Releases: musescore/MuseScore
MuseScore Studio 4.5 Release
MuseScore Studio 4.5 is now available!
This update introduces major workflow improvements, a brand new percussion input panel, and significant new engraving features.
See Engraving improvements in MuseScore Studio 4.5. Highlights include:
- Large time signatures
- Laissez-vibrer (l.v.) ties
- System locks (force measures to appear on a particular system, prevent reflow)
- System markings: control which staves tempos and other markings appear on via the 'Layout' panel (formerly 'Instruments')
- Automatic creation of partial ties and courtesy clefs, key, and time signatures at repeats and jumps
- Options to extend slurs and lyric extension lines over repeats and jumps
- Automatic masking around text and dynamics when they overlap barlines
- More style options for multi-measure rests
- All text items are now anchorable at any rhythmic position
- Improved horizontal spacing and lyric spacing
- Various fixes for local time signatures
- All-new percussion panel with 8 columns of input pads (now fully accessible; replaces the old drumset panel)
- Improved percussion note input: notes are now always entered at the cursor position, and can be input at any available stave position with the mouse
- Ability to customize the layout of the percussion panel
- Keyboard shortcuts and MIDI pitches are displayed on the percussion pads (keyboard shortcuts can also be assigned using any key)
- New Percussion and General MIDI Percussion instruments (replaces the generic Percussion instrument and the Percussion Synthesizer) with full mapping for Muse Percussion (MuseSounds)
- Minor changes to various percussion instruments
- New 'input by duration' mode
- General refinements to note input: improved discoverability, relocation of legacy modes, and a new option to set accidentals, augmentation dots, and articulations to apply to either the next or previous note entered
- New rapid entry system for dynamic markings, including in-score popup, dedicated keyboard shortcut, type-to-enter dynamic markings, and option to draw hairpins from dynamic markings
- Click and drag a range selection to move it to a different staff, measure, or beat; hold Alt/Option while dragging to copy the material
- Copying and pasting multiple individual elements together is now more reliable and preserves the relative positions of the elements (and other improvements to copying and pasting)
- Improved selection behaviour
- Option to input MIDI as written or sounding pitch for transposing instruments
- The playback speed control is now also available by clicking the tempo indicator in the playback toolbar (without needing to undock the playback toolbar)
- New 'History' panel available in the 'View' menu
- Improved "let ring" playback for guitar with MuseSounds
- Support for l.v. ties for MS Basic, VST (limited) and MuseSounds (Muse Keys, and Muse Guitars Vols. 1 and 2, with other libraries coming soon)
- Muse Percussion sounds for Mixed Percussion and General MIDI Percussion instruments
- Numerous fixes for tied notes
- SVG: page size is now measured in millimetres instead of pixels
- MEI: support for voice assignment of dynamics, staff line color, harp pedal diagrams & MuseScore element IDs
- MusicXML: various fixes and improvements
- Style files for various sizes of Modified Stave Notation (MSN) are included with the program (courtesy of RNIB)
- Convenient shortcut to built-in styles available via Format > Load styles on Windows and macOS
- New app icon and splash screen
- Fixed various crashes and corruptions
- Ubuntu users please note that this update requires at least v.22.04.
See our GitHub Project for more details.
MuseScore Studio 4.4.4 Release
MuseScore Studio 4.4.4 is now available!
This update brings stability improvements and bug fixes, as well as some new minor features.
For more details, please see announcement on
MuseScore Studio 4.4.3 Release
MuseScore 4.4.3 is now available!
This update addresses multiple crashes and resolves various issues related to interaction, playback, and engraving. Additionally, it includes a critical fix for Windows users, resolving several graphical problems. For more details, please see the announcement on
MuseScore Studio 4.4.2 Release
MuseScore 4.4.2 is now available!
This update addresses stability issues, fixes a problem with MuseScore Studio's online functionality, improves playback quality especially on less powerful computers, and includes several other enhancements and fixes in various areas. For more information, please see the announcement on
MuseScore Studio 4.4.1 Release
MuseScore 4.4.1 is now available!
This update contains more than 50 bug fixes and stability improvements. Most importantly:
- A problem was fixed that caused some Windows users to see only an empty screen, depending on their graphics setup
- Scores with multi-byte (i.e. "non-English") characters in the filename can be opened again on Windows
- Several crashes have been fixed
- The interaction with dynamics and hairpins has been further refined
- An issue preventing playback of lyrics with Muse Choir and VOXOS Epic Choirs has been fixed
Please see the announcement on for more information.
MuseScore 4.4 Release
MuseScore 4.4 is now available!
Playback features and improvements
Support for Muse Sounds Drumline* libraries, including score migration from MDL, and ability to trigger different playback samples via sticking text.
Support for Muse Sounds choral libraries, including lyric text to trigger different phoneme samples.
Dynamics now apply independently to voices and staves (N.b. varies depending on sound technology used. Please consult the handbook for details).
Dynamics now use optimal playback parameters (varies depending on sound technology) for more realistic playback.
Significant audio engine optimisations (including lower buffer sizes), significantly reducing note input latency when using a MIDI keyboard, and massively reducing audio export times.
Hidden instruments can now be muted/soloed in the mixer.
Engraving features and improvements
Items such as dynamics/hairpins, text, and line objects no longer have to be attached ('anchored') to a note or rest, but can also be attached to rhythmic subdivisions within any duration.
Dynamics/hairpins can be assigned to specific voices with appropriate default placement, and can also be centered between a grand stave. There are also new style options to control the default positioning of dynamics/hairpins.
Dynamics and hairpins now snap more intelligently to each other, enabling better horizontal alignment. There are new controls in Properties for snapping and unsnapping these objects.
The layout system for accidentals has been rewritten, and SMuFL cutouts are now being used. This results in a more elegant and compact layout, especially in complex chords. New style options allow further configuration.
New style options for lyrics.
New style options for fretboard diagrams, including the ability to add fingerings.
Header and footer improvements, including the ability to add multi-line copyright text.
New option for "French-style" beams.
New options for hiding/showing instrument labels.
Improved alignment and interactions for ghost/dead notes in guitar notation.
New style options to show/hide double barlines before time and key signatures.
Cross-stave beam improvements, including better vertical spacing and new options to set beams above or below staves.
Many small improvements to how shapes and skylines have been calculated, allowing a more flexible layout.
Increased use of SMuFL symbols within text for pedal markings, ottavas, codas/segno markings, and tuplet numbers.
Frames can now be scaled with stave size.
Percussion sticking is now centered on the notehead and aligned to a common baseline across the system.
New option for separating layout of similarly-stemmed voices.
Thickness of slurs and ties can now be set independently.
Grace note slashes can now be toggled on or off in Properties.
New options to resize and rotate symbols added from the master palette.
The 'Explode' and 'Implode' functions now copy dynamics and text annotations, also taking their voice assignment into account. Grace notes are now also taken into account when exploding measures.
Many other improvements, including MusicXML improvements (See this detailed summary on our forum).
Interaction improvements
- Multiple selected notes retain their selection after their durations are changed.
- Notes can be entered into different voices without having to start at the beginning of the bar.
- Palette objects now snap more intelligently to their applicable in-score objects when being dragged.
Backend updates
- Update to Qt version 6.2.4.
- macOS builds have moved to universal binary, providing native support for both Intel and Apple Silicon chips.
- Linux support for Wayland has been improved. The AppImage can now be launched in Wayland mode by setting the
environment variable towayland
Plus hundreds of bug fixes. See our GitHub project for the full list of improvements.
* Linux users please note there is still a delay with delivering Muse Drumline to the Muse Sounds Manager. An announcement about the anticipated release date for Muse Drumline for Linux will be made on the forum as soon as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience.
MuseScore 4.3.2 Release
MuseScore 4.3.2 is now available!
This update includes crash fixes and performance improvements.
See the 4.3.2 project on GitHub for details.
MuseScore 4.3.1 Release
MuseScore 4.3.1 is now available!
This update fixes a critical usability issue affecting AZERTY keyboard users. The shift modifier key can now be used to trigger number keys, enabling note durations to be changed using the default shortcuts.
This release also improves CPU performance when using Muse Sounds, and resolves a number of playback bugs associated with repeats.
Additional fixes:
- Playback now falls back to MS Basic if SoundFonts are missing.
- Volume levels of MS Basic are now better balanced between note input and playback modes.
- An issue preventing instrument names from being deleted from beginning of staves has been resolved.
- Fixed a bug where synthesizers incorrectly defaulted to the piano sound.
- Fixed a crash preventing certain scores with hidden clefs from opening.
See the full list of improvements in the 4.3.1 project on GitHub.
MuseScore 4.3 Release
New features in MuseScore 4.3
- New "sound flags" can now be accessed via stave text when using Muse Sounds instruments, offering a choice of various instrument modifications and playing techniques that can be heard in playback.
- The drumset panel now updates to show available sounds depending on instrument selection in the mixer.
- Various percussion mapping improvements.
- New options for controlling visibility of clefs and key signatures, as well as ties and parentheses on tablature staves.
- New option in Format menu to "reset entire score to default layout".
- Improved quality of MusicXML import.
- Improved placement of slurs that cross system breaks.
- Tempo change lines can now be extended across systems using keyboard shortcut.
- Improved selection box behaviour, resolving an issue with continuous view.
- Resolved playback issue with repeats after section breaks.
- Resolved issues where notation elements were disappearing from parts.
- Resolved Muse Sounds playback issue affecting overlapping unison notes.
- Resolved issue affecting unintended deletion of melisma lines.
- Updated product name to "MuseScore Studio" throughout the app.
- Fixed numerous crashes.
See the full list of changes in our project on GitHub.
MuseScore 4.2.1 Release
MuseScore 4.2.1 is now available!
This release fixes a number of crashes and improves the stability of the app.
For details, please see completed tasks in the 4.2.1 project.