CPegle is a project idea i got during my endsem exams that if there is omegle why not have something similar for CP so i made CPegle.Which uses Codeforces API endpoints to get questions and verify whether a user exists in Codeforces.
- Login: Secure login functionality for existing users.
- Signup: Easy registration process for new users.
- It also uses zod for input validation.
So when a user Signs In/Up he/she is redirected to the dashboard page
The dashboard page has a button to register which is to register particularly to set a map with username as key and socket with its value
Now, if a user wants to compete he clicks start competion which will pair him with a user to compete a link will be sent out and whoever submits first WINS and they could also chat during or after the competion which is implemented using Websockets
The dashboard has a logout button which on clicking will redirect to the sign in page clearing all the local storage
- ws: a Node.js WebSocket library
Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/balani491/CPegle cd CPegle
Install Dependencies:
- Navigate to the frontend and install dependencies:
cd frontend npm install
- Navigate to the backend and install dependencies:
cd backend npm install
- Navigate to the frontend and install dependencies:
Environment Variables:
- Create a
file in the backend directory and configure your MongoDB URI, JWT secret, and other necessary environment variables. Example.env
- Create a
Run the Application:
- Start the backend server:
cd backend tsc -b node src/index.js
- Start the frontend development server:
cd frontend npm run dev
- Start the backend server:
Once a user logs in he could compete and chat.
Contributors are welcome to contribute.The Website is hosted on https://cpegle.netlify.app/
The backend is currently hosted as a Web Service in Render
- Add firebase authentication to verify email
- Send attachments in a message
- WebRTC implementation so that users could see and talk as well
- Proper queue implementation using Redis
- Add CI/CD pipeline
- Unit Testing with jest or vitest
- Change Password with mobile/email verification
- An LLM to answer some coding related doubt.
- In house questions and IDE so that we don't need to rely on Codeforces API