object input props must be passed as json
- e.g.
z.object({ foo: z.object({ bar: z.number() }) }))
can be supplied via using--foo '{"bar": 123}'
- e.g.
- Limitation: No
support.- In theory, this might be supportable via
. Proposals welcome!
- In theory, this might be supportable via
Given a migrations router looking like this:
import {createCli, type TrpcCliMeta, trpcServer, z} from 'trpc-cli'
import * as trpcCompat from '../../src/trpc-compat'
const trpc = trpcServer.initTRPC.meta<TrpcCliMeta>().create()
const migrations = getMigrations()
const searchProcedure = trpc.procedure
aliases: {
options: {status: 's'},
status: z
.enum(['executed', 'pending'])
.describe('Filter to only show migrations with this status'),
.use(async ({next, input}) => {
return next({
ctx: {
filter: (list: typeof migrations) =>
list.filter(m => !input.status || m.status === input.status),
const router = trpc.router({
up: trpc.procedure
'Apply migrations. By default all pending migrations will be applied.',
z.object({}).strict(), // use strict here to make sure `{step: 1}` doesn't "match" this first, just by having an ignore `step` property
to: z.string().describe('Mark migrations up to this one as exectued'),
step: z
.describe('Mark this many migrations as executed'),
.query(async ({input}) => {
let toBeApplied = migrations
if ('to' in input) {
const index = migrations.findIndex(m => m.name === input.to)
toBeApplied = migrations.slice(0, index + 1)
if ('step' in input) {
const start = migrations.findIndex(m => m.status === 'pending')
toBeApplied = migrations.slice(0, start + input.step)
toBeApplied.forEach(m => (m.status = 'executed'))
return migrations.map(m => `${m.name}: ${m.status}`)
create: trpc.procedure
.meta({description: 'Create a new migration'})
z.object({name: z.string(), content: z.string()}), //
.mutation(async ({input}) => {
migrations.push({...input, status: 'pending'})
return migrations
list: searchProcedure
.meta({description: 'List all migrations'})
.query(({ctx}) => ctx.filter(migrations)),
search: trpc.router({
byName: searchProcedure
.meta({description: 'Look for migrations by name'})
.input(z.object({name: z.string()}))
.query(({ctx, input}) => {
return ctx.filter(migrations.filter(m => m.name === input.name))
byContent: searchProcedure
description: 'Look for migrations by their script content',
aliases: {
options: {searchTerm: 'q'},
searchTerm: z
'Only show migrations whose `content` value contains this string',
.query(({ctx, input}) => {
return ctx.filter(
migrations.filter(m => m.content.includes(input.searchTerm)),
}) satisfies trpcCompat.Trpc11RouterLike
const cli = createCli({router})
void cli.run()
function getMigrations() {
return [
name: 'one',
content: 'create table one(id int, name text)',
status: 'executed',
name: 'two',
content: 'create view two as select name from one',
status: 'executed',
name: 'three',
content: 'create table three(id int, foo int)',
status: 'pending',
name: 'four',
content: 'create view four as select foo from three',
status: 'pending',
{name: 'five', content: 'create table five(id int)', status: 'pending'},
Here's how the CLI will work:
node path/to/migrations --help
Usage: migrations [options] [command]
-h, --help display help for command
up [options] Apply migrations. By default all pending migrations will be
create [options] Create a new migration
list [options] List all migrations
search Available subcommands: byName, byContent
help [command] display help for command
node path/to/migrations apply --help
Usage: migrations [options] [command]
-h, --help display help for command
up [options] Apply migrations. By default all pending migrations will be
create [options] Create a new migration
list [options] List all migrations
search Available subcommands: byName, byContent
help [command] display help for command
node path/to/migrations search.byContent --help
Usage: migrations [options] [command]
-h, --help display help for command
up [options] Apply migrations. By default all pending migrations will be
create [options] Create a new migration
list [options] List all migrations
search Available subcommands: byName, byContent
help [command] display help for command
This library should probably not be used programmatically - the functionality all comes from a trpc router, which has many other ways to be invoked (including the built-in createCaller
helper bundled with @trpc/server
The .run()
function does return a value, but it's typed as unknown
since the input is just argv: string[]
. But if you really need to for some reason, you could override the console.error
and process.exit
import {createCli} from 'trpc-cli'
const cli = createCli({router: yourAppRouter})
const runCli = async (argv: string[]) => {
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
logger: yourLogger, // needs `info` and `error` methods, at least
process: {
exit: code => {
if (code === 0) {
} else {
reject(`CLI failed with exit code ${code}`)
Completions are supported via omelette, which is an optional peer dependency. How to get them working:
npm install omelette @types/omelette
Then, pass in an omelette
instance to the completion
import omelette from 'omelette'
import {createCli} from 'trpc-cli'
const cli = createCli({router: myRouter})
completion: async () => {
const completion = omelette('myprogram')
if (process.argv.includes('--setupCompletions')) {
if (process.argv.includes('--removeCompletions')) {
return completion
Write the completions to your shell init file by running:
node path/to/myprogram --setupCompletions
Then add an alias for the program corresponding to your omelette
instance (in the example above, omelette('myprogram')
echo 'myprogram() { node path/to/myprogram.js "$@" }' >> ~/.zshrc
Then reload your shell:
source ~/.zshrc
You can then use tab-completion to autocomplete commands and flags.
- No stdin reading - I'd recommend using
which is type safe and easy to use - No stdout prettiness other than help text - use
All dependencies have zero dependencies of their own, so the dependency tree is very shallow.
- @trpc/server for the trpc router
- commander for parsing arguments before passing to trpc
- zod for input validation, included for convenience
- zod-to-json-schema to convert zod schemas to make them easier to recurse and format help text from
- zod-validation-error to make bad inputs have readable error messages
and @tprc/server
are included as dependencies for convenience, but you can use your own separate installations if you prefer. Zod 3+ and @trpc/server 10 and 11, have been tested. It should work with most versions of zod.
is used for testing. The tests consists of the example fixtures from this readme, executed as CLIs via a subprocess. Avoiding mocks this way ensures fully realistic outputs (the tradeoff being test-speed, but they're acceptably fast for now).