- Apex, NC, USA
- https://mxcl.dev
- @mxcl
xcodebuild Public
A continuously resilient `xcodebuild` “GitHub Action”. Also it’s the best.
PromiseKit Public
Promises for Swift & ObjC.
ChuzzleKit Public
A chuzzled object is nil if it is falsy, otherwise it has its falsy parts removed.
mash Public
Forked from pkgxdev/mashhttps://mash.pkgx.sh/u/mxcl
swift-sh Public
Easily script with third-party Swift dependencies.
Version Public
semver (Semantic Version) Swift µFramework.
homebrew-core Public
Forked from Homebrew/homebrew-core🍻 Default formulae for the missing package manager for macOS
react-use Public
Forked from streamich/react-useReact Hooks — 👍
docs Public
Forked from spicetify/docsDocumentation website for spicetify
Path.swift Public
Delightful, robust, cross-platform and chainable file-pathing functions.
generate-podspec Public
Generate a podspec for your SwiftPM project based on tagged releases.
Chalk Public
Terminal colors using Swift 5’s string interpolation extensions.
Vital extensions to NSURLRequest that Apple left out for some reason.
LegibleError Public
Beating `Error.localizedDescription` at its own game.
AppUpdater Public
Automatically update open source macOS apps from GitHub releases.
YOLOKit Public
Getting square objects down round holes
initWith...FuckIt Public
Constructors for pithy, potty-mouths.
UIImageWithColor Public
[UIImage imageWithColor]
MBAppStoreRater Public
Non-intrusive invitation to rate your iOS app
import Public
Forked from ayoreis/importA dynamic imports polyfill for Deno Deploy and compiled executables
action-s3-cloudfront-smart-deploy Public
Forked from vladcosorg/action-s3-cloudfront-smart-deployS3/Cloudfront Smart Invalidation - save money on invalidations and maximize cache hits
TypeScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 27, 2023 -