Dedicated to the late Professor M. J. D. Powell FRS (1936–2015).
PDFO (Powell's Derivative-Free Optimization solvers) is a cross-platform package providing interfaces for using the late Professor M. J. D. Powell's derivative-free optimization solvers, including UOBYQA, NEWUOA, BOBYQA, LINCOA, and COBYLA. See for more information.
- To use the MATLAB version of PDFO, see
- To use the Python version of PDFO, see
This package makes use of a modified version of Powell's
Fortran code. See the folder original
under fsrc
for Powell's original code.
PDFO is dedicated to the memory of the late Professor Powell with gratitude for his inspiration and for the treasures he left to us.
We are grateful to Professor Ya-xiang Yuan for his everlasting encouragement and support.
The development of PDFO is a long-term project, which would not be sustainable without the continued funds from the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (ref. PolyU 253012/17P, PolyU 153054/20P, and PolyU 153066/21P), the Hong Kong Ph.D. Fellowship Scheme (ref. PF18-24698), and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), in particular the Department of Applied Mathematics (AMA).