Data Structures & Algorithms
- Types of data structures
- Uses of linked listed
- In Music player Doubly linked list is used
- If Non stop play music then circular linked list is used
- Uses of Graph
- Each Application of data of google is connected to each others
- Array
- 1 Traversal
- 2 Insert Element at 0th position
- Array just like DVD box. To add New DVD in box.
- Arrays are used in TV channels.We can easily access the channel by index.
- Uses of Insert Element at 0th position:
- 1.Message Handling
- 2.Priority Queues
- 1 Insert Element at end/last position
- 2 Insert Element at specific position
- Deletion in Array
- 1 Delete Element at 0th position
- 2 Delete Element at end position
- 3 Delete Element at specific position
- Difference between Array and linked list
- 1 Singly linked list 🔗
- 2 Doubly linked list 🔗
- Uses of linked list
- linked list use in You tube.
- Linked list is not regular it stores data any place in memory because dynamic memory Address is either increase or decrease order.
- We stores photos in gellery.
- Circular Linked list
- Doubly Circular Linked list
- Create single node in singly linked list.
- Introduction of Hashing
- Hash Table,Hashing Functions
- Collision Resolution Techniques
- 1.Chaining(open hashing)
- 2.Close hashing
- Linear probing,Quadratic probing
- Hashing is used to stores the password in data base means security of the password.
- Hash function is just like maths functions means logical functions.
- Hash table is just like Array. and values are known as keys.
- Linked list Traversal
- Insert node at 0th position in Linked list
- Insert node at 0th position in linked list
- This program is used in
- Notification System In a notification system, new notifications can be inserted at the beginning of a linked list to ensure that users see the latest notifications first.
- Recent Activities: Applications that track recent activities (e.g., recent documents opened, recent searches) can insert new items at the beginning of the linked list to maintain a chronological order.
- Playlist Management: In a music or video playlist, new songs or videos can be added at the beginning of the linked list to play the most recently added content first.
- Insert node at End in Linked list.
- Delete node from biging in linked list.
- Delete node from end in linked list.
- Use of delete node from begging :
- 1 Removing the Oldest Data: In applications where the linked list represents a queue or a buffer, the start node often contains the oldest data. Deleting the start node allows the system to remove and process the oldest data entry, freeing up memory and ensuring that the data structure remains efficient.
- Delete node from specific position from linked list.
- Delete Pos Node
- Introduction to Doubly linked list.
- Create first Node in Doubly linked list.
- Uses of Doubly linked list.
- 1 Text Editors: Doubly linked lists are commonly used to implement the Undo and Redo functionality in text editors. Each node in the list represents a version of the document, and the links allow users to traverse backward and forward through the document's history.
- 2 Browser History: Doubly linked lists can be used to implement the backward and forward navigation buttons in web browsers. Each node in the list represents a visited webpage, and the links allow users to navigate backward and forward through their browsing history.
- Create last or end node in doubly linked list.
- Create end node either tail pointer or Traverse linked list.
- If take tail pointer complexity is o(1).
- Uses of this program :
- Task manager application.
- In the contact list while adding new numbers at the end of the linked list.
- Insert node at specific position in Doubly linked list.
- This program is used in real life like
- Maintaining an Ordered List: Suppose you have a list of student records sorted by their roll numbers. When a new student joins the school, you want to insert their record at the appropriate position in the list based on their roll number.
- Calendar Events: Calendar applications use data structures to represent events and appointments. Users may want to schedule new events at specific times, requiring the application to insert them into the list of existing events at the appropriate position.
- Delete start node & end node from Doubly Linked list.
- Introduction to Circular Linked List
- Applications of circular linked lists:
- Multiplayer games use this to give each player a chance to play.
- A circular linked list can be used to organize multiple running applications on an operating system. These applications are iterated over by the OS.
- Circular linked lists can be used in resource allocation problems.
- Circular linked lists are commonly used to implement circular buffers,
- Circular linked lists can be used in simulation and gaming.
- Introduction to singly circular linked list.
- Insertion at end and at beggining in Linked list.
- Insert at specific position in circular linked list.