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Check environment variables helps verify variables set by setup files (ex: spec.yaml) and also in the environment itself.

How to use

If you want to check your environment variables you can run: check-variables, when you execute this binary file it will look for a file, on the same level with the name checkVariablesSpec.yaml, and it is going to compare the variables on the process.env and compare against the specification on the file.

See this example file:

  START_SERVER: # required boolean variable (true or false)
    type: boolean
    required: true
  REQUEST_TIMEOUT: number # not require number
  API_HOST: url # not required url
  FROM_EMAIL: email # not required url
  NAMESPACE: string # not required string
  ENDPOINT: true # required variable to have on process.env
  AWS_REGION: # the variable value should be one of the possibleValues
    type: enum
      - us-east-2
      - us-east-1
      - us-west-1
      - us-west-2
  MY_OTHER_VARIABLE: # an string, starting with maria, with length from 7 to 20
    type: string
    required: true
    minLength: 7
    maxLength: 20
    regex: ^maria

If you run check-variables against this file it is going to check the varaibles START_SERVER, REQUEST_TIMEOUT, API_HOST, FROM_EMAIL, NAMESPACE, ENDPOINT, AWS_REGION, MY_OTHER_VARIABLE on your process.env

Options of check-variables:

# default value for yamlFile is "checkVariablesSpec.yaml"
Usage: check-variables [options] [yamlFile]

  -V, --version                output the version number
  -b, --bail                   Indicates whether or not the proccess exits with status non ok when oneor more variables are wrong
  -f, --formatter [formatter]  The formatter of output: json, inline, pretty (default: "pretty")
  -h, --help                   output usage information

In order to check variables in a spec file, you need to run: validate-spec-yaml [MY_SPEC_FILE_PATH]

The comparison will occur according to the templates files in /templates.

Using programatically

const checkVariables = require('check-variables');

const myVariables = {
  myServerShouldStart: process.env.START_SERVER,
  region: process.env.REGION

// follow the same specification of "checkVariablesSpec.yaml" file
const mySpecification = {
  myServerShouldStart: 'boolean',
  region: {
    type: 'enum',
    possibleValues: ['north', 'south']
const result = checkVariables(myVariables, mySpecification) // as the first parameter you can also use process.env
result.assertVariablesAreOK() // throws an AssertionError if something is not right
result.success // false when the specification is not valid, true when validation happened
result.messages // when at least one of the specification are invalid you can see what is invalid
result.hasErrors  // false when all variables respects the rules in specification
result.variables // an array, items has the fields: 'variable' -> name of the variable, 'value' -> the value of variable, 'error' -> null if the value of the variable is ok against the rule, string containing the error if not ok

Supported setup files

The current version only supports spec.yaml, an internal Natura environment setup file.


Run npm i.


Just run npm test.


To verify if any lint rule was broken run: npm run lint.

How to contribute

You can contribute submitting pull requests.


Check needed environment variables






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