This task involved smart contracts and frontend(Javascript,React,HTML,CSS) and knowledge of how the blockchain works
The smart contract was made using the built-in functionalities of OpenZeppelin and Solidity.
The frontend was made using React which required some knowledge of Javascript, HTML and CSS.
This project was a great learning curve and had me searching and surfing for hours for errors and doubts,although it was worth it.
The forntend is basic nothing much fancy which was integrated to the smart contract using the contract's ABI.
Some of the resources i used during the project:-
2.Chai aur Code for Javascript
4.Remix's learning section for Solidity
5.For Blockchain some youtube videos like Whiteboard Crypto ,ETHGlobal and etc
6.Alchemy's Guide to code a NFT contract and build dApp
To deploy this project run
run this on git bash - git clone
npm install
npm start
Create a .env first which would contain
The contract i implemented is in
// if demo is not working download .gif file