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Neptun Website


The website of the neptun-tool.

View status here.


Built with Nuxt 3, Nitro, Vite and Vue 3.


Install ni globally:

npm i -g @antfu/ni

Install packages:

ni # same as npm i, pnpm i, yarn i, bun i

Install new packages:

ni [package_name] # same as npm i [package_name], pnpm i [package_name], yarn i [package_name], bun i [package_name]


Run the development server:

nr dev

Finding the version of a sub-dependency:

nr find-version [package_name]
All scripts
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "set EDITOR=code && nuxt dev",
    "devx": "set EDITOR=code && nuxt dev --host --https --ssl-cert ./configurations/development/ssl/server.crt --ssl-key ./configurations/development/ssl/server.key",
    "app": "export EDITOR=code && nuxt dev",
    "appx": "export EDITOR=code && nuxt dev --host --https --ssl-cert ./configurations/development/ssl/server.crt --ssl-key ./configurations/development/ssl/server.key",
    "preparex": "nr cleanup && nr types && nr render",
    "types": "pnpx nuxi prepare",
    "render": "pnpx nuxi generate",
    "postinstall": "nuxt prepare",
    "build": "nuxt build",
    "preview": "nuxt preview",
    "format-and-lint": "pnpx prettier --plugin-search-dir . --check . && pnpx eslint .",
    "format": "pnpx prettier --write . --single-quote --trailing-comma es5 --semi",
    "lint": "eslint . --fix",
    "lint-settings": "pnpx @eslint/config-inspector",
    "check": "pnpx nuxi typecheck",
    "shadcn": "pnpx shadcn-vue@latest add",
    "cleanup": "pnpx nuxi cleanup .",
    "fresh": "npm cache verify && pnpm rebuild && pnpx nuxi cleanup",
    "upgrade": "pnpm dlx nuxi upgrade -f",
    "statistics": "pnpx nuxi analyze",
    "info": "pnpx nuxi info",
    "find-version": "node ./helpers/find-package-version.cjs",
    "db:push": "drizzle-kit push --config drizzle-dev.config.ts",
    "db:push:prod": "drizzle-kit push --config drizzle-prod.config.ts",
    "db:pull": "drizzle-kit introspect --config drizzle-dev.config.ts",
    "db:pull:prod": "drizzle-kit introspect --config drizzle-prod.config.ts",
    "db:generate": "drizzle-kit generate --config=drizzle-dev.config.ts",
    "db:generate:prod": "drizzle-kit generate --config=drizzle-prod.config.ts",
    "db:migrate": "bun run ./helpers/migrate.ts environment=dev",
    "db:migrate:prod": "bun run ./helpers/migrate.ts environment=prod",
    "db:studio": "drizzle-kit studio --config drizzle-dev.config.ts --host",
    "db:studio:prod": "drizzle-kit studio --config drizzle-prod.config.ts --host",
    "db:dump-data": "bun run ./helpers/backup.ts",
    "db:dump-schema": "bun run ./helpers/backup.ts --schema-only",
    "db:mermaid": "bun run ./helpers/schema-to-mermaid.ts",
    "db:png": "bun run ./helpers/mermaid-to-png.ts",
    "db:diagram": "powershell \"Start-Process cmd -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList '/k cd /d \\\"%CD%\\\" && helpers\\generate-diagram-native.bat'\""

Network-wide access

SSL for network-wide access. This is useful, if you want to test it on mobile, while still developing on your local machine.

nr devx
How the keys were generated
openssl genrsa 2048 > server.key
chmod 400 server.key
openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha256 -days 365 -key server.key -out server.crt
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:AT
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:Wien
Locality Name (eg, city) []:Wien
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:Neptun AI
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:Development
Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:localhost
Email Address []:[email protected]

Known Issues

  • Doesn't work in [email protected].
  • Slow on Windows11 (faster in WSL2 (might be better in nuxt@v4, which is currently in nightly-channel))
    • If you are coding in a folder, that is in your NAS/Cloud (hopefully with a file- and folder blacklist), disable syncing while developing, so that it doesn't cause performance issues, because Windows loves to lock files.
    • srcDir (nuxt@v4 feature, that can be used in nuxt@v3 already) causes some imports and types to break... (could improve performance on Windows theoretically tho).
    • Update: With the AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor it took at least 5-8 minutes to generate the types, start the server and pre-render routes. With my new CPU, it takes less than two minutes.
  • SSL needed for mobile, if --https is set. (else ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR). Use devx for that.
  • Oauth doesn't work using https in development mode. (causes ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE). Just use E-Mail and Password login for now.
Dev-Server-Logs with the new CPU
> set EDITOR=code && nuxt dev

Nuxt 3.15.0 with Nitro 2.10.4                                                                                               16:14:50
ℹ NODE_ENV: development                                                                                                    16:14:51
  ➜ Local:    http://localhost:42124/
  ➜ Network:  use --host to expose

ℹ NODE_ENV: development                                                                                                    16:14:53
ℹ Using default Tailwind CSS file                                                                         nuxt:tailwindcss 16:14:54
  ➜ DevTools: press Shift + Alt + D in the browser (v1.7.0)                                                                 16:15:00

ℹ Tailwind Viewer: http://localhost:42124/_tailwind/                                                      nuxt:tailwindcss 16:15:03
✔ Vite client built in 169ms                                                                                               16:15:10
✔ Vite server built in 130ms                                                                                               16:15:10
✔ Nuxt Nitro server built in 12243 ms                                                                                nitro 16:15:24
ℹ Vite server warmed up in 28410ms                                                                                         16:15:53
ℹ Vite client warmed up in 29434ms                                                                                         16:15:54
ℹ IS_DEV: true
LOG_FRONTEND: useLogger()
IS_CLIENT: false


docker build -t neptun -f ./configurations/development/ .
docker run --rm -it -p 42124:42124 --env-file .env --name neptun neptun


docker compose -f ./configurations/production/docker-compose.yml -f ./configurations/development/docker-compose.yml up --build


The database, currently Postgres, is managed with Drizzle and can be replaced with any other database, that Drizzle supports.

Tables: lib\types\database.tables\schema.ts Relations: lib\types\database.tables\relations.ts

Postgres specific commands, i needed (and didn't know) nonetheless

Get all enum values:

SELECT typname, enumlabel
FROM pg_enum e
JOIN pg_type t ON e.enumtypid = t.oid;

Get specific enum values:

SELECT unnest(enum_range(NULL::<enum_name>));

Update enum values (if the migration get's messed up somehow):

nr db:generate --custom --name=update_ai_model_enum
ALTER TYPE <enum_name> RENAME TO <enum_name>_old;
CREATE TYPE <enum_name> AS ENUM (
ALTER TABLE <table_name>
  ALTER COLUMN <column_name> TYPE <enum_name>
    CASE <column_name>::text
      WHEN 'removedValue' THEN 'existingValue'
      ELSE <column_name>::text
DROP TYPE <enum_name>_old;


These commands help manage the database schema and migrations using Drizzle ORM.

Commands in Order of Common Usage

# 1. Pull existing schema from database (if you have an existing database)
nr db:pull        # Pulls current database schema into TypeScript files

# 2. Generate SQL migrations from schema changes
nr db:generate    # Creates SQL migration files based on schema changes

# 3. Apply migrations to database
bun run db:migrate     # Executes pending SQL migrations on the database (executes a .ts file, NodeJs theoretically supports execution in the newest version too, you could also use a global package)

# 4. (Alternative to 2+3) Push schema changes directly
nr db:push        # Directly applies schema changes without migration files
                       # ⚠️ Use only in development! Not recommended for production

# Development Tools
nr db:studio      # Opens Drizzle Studio for visual database management

When to Use Which Command

  • db:pull

    • When starting work with an existing database
    • To sync your TypeScript schema with database changes made outside your codebase
    • For database-first development approach
  • db:generate

    • After making changes to your schema TypeScript files
    • When you need SQL migration files for version control
    • Before deploying to production
    • For team collaboration
  • db:migrate

    • After generating migration files
    • When deploying to production
    • To apply pending migrations in a controlled manner
    • For tracking migration history
  • db:push

    • During local development for quick iterations
    • For prototyping
    • ⚠️ Never use in production - it can lead to data loss
    • When migration history is not important
  • db:studio

    • For visual database inspection
    • To manage data during development
    • For debugging database state


    chat_conversation {
        id integer_NOT_NULL
        name text_NOT_NULL
        model text_NOT_NULL
        created_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        updated_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        neptun_user_id integer_NOT_NULL
    chat_conversation_file {
        id integer_NOT_NULL
        created_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        updated_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        neptun_user_id integer_NOT_NULL
        chat_conversation_id integer_NOT_NULL
        chat_conversation_message_id integer_NOT_NULL
        neptun_user_file_id integer_NOT_NULL
    chat_conversation_message {
        id integer_NOT_NULL
        message text_NOT_NULL
        actor chat_conversation_message_actor_enum
        created_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        updated_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        neptun_user_id integer_NOT_NULL
        chat_conversation_id integer_NOT_NULL
    chat_conversation_share {
        id integer_NOT_NULL
        is_shared boolean_NOT_NULL
        share_id uuid_NOT_NULL
        is_protected boolean_NOT_NULL
        hashed_password text
        created_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        updated_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        chat_conversation_id integer_NOT_NULL
    chat_conversation_share_whitelist_entry {
        id integer_NOT_NULL
        created_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        updated_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        whitelisted_neptun_user_id integer_NOT_NULL
        chat_conversation_share_id integer_NOT_NULL
    github_app_installation {
        id integer_NOT_NULL
        github_account_type text_NOT_NULL
        github_account_avatar_url text_NOT_NULL
        github_account_id integer_NOT_NULL
        github_account_name text
        created_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        updated_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        neptun_user_id integer_NOT_NULL
    github_app_installation_repository {
        id integer_NOT_NULL
        github_repository_id integer_NOT_NULL
        github_repository_name text_NOT_NULL
        github_repository_description text
        github_repository_size integer
        github_repository_language text
        github_repository_license text
        github_repository_url text_NOT_NULL
        github_repository_website_url text
        github_repository_default_branch text
        github_repository_is_private boolean_NOT_NULL
        github_repository_is_fork boolean
        github_repository_is_template boolean
        github_repository_is_archived boolean_NOT_NULL
        created_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        updated_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        github_app_installation_id integer_NOT_NULL
    neptun_user {
        id integer_NOT_NULL
        primary_email text_NOT_NULL
        hashed_password text
        created_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        updated_at timestamp_without_time_zone
    neptun_user_oauth_account {
        id integer_NOT_NULL
        provider oauth_provider_enum_NOT_NULL
        oauth_user_id text_NOT_NULL
        oauth_email text_NOT_NULL
        created_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        updated_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        neptun_user_id integer_NOT_NULL
    neptun_context_file {
        id integer_NOT_NULL
        title text_NOT_NULL
        original_path text_NOT_NULL
        content text_NOT_NULL
        file_type context_file_type_NOT_NULL
        category context_file_category
        file_size integer
        pdf_url text
        language text
        metadata jsonb
        parent_path text
        depth integer
        created_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        updated_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        neptun_user_id integer_NOT_NULL
        import_id integer_NOT_NULL
        project_id integer
    neptun_context_import {
        id integer_NOT_NULL
        source_type import_source_type_NOT_NULL
        source_path text_NOT_NULL
        source_ref text
        import_status text
        error_message text
        file_tree jsonb
        created_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        updated_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        neptun_user_id integer_NOT_NULL
        project_id integer
    neptun_user_file {
        id integer_NOT_NULL
        title text
        text text_NOT_NULL
        language text
        file_extension text
        created_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        updated_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        neptun_user_id integer_NOT_NULL
    neptun_user_project {
        id integer_NOT_NULL
        name text_NOT_NULL
        description text
        type project_type_NOT_NULL
        main_language programming_language_NOT_NULL
        created_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        updated_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        neptun_user_id integer_NOT_NULL
    neptun_user_template {
        id integer_NOT_NULL
        description text
        file_name text_NOT_NULL
        created_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        updated_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        neptun_user_id integer_NOT_NULL
        template_collection_id integer
        user_file_id integer
    neptun_user_template_collection {
        id integer_NOT_NULL
        name text_NOT_NULL
        description text
        is_shared boolean_NOT_NULL
        share_id uuid_NOT_NULL
        created_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        updated_at timestamp_without_time_zone
        neptun_user_id integer_NOT_NULL
    project_chat_conversation {
        project_id integer_NOT_NULL
        chat_conversation_id integer_NOT_NULL
        created_at timestamp_without_time_zone
    project_github_installation {
        project_id integer_NOT_NULL
        github_installation_id integer_NOT_NULL
        created_at timestamp_without_time_zone
    project_template_collection {
        project_id integer_NOT_NULL
        template_collection_id integer_NOT_NULL
        created_at timestamp_without_time_zone
    project_user_file {
        project_id integer_NOT_NULL
        user_file_id integer_NOT_NULL
        created_at timestamp_without_time_zone

    %% Relationships
    chat_conversation }o--|| neptun_user : "references"
    chat_conversation_file }o--|| neptun_user : "references"
    chat_conversation_file }o--|| chat_conversation : "references"
    chat_conversation_file }o--|| chat_conversation_message : "references"
    chat_conversation_file }o--|| neptun_user_file : "references"
    chat_conversation_message }o--|| neptun_user : "references"
    chat_conversation_message }o--|| chat_conversation : "references"
    chat_conversation_share }o--|| chat_conversation : "references"
    chat_conversation_share_whitelist_entry }o--|| chat_conversation_share : "references"
    github_app_installation }o--|| neptun_user : "references"
    github_app_installation_repository }o--|| github_app_installation : "references"
    neptun_context_file }o--|| neptun_user : "references"
    neptun_context_file }o--|| neptun_context_import : "references"
    neptun_context_file }o--|| neptun_user_project : "references"
    neptun_context_import }o--|| neptun_user : "references"
    neptun_context_import }o--|| neptun_user_project : "references"
    neptun_user_file }o--|| neptun_user : "references"
    neptun_user_oauth_account }o--|| neptun_user : "references"
    neptun_user_project }o--|| neptun_user : "references"
    neptun_user_template }o--|| neptun_user : "references"
    neptun_user_template }o--|| neptun_user_file : "references"
    neptun_user_template }o--|| neptun_user_template_collection : "references"
    neptun_user_template_collection }o--|| neptun_user : "references"
    project_chat_conversation }o--|| chat_conversation : "references"
    project_chat_conversation }o--|| neptun_user_project : "references"
    project_github_installation }o--|| github_app_installation : "references"
    project_github_installation }o--|| neptun_user_project : "references"
    project_template_collection }o--|| neptun_user_template_collection : "references"
    project_template_collection }o--|| neptun_user_project : "references"
    project_user_file }o--|| neptun_user_project : "references"
    project_user_file }o--|| neptun_user_file : "references"
bun run db:dump-schema
ERD allows you to import sql, but you have to connect the tables yourself, which is too much work imo. That is why I wrote 3 scripts. One for generating a database schema sql-dump, one to generate a mermaid ERD from that SQL and one to generate a mermaid png-diagram from that ERD.


Generating 6 files at once. 3 with timestamp, 3 being the latest version for the documentation.


This does not work with bun. It only works with npm, pnpm or yarn. The script installs all required tools and dependencies (NOT npm, run ni before executing it).

nr db:diagram # There is also `generate-diagram-wsl.bat`, but I did parts of it blindly and didn't test it properly, because my virtualization is broken right now. (CPU overheated and now some features do not work anymore... A new one is on the way anyway.)
# postgresql needed for pg_dump
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y wget ca-certificates
wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'
sudo apt-get install -y postgresql-client-16

# needed for mermaid-to-png (doesn't work on wsl2, because puppeteer doesn't work there)
# puppeteer should be in `node_modules` already, but if it is not, you can install it with this command: `npm install -g puppeteer`
npx puppeteer browsers install chrome-headless-shell
bun run db:dump-schema
bun run db:mermaid
bun run db:png


NodeJS Server

nr build

Locally preview production build:

nr preview

Dockerize NodeJS Server

docker build -t neptun -f ./configurations/production/ .
docker run --rm -it -p 42124:42124 --env-file .env --name neptun neptun


docker compose up --build


No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 3
