Releases: navikt/aksel
Releases · navikt/aksel
[email protected]
[email protected]
- CLI: Added primitives migration to new space-tokens. Run npx @navikt/aksel migration primitive-spacing to start migrating now. This update is supported for old and new (darkside) system. (#3597)
- CLI: Added js/ts migration to new space-tokens. Run npx @navikt/aksel migration token-spacing-js to start migrating now. This update is supported for old and new (darkside) system. (#3597)
[email protected]
- Datepicker: Fixed regression where some fromDate/toDate instances lead to that date ending up as disabled. (#3602)
- DatePicker: Refactored locally to support react-day-picker v9. No external API has been changed. (#3525)
- MonthPicker: Refactored locally and no longer depends on react-day-picker v9. No external API has been changed. (#3525)
- Dependencies: react-day-picker bumped to v9.5.0. (#3525)
- Dependencies: date-fns bumped to ^4.0.0. (#3525)
- Darkside: Added 'arrow' back to Tooltip. (#3589)
- Darkside: 💄 Bumped bg-raised token to neutral-200 in darkmode. (441d8b7)
- Darkside: Changed outline-offset for tabpanel from -4px to -3px. (06fecf2)
- DatePicker: Updated date.css to support react-day-picker v9. (#3525)
- Darkside: Added 'arrow' back to Tooltip. (#3589)
Icons: 🎉 New icons LineHeight, SpaceHorizontal and SpaceVertical. (#3587)
[email protected]
- Darkside: Added support for ConfirmationpPanel, Linkpanel, Panel and Dropdown. Note that all of these will be deprecated in the future. (#3581)
- Tailwind: Added darkside-support with import @navikt/ds-tailwind/darkside-tw3. (#3580)
- Darkside: Added support for ConfirmationpPanel, Linkpanel, Panel and Dropdown. Note that all of these will be deprecated in the future. (#3581)
- Icons: 🎉 New icons ExpandVertical and QuestionmarkCircle (#3583)
[email protected]
- Box: Added export for
. (8576400) - Theme:
-prop is now optional. (f269311) - List: Marked
properties as deprecated. These will not be supported in future versions and should be migrated from when possible. (#3537) - Table: Updated sorting icons for ascending and descending. (#3536)
[email protected]
[email protected]
- Table: New prop
added to<ExpandableRow />
-component. This allows user more control for content layout inside expandable element. (#3507) - Button: Using
<Loader />
within icon-prop now supported. (#3515) - Combobox: Always render
message whenisMultiSelect
is set. (#3506)
[email protected]
- ErrorSummary: ✨ new prop to prefix error with a warning icon. (#3445) All form components: replace dot with warning icon in error message.
- Button: Fix edge-case where setting "loading={true}" in a Modal caused the button to get 0 width and not show spinner (#3252)
- Switch: Update switch to better reflect unchecked state. (#3468)
- Textarea: resize immediately upon receiving resize event (eg. inside modal opening). (#3463)
- ErrorSummary: ✨ new prop to prefix error with a warning icon. (#3445) All form components: replace dot with warning icon in error message.
- Switch: Update switch to better reflect unchecked state. (#3468)
- Select: 🐛 Focus-border no longer cancels out error-border. (#3465)
- Textarea: 🐛 Focus-border no longer cancels out error-border. (#3465)
[email protected]
- Combobox: Removed clear button, removed tokens staring with --ac-combobox-clear, deprecated props clearButton/clearButtonLabel. (#3433)
- Combobox: Only open dropdown-list onClick, not onFocus. (#3440)
- Combobox: Fix issue where you could select more options than defined in maxSelected (#3434)
- Timeline: In cases where earliest found date were after current date, timeline-start ended up defaulting to current date. (#3458)
- Chips.Removable: Removed prop removeLabel (#3429)
- i18n: ✨ Implemented i18n support for all components. Components come with support for nb, nn and en locales (Docs) (#3429)
- Combobox: Removed clear button, removed tokens staring with --ac-combobox-clear, deprecated props clearButton/clearButtonLabel. (#3433)
- Combobox: Changed prop maxSelected to number (#3433)
- DatePicker/MonthPicker: Added new translations prop and deprecated locale prop (#3429)
- Timeline: Deprecated prop axisLabelTemplates. Use Provider if you still need to change the date formats. (#3429)
- Search: Deprecated prop clearButtonLabel. Use Provider if you still need to change the label. (#3429)
- Textarea: Deprecated prop i18n. Use Provider if you still need to change these texts. (#3429)
- Alert: Link-components used within Alert variant='inline' now preserves default coloring (#3461)
- Table: 🔥 Removed cursor 'pointer' when 'ExpandableRow' is disabled. (#3462)
- Combobox: Removed clear button, removed tokens staring with --ac-combobox-clear, deprecated props clearButton/clearButtonLabel. (#3433)
- CSS: Resolved regression where the complete stylesheet was included in scoped 'components.css' file. (#3427)
[email protected]
- CopyButton: Removed prop
. UseactiveText
instead. (#3426) - Combobox: 💥 Removed prop
(#3409) - Combobox: Hid buttons from screen readers, added title on clear button, removed sr-only text on toggle list button. (#3409)
- InternalHeader.UserButton: Remove title-attribute on icon and improved types. (#3424)
- CopyButton: Fix issue where state changes are announced multiple times using VO in Chrome (#3374)