List of websites and social-media accounts to check when looking for a new job.
- Arc: Remote developer Jobs.
- Angel: For startups roles.
- Authentic Jobs
- Crackeddevs
- Daily dev Jobs
- Daily Remote
- Dynamite Jobs
- Find Work
- Fiver: Freelancing remote opportunities.
- Flexjobs
- Hired
- Hnhiring
- Honeypot: A platform that lets you create your profile that companies can review. Only Europe. Totally recommend when looking for a relocation to Europe.
- Indeed: Well evolved platform, nice filters and alerts. A bit tedious to setup.
- Job Spresso
- Just Remote
- Js Remotely
- Krop: Graphic Design Jobs.
- Linkedin: It sounds trivial or redundant, but it is one of the first places where companies post their open positions.
- News Ycombinator: From Hacker News, regularly updated.
- Otta: Kinds of a Tinder for jobs.
- Producthunt: The famous product portal has its own Job board.
- Stackoverflow: One of my favorites, especially because of the filterings and the alert system they have.
- Who's hiring: Love the website! It is an interactive map where you can see the rate of jobs for a specific region on the map.
- Relocate Me: Especially when looking for relocation.
- Remote First
- Remote Leads
- Remote Leaf
- Remoteok: Specific for remote options.
- Remotive: Specific for remote options.
- Remote Talent: Remote Options, created by Remote.
- Smart Recruiters
- Startup Jobs: Remote positions.
- We Work Remotely: Specific for remote options.
- Working Nomads
Network for freelancers
- Freelancer: You have to create your profile, get references, and interview to getin. Networking is important in here.
- Toptal
- Upwork
Telegram Channels
- NoiceJobs: Several Telegram groups with remote positions for different roles and seniorities.
- Relocate Me
Twitter Accounts
- @Javascriptjobbs
- @All JavaScript Jobs
- @ITlanguagejobs
- @wfhio
- @EuRemote
- @workingnomads
- @weworkremotely
- @GitHubJobs
- @StackDevJobs
- @RemoteOK
- @WorldwideJs
- @angularjobs
- @React Jobs
- @VuejsJob
- @first_remote
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- Add the Website to the readme file and the corresponding index.tsx so the data is shown in the website as well.
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