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This application will be used by health care professionals to send "sykmeldinger" to NAV.

High level decisions

  • This is a monolithic application that will handle users:
    • Launching the application in a Smart on FHIR context
    • Uses the application directly using HelseID login (referered to as "standalone")
  • Any asynchronous data loading or actions are using tanstack/query, and should have both loading and error state.
  • Users sessions are stored in Redis, any action will validate the token using the appropriate issuer.

High level flow

There are two apps, syk-inn-wonderwall is a deployed confugiration of wonderwall using HelseID. This acts as a reverse proxy in front of the NextJS app syk-inn. Wonderwall will log in any user using HelseID on all paths except (/fhir/**), and add the HelseID access_token as the Authorization header to all requests.

graph TD
    user_standalone["User (standalone)"] --> helseid_routes
    subgraph syk_inn_box ["syk-inn"]
        syk_inn_fhir["syk-inn (fhir)"]
        syk_inn_standalone["syk-inn (standalone)"]

    subgraph external_epj ["Any EPJ"]
       user_epj["User"] --> epj
       epj["EPJ App"]
       fhir["FHIR Server"]

    subgraph wonderwall ["Wonderwall ("]

    helseid_routes --> syk_inn_standalone
    helseid_routes <--> helseid["HelseID (NHN)"]
    fhir_routes --> syk_inn_fhir
    epj -- "/fhir/launch?iss=iss&code=code" --> fhir_routes
    syk_inn_fhir -- GET Pasient<br>GET Practitioner <--> fhir
    syk_inn_standalone -- .well-known/connect/userinfo --> helseid


Code is written in English. FHIR-resources are referred to as their English names. However, sykmelding domain words are in Norwegian. So for example, in the data layer where we integrate with FHIR, resources will be referred to as Patient and Practitioner, but once mapped into the specific SykmeldingForm, these will be refered to as Pasient and Behandler.

In standalone mode, there are no FHIR-resources, so the domain will be refered to in Norwegian, and code still in English.

Points of interest in the code

Routes (uses Next "App Dir")

The actual form:

The form is built specifically to handle multiple "contexts" without the form having context-specific implementations. This is achieved using a variant of Dependency Injection of the possible data the form can use, using React Context.

FHIR mocking for local development (and demo application)

Local Development


(Use mise? mise i to install the required prerequisites)

This project relies on a Github PAT with package:read available as NPM_AUTH_TOKEN-environment variable for authenticated access to the Github Package Registry.

Getting Started

Install dependencies:


Start the development server (automatically starts redis, this is why Docker is needed):

yarn dev

Running e2e tests


yarn test:e2e

With interactive Playwright test runner:

yarn test:e2e --ui

If you are developing only e2e tests, you can run it in a special "fast mode" that uses the nextjs production server.

Pre-build the server in a special e2e mode:

yarn build:e2e

Run the playwright tests using this built server:

FAST=true yarn test:e2e --ui